40 Challenge (2/2)
”Piccolo, what happened? Your power increased a lot.” Kakarot asked.
”Kami and Piccolo fused back into one.” a teary eyed Mr. Popo explained.
Everyone was shocked to hear that Kami was no longer around and that he agreed to rejoin with Piccolo. Krillin was the first of the group to realize another truth about their new situation.
”If Kami and Piccolo fused, do the Dragon Balls still work?” Krillin worriedly questioned.
”No, they no longer function.” Piccolo answered.
”If we get another Namekian, they can make new Dragon Balls.” Kakarot suggested. He remembered how Raditz recruited a Namekian to create the Dragon Balls on Planet Garden.
”The new Grand Elder might have a suggestion.” Reiss offered.
”That's a good idea, I should go ask him if he has anyone in mind.” Kakarot thought Reiss had a sound plan.
”We have another problem besides the cyborgs. You should have felt it, but an incredible Ki appeared not too long ago. We have no idea as to its motives, but it wiped out Ginger Town.” Piccolo explained.
”I didn't want to say anything until after my turn in the Room of Spirit and Time because right now I'm no match against whatever that Ki came from.” Kakarot said.
”Even more of a reason to get more Dragon Balls. We might have to wish a bunch of people back.” Tien said.
The Menagerie was headed back to Earth at full speed, it would arrive there in two days. Raditz was counting on Ramen to be fully recovered before the ship arrived. He was anxious to return to the Earth for his revenge on the cyborg, Dr. Wheelo.
Raditz chose to spend what time he had in his quarters with his wife. The pair rarely had free time to spend together, so Bulma wanted to make the most of the time they had. The empire's major framework had been completed, so she expected after the cyborgs were dealt with, they would have much more time together. Though with all the new issues that needed to be smoothed out when the empire expanded, plus her own research, she would stay pretty busy. It was convenient for her that Saiyans didn't require much attention.
”When did you and Celipa become friends?” Raditz asked his wife.
”When you and Reiss were training to fight the cyborgs. She was a big help with understanding some of the cultural things about Planet Garden during the renovations.” Bulma then went on to fill Raditz in on some of the other finer details, including the event were Celipa killed a butler plotting to assassinate her. Raditz did inquire further about the failed assassination attempt, but Bulma insisted it wasn't a big deal and the situation was always under control.
”Why not just make her your bodyguard?” Raditz asked.
”I thought about it, but she would probably be board.” Bulma answered.
Their conversation was cut short by the Captain, who requested their presence on the bridge. When they stepped onto the bridge of the Menagerie, the crew rose to greet them. After their emperor instructed them to carry on, they resumed their duties.
”Captain, you requested to see us?” Raditz asked. He hoped they had not run into anymore pirates trying to steal from or enslave them.
”Yes Your Majesties, we have been forwarded a transmission from Capsule Corp.” the Captain explained, ”It was tagged urgent.”
”Please play the message Captain.” Raditz ordered.
On the main viewing screen of the bridge, a video taken from ZTV played. The male and female anchors of the news program were killed, and their bodies were visibly displayed on their desk. In the forefront of the camera, was a man with dark green skin, spiky green haired, and armor that looked like it was created from a Cultivar's carapace. He was very human in appearance and could even be called regal in some regard.
”People of Earth.” the man began, ”You may call me Cell, I am the perfect being. I have come to you today to let you know your time has come to an end.”
”Perfect being?” Raditz questioned to himself. ”Did he already reach his perfect form? Things had to have gone very wrong in my absence.”
”Though, I could wipe all of you worms out now; I want you to first taste despair by witnessing your strongest champions fall before me.” the video continued, ”The following are coordinates to the location where I will be waiting. I hope the emperor, Prometheus Raditz, accepts this challenge. Defeating any emperor while crush a planet under my heel will be such fun.”
After the message concluded, Raditz ordered the Menagerie to summon Ramen to the bridge. He wanted to know if the Yardratian was fit enough to transport him to Earth without any issue. When he was given an affirmative reply, the emperor directed Ramen to transport him to his son. Ramen focused on locating Reiss's Ki signature, and when he succeeded, Ramen and the emperor teleported away.
”Did that man in the video call him Emperor Prometheus Raditz?” Bulma asked the Captain.
”I believe so, Your Majesty.” the Captain answered.