39 Pirates (2/2)

Behind Raditz, Bojack dropped to his knees and clutched his head. The pirate was rocked by pain as his muscles tore and his skull deformed.

”Wait I'll surrender!” Bojack hurriedly shouted. ”I'll do whatever you want just save me.”

”No, I already gave you a chance now I'm talking to your minion over here.” Raditz denied the request of the dying pirate leader.

Zangya looked in abject horror as her former leader died in a painfully gruesome manner. Bojack exploded into a cloud of white gases that were carried away on the breeze. She trembled realising that the same fate was waiting for her and her allies. If they truly understood the terrifying power of the Saiyans, Bojack probably would have given in from the start no matter how the enemy taunted. Bojack did value his own life to the point of being willing to sacrifice anything or anyone to survive.

”I surrender.” a deflated Zangya said.

”Good. What about them?” Raditz pointed to her unconscious allies.

”They will too! I promise you!” she assured. ”What you said about bringing Planet Hera back was it true.”

”Yes, but that was on the basis Bojack surrendered without a fight.” Raditz explained, ”I wouldn't be opposed to bring the planet back as a reward if you guys prove useful.”

Zangya nodded in understanding and regret over the fact Bojack was unwilling to entertain the idea of the resurrection of their world.

”Nappa call the shuttle in.” Raditz ordered.

The bald Saiyan pressed the button on the side of his Scouter and contacted the orbiting shuttle pilot. Minutes later the shuttle expertly landed in the middle of the stadium ready to ferry everyone back to the waiting ships. The capture crew of the Shadow were pleased to be back on the ship they all called home. The captured pirates were brought to the Menagerie for holding until they could be sorted out.

Back on Earth the cyborgs were in a race against an unknown enemy to recover the last pod Dr. Wheelo jettisoned from the base. The pods containing cyborgs #13-#15 were opened by the time they were found. Not only were they opened, but the CPU chips and power generator were brutally removed leaving no chance to ever repair the victimized cyborgs. Dr. Wheelo hoped that at least cyborg #16 would still be whole when they found him.

#17 and #18 agreed to pick up the pace when the first two pods they found were already robbed. The group originally planned to take it slow and have some fun as they searched for the pods. The twins more than likely felt threatened by whoever was attacking the pods, since they decided to go along with Wheelo's plan to speed up.

They tracked the pod containing cyborg #16 to a dense forest. When they found the pod it was suspended from a group of trees by vines. Clearly, the pod was caught by the vines on its descent into the forest.

”Look its undamaged.” Dr. Wheelo pointed to the pod.

After the pod was moved to the ground Dr. Wheelo entered a code in the keypad on the outside of the coffin like containment unit. White smoke hissed out of the lid of the pod as it slid open. Inside was a tall cyborg with a red Mohawk. The cyborg worn a black under suit with bright green armor with the Red Ribbon Army logo on the breast.

The cyborg's eyes opened with a snap and he sat up in the containment unit. #16 looked around at each of the other cyborgs trying to figure out what was going on.

”Commander Gero are you alright?” Dr. Wheelo asked.

”Dr. Wheelo? Is that you?” the confused cyborg asked.

”Yes it is Commander. I forgot this was the first time you have seen my new body.” Wheelo answered. The last time he saw the Red Ribbon Army Commander, Wheelo was giant brain inside a mechanized life support unit.

”Where is my father?” #16 asked, ”Since I'm alive it seems his research was a success.”

”Sadly, Dr. Gero didn't make it.” Dr. Wheelo looked sympathetic.

”What happened?” #16 looked completely focused.

”We were attack by Kakarot and his friends.” Dr. Wheelo explained.

”What! Kakarot!” #16 destroyed his containment unit in his anger.

He remembered that Kakarot was the reason he had to be converted into a cyborg. Many years ago Commander Gero worked at the Red Ribbon Army's Base 6. He was heavily injured when the base was destroyed by a young martial artist mercenary named Kakarot.