38 Sizle (1/2)
”You should know that Bojack and his top people are all members of the race known as the People of Hera. Like the Saiyans of the North Galaxy Area, the People of Hera were a warrior race.” East Kai explained, ”And also like the Saiyans' home, Planet Hera was destroyed.”
”What was the cause?” Raditz asked. He was curious as to how the planet of a warrior race was wiped out. ”Was it Frieza?”
”No.” she answered, ”You may not be aware of this but there are forces of balance in the universe. The People of Hera were victims of one such force.”
Raditz was ninety percent certain the East Kai was referring to Beerus, the God of Destruction. The People of Hera probably did something to the cat god angering him enough to destroy their planet. It might not have been anything major, Beerus has been know to wipe out planets for the smallest of offenses.
Raditz wasn't too concerned by Beerus's overzealous destruction of planets, he was just doing his job after all. Plus, he had long periods of inactivity due to his napping schedule. The Supreme Kai on the other hand was severely lacking in his job of creation. He could have built up other planets during the time Beerus was asleep, but he was to terrified about the potential return of Majin Buu.
”I suppose you know where they are. It is your Galactic Area after all.” Raditz guessed.
”Yes, I do.” East Kai's voice sounded full of pride. ”Your people were taken to Planet Sizle. It's a planet that's home to a black market controlled by the Bojack Syndicate.”
”Do you want the planet wiped out or should I keep casualties minimum?” the Emperor asked.
”I would rather you not destroy the planet.” East Kai answered.
Raditz would've been lying if he said he wasn't disappointed. He wanted to see what it was like to blow up an entire planet, but had avoided it as to not lower the Mortal Level of the universe. He was consoled by the fact he could vent his anger against the pirate syndicate. He did note that she only said the planet shouldn't be destroyed, which meant he didn't have to worry about collateral damage.
The Menagerie had towed its sister ship the Shadow to a nearby asteroid field. The heavily damaged ship's AI could use the resources in the asteroid to run its self repair protocols. Assuming the crew could be returned the ship would be back able to return to its scouting mission.
In Ramen's luxuriously decorated guest room he and his Emperor sat meditating on an oval blue rug. Do to the horribly botched teleport the Yardratian had to retrain himself in the use of Instant Transmission. Raditz chose to take time to become more familiar with the technique, while Ramen practiced the basics. One botched teleport was enough for Raditz to decide to really on himself for teleportation.
”My Lord,” the synthesized voice of the Menagerie said, ”You wanted me to inform you the minute you were cleared to leave the the ship.”
”Thank you, Menagerie.” Raditz responded.
”Your thanks is unnecessary I am designed to serve, Your Majesty.” the AI responded.
The long haired Saiyan marched to the shuttle bay to met his team. Waiting for his arrival in the hangar were the group of Saiyans that were onboard: Nappa, Toma, and Celipa. They had been informed earlier that they would be accompanying the emperor on his trip to Planet Sizle to rescue the crew of the Shadow and put an end to the pirate syndicate. Raditz thought it would probably be better to go with the strongest people currently on the ship, while the Menagerie stayed to guard the vulnerable Shadow.
The shuttle traveled at its fastest speed towards the destination of the planet of pirates. Raditz sat with his arms crossed as he focused on what he learned with Ramen. Nappa moved up front to have a lively conversation with the pilot.
”It's been a long time since I've been out on mission.” Toma said, ”I'm actually looking forward to trying out my new skills.”
”Wiping out a group of pirates is going to be easy.” Celipa commented.
”You don't want to say that because it will turn out to be complicated.” the spiky haired Toma laughed.
”Who cares, that just means it will be more fun.” Celipa added, ”I like challenges.”
”It won't be complicated this will be quick. I have things to do.” Raditz joined the conversation, ”I will offer them a chance to survive then when they inevitably decline we will eliminate them.”
”So… we are clearing the planet like in the old days?” Toma look for confirmation.
”No, we aren't completely getting rid of the sentients if we don't have to. Just in this particular mission we don't have to be careful about collateral damage.” Raditz clarified.
East Kai's coordinates were accurate because the shuttle quickly located Planet Sizle. The shuttle pilot stopped the vehicle in the upper atmosphere and held his position. After pressing a combination of keys, on his console, the hatch of the shuttle opened allowing its occupants to drop down towards the planet.
The planet had a similar make up to the Earth with one notable difference being the fact the sky was light purple and most of the planets were blue in color. The group obtained a detailed view of the pirate city as they fell to the ground. They chose to land on the outskirts of the city and make their way in on foot.
The pirates seemed to have an appreciation for aesthetics because the architecture of the city had a Greek feel to it. There were many tall marble like pillars and stone buildings lining the streets crowded streets. Various shops and stalls were set up along the streets, full of vendors hustling their products to all potential buyers.
There were many different species of aliens walking around the city, little attention was paid to the four Saiyans walking the street. Most of the population was happily chatting while heading towards the massive coliseum structure in the middle of the city. Raditz motioned towards the structure and the group quickly flew over the gigantic coliseum.