26 Rebirth (1/2)

The citizens of the universe didn't know how to handle the news of Frieza's death. Even after the award winning report by Tights, some refused to believe the information. Chaos rippled through the planets controlled by the Frieza Force. Many worlds fell into open rebellion.

The Prometheus Empire moved slowly, but carefully, to integrate as many planets into the empire as possible. To insure that resources and personnel remained available, Raditz was careful not to over extend his reach. Many planets that could receive the Galactic News programming offered to join Raditz after witnessing the epic battle on Planet Namek.

Out of the 448 planets found in Frieza's database only 20 had been brought into the empire. Raditz and the crew of the Menagerie were in orbit around Planet Yam. The Promethean Emperor recently finished discussions with the former planetary administrator about Yam becoming an imperial planet. Raditz was practicing in his personal training room when Tsuno contacted him telepathically.

”Lord Raditz can you hear me?” Tsuno's disembodied voice spoke. Raditz halted his practice when he heard the voice in his mind.

”Yes.” Raditz thought. He hoped that to communicate back, simply thinking would be enough.

”You wanted me to contact you as soon as the Dragon Balls were ready.” Tsuno explained.

”I'll be there as soon as possible!” Raditz was excited by the news.

It had been almost a year since Kami Tsuno was tasked with the creation of Dragon Balls to bring the Saiyans back. Raditz traveled through the long corridors to the gravity lift which led to the bridge of the Menagerie. The crew was surprised to see their emperor on the bridge. They were under the impression he was going to be training until they reached the next destination, which was Gren'dir.

”Captain Grape, change of plans,” Raditz said to the Captain Grape who was occupying the command chair of the Menagerie. ”Set a course for Planet Vegeta, full speed.”

”Yes, your Majesty!” the Captain answered before giving the order to the crew. The Captain was in charge of the Menagerie unless the Emperor chose to give orders personally.

”Ensign Lemon, please send a communication to Kakarot and have him meet us there. We will also require several construction ships on standby.” Raditz thought a moment before adding, ”Also send a message to meet on Planet Vegeta and coordinates to the shuttle Tights stole.”

Two months after the shuttle theft Prometheus satellites found it as it landed on Earth. It seems after Tights acquired the information she wanted, she brought Vegeta to Omori's Island where she started to write her new novel. Bulma mentioned that Omori was a long time friend of the Briefs family and a brilliant scientist in his own right.

After relaying his orders, Raditz returned to his training room. On the way Nappa caught up to him along the corridor.

”Are our people really coming back, Lord Raditz?” the mustachioed Saiyan asked. He was looking completely comfortable in his Promethean armor.

”Yes.” Raditz responded, ”I'm looking forward to it.”

The trip to Planet Vegeta took several days for the Menagerie to complete. Tsuno was awaiting Raditz on his Lookout. He had a winged, reptile, dragon man as a servant. Despite his appearance, the dragon man was a perfect butler. Tsuno explained that he created him as an assistant to help in the management of the Lookout. The Dragon Balls created by Tsuno were larger than the Earth Dragon Balls, but smaller than Namek's. Overall, Raditz didn't care how they looked as long as they could fulfill his goal of resurrecting the Saiyans.

”Am I late?” Kakarot asked. He appeared from nowhere next to his brother. When Commander Rasp finished with Yardrat, he reported that Kakarot would be staying longer to learn one of their techniques. Raditz knew the technique in question was the teleportation skill, the Instant Transmission.

”No, you aren't late.” Raditz answered. A report over his Scouter informed Raditz that the stolen shuttle had entered the System and was headed towards the planet.

Raditz watched the trail of fire burn through the sky as the shuttle entered the planet's atmosphere. Judging by how far away it was, the shuttle more than likely landed near the empty Saiyan city. Well, almost empty city. Nappa was order to wait near the city in case one of the guests decided to land there.

Raditz and Kakarot could feel the Ki of Nappa and Vegeta racing towards them at supersonic speeds.

The question was whether it was the right move to have Vegeta present at the revival of the population. He guessed it might be easier for King Vegeta to come to terms with being removed from power if his son was present to convince him. Otherwise, he wouldn't hesitate to kill the arrogant king. Raditz went back and forth on the issue before he decided having more pawns and not needing them would be better than needed them and not having them.

Although, he may end up with a need to kill both Vegetas. He had plans for the Saiyans to become one of the instruments in maintaining order in the universe. They would, in effect, replace the job of the Galactic Patrolman in the Systems under Raditz.

”Raditz, what is the meaning of this tower? How is Planet Vegeta back?” the Saiyan prince asked.

”I used the Dragon Balls on Namek to restore it and create this tower.” Raditz answered. ”Now I'm about to bring back the population.”

”Y-you, you're going to bring our people back?” the prideful Saiyan was unsure of how to feel, ”Raditz, are you serious?”

”Yes, this planet will be part of my empire.” Raditz smiled, ”It's only fair, since I will be the savior of the Saiyans. I suggest you head to the palace with Nappa. I want you to be there when I explain to the king that the planet is under new management.”

”What!” Vegeta's anger was provoked by comment. ”You want to depose my father!”

”Yes. I saved the planet, not you, or him. His leadership led the Saiyan people to ruin. There were also rumors that children too promising were dispatched as to not be a threat to your power.” Raditz rattled off the reasons why the king would no longer be in charge.

Vegeta seemed to accept Raditz's reasoning because it really did seem like a fair trade for the rebirth of the mightiest warrior race. Tsuno approached the group with his tall wooden staff in hand. His draconic assistant was at his side.

”Lord Raditz, are you ready to proceed?” he asked.

”Yes, Tsuno. Let's see this dragon of yours.” Raditz followed Tsuno to the center of the Lookout.

The Dragon Balls were pulsating with light signifying they were ready for use. The look on Tsuno face showed a high level of pride towards his creation.

”Would you like to do the honors, Lord Raditz?” Tsuno asked with excitement.

”You can do it.” Raditz said.

Tsuno smiled and held out his hands over the Dragon Balls, ”Dragon! Let's Go!”

The skies over the Lookout darkened from the activation of the Dragon Balls. The glow of the orbs increased in intensity until a surge of energy rocketed into the sky. The beam twisted and snaked its way through the air until it formed a massive dragon. It was an Eastern style Dragon with a long, serpentine, scaled body. It had golden specks, which dotted its otherwise green scales, and a mane of brown fur that ran from the top of its head down its body.

Tsuno was thrilled to be in the presence of his greatest achievement. The dragon turned its crimson eyed gaze on the people below it.