16 Journey (1/2)
Raditz and his brother clashed in training room NO.001 on the Menagerie. It was a one of six gyms on the flagship. This particular room was specially crafted by Bulma's design and was only accessible by the royal family and their guests. Sometimes Raditz would reward his soldiers' performance by gifting access for specified amounts of time.
His brother's friends were watching from behind a glass window in the main entrance to the training area. They were shocked by the jump in strength Kakarot gained after the fight with Vegeta. When they asked about this, Raditz explained to them it was part of a Saiyan's biology to increase in strength after healing from a fight.
After the little warm-up spar with Kakarot, Raditz invited everyone into the sectioned off sparring area. He explained to them that the reason the sparring area was sealedbehind the glass separating it from the main area, was because it was also a gravity chamber. They were stunned by this revelation having never experienced a gravity chamber before.
”Menagerie! Increase the gravity to ten times Earth gravity.” Raditz commanded looking towards the ceiling.
”Command accepted, Emperor Raditz!” a disembodied feminine voice responded.
It was the ship's computer system, which was a simple intelligence spawned by Big Gete. Unlike the other ships in the fleet, the Menagerie's system was a custom creation. The intelligence system installed in the rest of the fleet were just identical copies all designated PRISM.
Kakarot's group immediately felt the strain on their bodies. They were plenty strong enough to remain standing, but they clearly were uncomfortable.
”This is how heavy it was on King Kai's Planet.” Kakarot informed his friends.
”It's also the same gravity as our home world.” Raditz mentioned.
”Is this how much gravity you train in?” Tien asked. Reiss giggled from his father's side. Gohan looked over that the older boy wondering why the question was funny.
”No.” Raditz answered flatly before continuing, ”I brought you here to explain how the gyms function. The other gyms on the ship have fail safes in place to avoid any accidents. Just ask Menagerie and the gravity will adjust, as I demonstrated. We only have four days until we reach Namek, so Kakarot, Gohan, Reiss, and I will use this gym. The rest of you are free to use any of the other training rooms. If you have any other questions or concerns Menagerie or the crew will be of assistance.”
”Why can't we just train together?” Krillin asked feeling disregarded. He and Kakarot had trained together for years, since they met on Kame Island as children. Piccolo was already leaving, preferring to train alone.
”Menagerie increase gravity, twenty times.” the Emperor ordered. The Namekian turned around as the sliding door out of the sparring area closed behind him. He saw Tien and Krillin pressed to the floor struggling to stand. Kakarot and Gohan were on their knees, struggling to fight against the force bearing down on them.
”Here.” Raditz handed each of them a Panacea bean.
After eating the beans, the Saiyans were capable of standing. Krillin and Tien were still on the ground. They did, at least, manage to get up on their hands and knees.
”Menagerie, reduce the gravity to normal.” Raditz told the ship. The command was given and the Menagerie brought the gravity back down. The humans were soaked in sweat from their struggle against being crushed.
”What was that for!?” Krillin asked, angered by the Raditz's action.
”A demonstration as to why it would not be wise to train with us.” Raditz explained, ”As you saw, because of their biology, Kakarot and Gohan adapted after eating a Panacea bean. We will be training in much higher gravity. It would be fatal for you two.”
”Are you saying we're weak?” Tien questioned. ”That we'd hold you back.”
”In this instance, yes. Because we have a limited time, speed is a factor.” Raditz explained, ”You guys can get much stronger, but rushing into this will be counterproductive.”
They thought about his words for a moment before agreeing with them. Even though they still felt somewhat slighted, they were excited to try out the other gyms. The crew of the Menagerie was quite large with 15,000 members. Tien and Krillin met a few of them while training in room NO.003.
Kakarot and his son were smashed into the floor of the gym. They were struggling with all they had to try and get the Panacea bean into their mouths.
”Welcome to fifty times Earth gravity.” Raditz said.
”That looks painful, father. They look like worms.” Reiss joked at his uncle and cousins expense, ”But they will catch up in no time at this rate!”
Eating the bean allowed the crushed pair to get back on their feet. They were still wobbly, but on their feet none the less.
”Try putting the bean in your mouth first.” the Emperor gave his brother and nephew another bean.
They put the bean in their mouths and held it there, waiting for the gravity to increase again. Reiss was looking on in anticipation. The boy never witnessed anyone being trained like this.
”Menagerie increase to one hundred times Earth gravity.” Raditz said.
”One Hundred times gravity, aye, your Majesty” came the ship's reply.
Kakarot and Gohan crashed into the ground harder than before. The impact caused them to bite down on the held beans instantly healing them. Even though they healed, the pair could barely move in the gravity.
”How does it feel?” Raditz questioned, ”It only took four hours to get you to this level. We should train at this level for the rest of the time.”
Kakarot nodded at his brother's suggestion. Reiss immediately tagged Gohan ”it,” and ran off to the far wall. Gohan tried to run after the older boy, but unlike Reiss his steps were extremely weighty. It was as though he were trying to run in water.
”We aren't going to play tag are we, Raditz?” Kakarot asked his brother.
Raditz smiled at his brother.