9 Big Star System (2/2)


A mixture of Ki blasts and blaster fire exploded around me. I was swift enough to dodge them before they even got lose to hitting me.

From above the battle I could see the pirates on the ground waiting for the smoke from their shots to clear. They couldn't tell if I was dead or not. I charged an orb of Ki in my right hand. When the smoke finally cleared one of the pirates was smart enough to use his scouter.


”Look up there!” he pointed in my direction. The other pirates looked up in time to see the blue orb racing towards them.

”RUN!” another pirated shouted, but it was much too late for that. The sound of the explosion echoed throughout the city. Six of the pirates managed to avoid being fatally wounded by the blast.

The group of pirates decided to abandon their attack. They didn't even bother to look back as they fled. I fired six beams in rapid succession piercing the pirates through the chest ending their lives.

I waited outside of the city with my arms crossed inviting any more challengers to come. Three hours later, Bulma contracted me through a messenger bot. She had an idea about how to solve the planet's pirate troubles.

Bulma wasted no time in explaining her plan once I arrived back at the tower. She had projected the image of a device on the holographic display. It was atwo feet long cylindrical object with with a one foot radius. There was a spiked antennae on top and clamps on the bottom of the device.

”I have the Gete A.I. synthesizing these antennae.” Bulma said looking at me, ”If you can attach these to the pirate ships they'll integrate with the ships' computers systems making them slave to the Gete A.I.”

”After that happens, I'll be able to control them.” she continued.

”That's amazing!” I said enthusiastically. ”How long will it take to finish the devices?”

”They should be finished any minute now, the A.I. is a miracle.” she was clearly infatuated with the Gete technology.

”King Dreb can the A.I. analyze organic material?” I asked.

”It can.” was his reply.

In my outstretched hand was a Senzu bean. I had stopped by Korin's tower before we left Earth to supply myself with some of the life preserving beans. If the Gete A.I. was capable of finding out the proper cultivation technique of the beans; I'd have a steady supply of them. King Dreb took the bean from me and placed it into a machine. A light in the machine passed over the bean several times before stopping.

A message appeared on the holographic projector. It informed us of an incoming transmission from the pirate fleet. The King proceeded to answer the communication. The image of a green skinned man with blue hair appeared. If one were to judge based on human standards, he would be middle-aged.

”The king of Gren'dir city, I never thought you'd be able to defeat my ground forces.” the man said looking around the room. ”Ah a Saiyan. No wonder. I'm Captain Berri leader of the Black Zenith Pirates.”

”Raditz.” I responded coolly.

”Well, Raditz, how's about you secure the A.I. chip for us and I'll let you join my crew. We'd love to have a Saiyan.” Berri tried to persuaded me.

”No thanks.” I didn't even entertain the offer.

Berri removed a small object from his armor's pocket. It was slightly larger than a Capsule Corp. Dyno-cap. It even had a small plunger on top.

”Do you know what this is?” Berri questioned with a smug look. ”Don't feel bad if you don't know not many people have seen one. Its a Galactic Patrol, Extinction Bomb.”

The King paled when he heard the pirates threat. He clearly had heard of an Extinction Bomb. Even if one had never heard of it, the name was self explanatory.

”How did you get that?” the King asked, ”Only members of the Galactic Patrol have access to those.”

”How else? By killin' a Galactic Patrolman.” Berri laughed. ”So Raditz, does this change your mind about takin' my offer?”

”No.” I answered, ”Dreb terminated the transmission.”

I didn't have to see Berri's frustrated look for long before Dreb ended the call.

”Extinction Bomb?! Can the city's force field hold up against something like that?” Bulma asked tension in her voice.

The King moved to a terminal to consult the A.I. In less than thirty seconds we received an answer.

”According to the A.I. if we divert all power from the rest of the city, the shield should be bolstered enough to keep us safe.” the King answered, ”But all life outside of the city will be rendered extinct, lord Raditz.”

”Lord Raditz?” I had to ask about the my new title.

”Yes after witnessing how you effortlessly fought of those ground forces I was convinced of your strength. Besides when the Extinction Bomb goes off we be homeless. All I ask is that you keep my people safe.” the Dreb had a determined look.

”I promise your people will survive.” I agreed.

The king knelt, ”I King Dreb of Gete officially offer you my fealty.”

I should really thank Berri for giving the king a reason to ally with me.

”Then I'll accept once I finish the rest of these pirates off; its only fair.” I held out my hand to the king and helped him rise.

”Looks like we are going to have to find you a new planet.” I said, ”Preferably on the other end of the North Galaxy its one of the areas not under Frieza's control. Using your peoples A.I., quickly adapting a planet to your liking shouldn't be much of a problem.”

King Dreb summoned all of the city's sector leaders to explain the plan and have them prepare for evacuation. While we waited to see how long it would take before the pirate leader decided to make good on his threat the A.I. used the navigation data of our ship and asteroid data to search for a suitable planet. While the king was pressed the importance of making sure everything was handled properly I looked over at Bulma.

”I hope you don't mind our date getting extended?” I asked.

She shook her head, ”I don't mind.”