2 Planet Earth (2/2)
”My home and family was wiped out because we weren't strong enough to protect ourselves. I never want to experience that type of tragedy again.” I looked at the bed sheet for added effect.
”I want to be strong enough to protect my friends and family if my strength is ever needed. I found I can only get so far with self training and needed guidance so I came here.”
Kami thought over what I said in silence for a moment before coming to a decision.
”I will agree, young man, to train you.”
”Thank you, Kami” I stood and gave a bow to the aged Namekian.
”On the condition that should the Earth ever face danger you will help protect it.” Kami added.
It wasn't a bad condition.
I agreed.
I would've offered to help defend the Earth anyways, but it was better to let him come up with the idea on his own. I can't just let the planet I'm on get blown up, while I'm on it.
”First, however, you will need to train with Mr. Popo to build up your martial foundations. If Mr. Popo is ever busy you will have to travel below the Lookout to Korin's Tower for training. Once you are ready I will personally take over your instruction.”
I was hovering above the Lookout's grounds meditating. It was a couple of months into my training with Mr. Popo. My strength had not increased too much because I had been taking my time to get the basics of controlling my better honed. They really didn't teach this stuff on Planet Vegeta.
The sound of a large explosion caused me to break my meditative state. When I located the source of the noise I saw a burning ball hurtling through the sky. The arrival of a Saiyan Attack Ball could mean only one thing.
Kakarot had arrived.
I took off following in the wake of the ball to find my brother. It was obviously moving extremely fast. There was no way at this moment was I fast enough to catch up to an Attack Ball on crash down approach.
I just had to make sure I didn't lose sight of it.
The ball crashed down in a dense forest. It was easy to locate the ship from the black smoke it was giving off. When I landed the ship's hatch was still closed. I stood to the side and opened the ship causing Kakarot to tumble out wearing his Saiyan armor. The confused child looked around a few times before spotting me.
”Bro-brother Raditz?” he asked.
”So you remember me, eh, Kakarot?”
The boy nodded at me then asked, ”What are you doing here?”
”Same as you, surviving.” I answer.
”Oh good heavens, what are you two children doing way out here?”
The voice caused us to look over at the source. It was an old man with a slightly hunched posture. He was carrying a strapped straw basket on his back.
”Hey, old man.” I waved, ”I'm Ra-”
Before I could finish speaking Kakarot lunged towards the old man. I quickly caught his tail while he was in mid-lunge. My brother collapsed in the dirt from the pain of having his tail grabbed. The old man had a look of surprise.
”Sorry about that. Like I was saying I'm Raditz and this is my younger brother Kakarot. Our home was destroyed and we were sent here to escape what happened to our family.”
”My name is Gohan, I'm sorry to hear what happened.”
We followed Gohan back to his small house. To my surprise he didn't have too many questions other than why we have tails. Kakarot wanted to fight Gohan until I beat him up and told him to obey Gohan. The old man thought I was being too harsh until I explained the Saiyan love for battle. He ultimately accepted the explanation.
I told Gohan that I was going to be traveling alone to train and couldn't bring Kakarot. He volunteered to look after him to which I agreed. Before I returned to Kami's Lookout I explained about the Great Ape transformation during a full moon. I also told Kakarot if he attempted the transformation without my supervision I would cut off his tail. That seemed to put some fear into Kakarot. It was also a common threat of Gine's.
Now that I had Kakarot successfully sorted out he might not obtain his infamous head injury. Either way it was going to be interesting to see how he developed. Things have already changed just from me being Raditz. I wonder how far I can go.
Kami waspleased when I told him my brother younger was able to survive the destruction of our home and make it here safely. He did want to know if I wanted to bring him to the Lookout. I thought it would be best to let him gain some experiences of his own first.
For the next several years I dove head first into my training. Mostly, I learned about advanced Ki manipulation. Much of my time was spent meditating with short breaks of strengthening exercises and combat practice. Besides, I felt that my combat style was something I needed to form on its own and Kami agreed with me.
To help with my body strengthening I did ask Kami if he could increase the weight of my armor. I told him to make them heavy enough to increase my weight by ten. He didn't think it was a good idea to go that far, but I promised him I could adjust quickly because the gravity where I was born was ten times normal Earth gravity.
As I thought the request turned out to be simple for the Namekian. He thought that explained one of the reasons for a Saiyan to have a strong body. Kami wasn't wrong, adapting to live in ten times gravity was an evolutionary boon for the Saiyans.