Chapter 317 - What do you want from me? (1/2)
Jos woke with a sick headache and a heavy weight pressing her down into the bed. Her hand moved through the soft, familiar hair of the head resting on her ċhėst. She blinked several times against the darkness of the room until her eyes finally adjusted. Confusion clouded her already foggy mind as she looked around the unfamiliar room. Movement by the window sent shadows around the room causing her heart to jump. She carefully pushed Arei's sleeping body off her as she sat up in the bed and clasped the wrist with the watch over her ċhėst. ”Who's there?”
Poseidon stepped closer to the bed lifting his hand to quiet her. ”It's only me. We need to talk, my dear.” The usual endearment didn't hold the same warmth.
Jos swallowed hard as she carefully climbed out of bed, trying her best not to wake Arei.
”Don't worry, child, he'll not be waking tonight.” A faint frown haunted his expression as his eyes moved from his sleeping son back to Jos. He extended his hand. As soon as she took it, he zapped them into Fern's old office. He pulled one of the chairs by the desk over to the sitting area. ”Have a seat, dear.” He walked over to the wine cabinet and poured them both a glass of one of the many expensive bottles as she continued hesitation. Returning to the sitting area he handed her a glass and took a seat on the small sofa. He took a sip as he settled then nodded to the chair she still stood in front of. ”Sit down, Joslyn. There is no point in being so hesitant now, now is there?”
She wrung her hands as she nodded and did as she was told. ”Wh...what do you want to talk a...about?”
He watched her carefully as he twirled the stem of the wine glass. ”I believe you already have an inkling, dear.”
She swallowed hard and nodded again.
”You are an incredibly powerful creature, more so than I originally thought... maybe even more so than you yourself has realized.” He studied her. ”I have been debating for a long time now as to what it is I want from you... how I want to use you.” His gaze moved to the watch as it began to beep. He held out his hand toward her setting his glass on the table between them. ”Give me your hand, dear.”
Her hand trembled as she held it out to him and watched as he removed the watch. He set back in the chair and studied it. ”Someone witnessed your outburst tonight. I wasn't able to find out who, exactly... but...” He turned the device over as he continued to study it. ”But I believe I know who it may be, and I have a message for them. It's over, all of it. Any interference beyond this point will be considered a declaration of war.” He held the watch out and spoke clearly as his eyes burned into the faceplate. He stood up casually and dropped to watch to the floor before stomping the heel of his designer shoe down on it. He bent and lifted it by the band as if it were something disgusting. With a flip of his wrist, it was gone. He set back on the sofa, his eyes burning into her as he did so. ”Now that we're alone... what are your goals for the future?”
Jos shrugged. ”I've not thought much of it... I mean it's not like I'm free to decide.”
He retrieved his glass and crossed his legs. ”Fair point. What if you were free? Free from everything; the sentence, the curse... all of it...” His eyes moved meaningfully down to the engagement ring on her finger.
Her thumb instinctively moved to the band and rubbed it anxiously. ”I'm not sure I know what you're getting at.”
”I'm simply asking what you do and do not want in your life, dear. Some chains are heavier than others, especially with the lifespan of a demigod. Which are you willing to bear, and which would you rather be rid of?”
She swallowed hard. ”I'll admit, our reunion wasn't the best, but I wouldn't change Arei and my relationship for anything... even freedom.”
He nodded slowly. ”I'm glad to hear it. Now, what of the rest? If you were free from your current punishments what would you do? Would you return to the double life of art restoration and vigilante, or would you choose something else?”
Jos's eyes widened in shock, and she could feel her cheeks heat. ”I was hoping to continue my work even while under the limitations of my sentence... as for the... other thing... I can't help but think my powers a wasted on me if I'm not using them for some kind of good...” Her eyes met his as her words came more easily, displaying the conviction behind them. ”Many may see my actions as cruel and maybe a little immoral, but no one can deny the justice of the action.”
He brought the glass to his mouth with a light chuckle. He enjoyed the flavor of the decadent liquid as it flowed over his tongue. ”What if I told you there was a way to do as you have without the worry of punishment?”
”Wh...what do you mean?”
A half-smile curved his lips. ”How much has Arei told you of his and his brothers' job within the council... and for me?”
She forced the shocked tremble from her voice as she answered. ”N-not much. I know they investigate people and creatures...”
He nodded. ”Yes, they investigate, interrogate, and eliminate if needed. You would be perfect for the job, and it would be an added bonus for both of us.”
”I mean that sounds great, but I'm not free. Even if the sentence is overthrown, I'll still be cursed. I can't always control myself.”
He tilted his head, studying her. ”Were you in full control last night?”
Jos nodded. ”I was in control of the monster... though my anger got a bit out of hand.”
He raised a questioning brow. ”Were you in control when you killed Dante and Xavier DeMarco?”
She nodded. ”Yes, until Russ walked into the office and saw me... saw my shifted form for the first time.”
He smiled over the brim of his glass. ”Saw the real you for the first time, you mean?” He leaned forward resting his elbow on his knee and stared closely at her as a wave of various emotions washed over her. ”There is no point in trying to deny what I already know, dear. I've kept an eye on you for an incredibly long time, even before my sons happened upon you.”
Her brows furrowed in confusion. ”What?! Why?”
He sat forward farther and cupped her cheek, searching her eyes. ”You really don't realize who you are, do you?” He let out a huffed laugh as he released her and leaned back against the sofa. ”Well, I don't have time to give you a proper history lesson tonight. I'll leave that to Arei. Tell me, will you work for me? You have already signed a contract with me, after all.”
She closed her eyes to hide the pain his words caused. ”I see... This is not a matter of whether I will... but whether I will willingly without a fight...”
He shook his head. ”No, dear. My days of forcing my will onto others are long gone. I'm asking you; would it be something you're interested in doing for me and me alone?”
Her eyes widened. ”But I thought you just said it would be with the council?”
An unnerving smile curved his lips. ”No, dear, I asked if you knew what my children's rolls entail within the council and my court? You see they all work solely for me with the exception of Arei who was forced into a contract with Zeus. Their work for the council has always come second, answering to its so-called leaders secondarily.” He stopped her as her concern became more evident. ”Before you remark, keep in mind, the factions council answers directly to the Olympian council. I am one of the twelve ruling gods which make it up. It's not like my children are going outside the realm of right doings, only skipping the chain of command a bit.” He finished with a shrug.
”Forgive my confusion here, but I thought the terms of my punishment already included the possibility of working for the council... and you?”
”Yes, work for them... I'm asking for a bit more... I'm asking you to use your full skills in a more beneficial way.” He leaned forward and took her free hand. ”You want to make sure those you love remain protected. You want revenge on those who have tried to harm them, yes? You want to guard over the weak... I'm giving you the opportunity to do as you always have while offering you much more; help, guidance, protection... all while keeping the person you love most by your side.” He smiled widely at her. ”What do you say, dear?”
Jos frowned as she held his sea-green eyes. ”I...I'll need to think about it... and... and talk to Arei about it.”