Chapter 300 - Baby Im Home (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 43110K 2022-07-25

The clash of swords reverberated in the courtyard as the guards practiced around them. ”How much longer do you plan to stay?” Arei asked as he brought his own sword down against Ry's.

Ry deflected his blow. ”I'm not sure yet... You know as well as I, I can't be here when the wolf god arrives...” Irritation reflected in each blow as he countered Arei's attack. ”Besides... I couldn't face her even if that ȧsshole wasn't by her side...”

Arei spun blocking the sharp blade as it flew toward his head. He could feel several sets of eyes on them as they sparred. ”You don't think you've made her wait long enough?” He leaped into the air as the blade swung low toward his ankles.

”There's nothing left to say... I know what you're thinking, and it's not the same... you know that...” Ry said as he pushed forward with another attack, ignoring the eyes trailing them around the training grounds.

”You honestly think he believes you to still be dead?” Arei grunted as he blocked another hard hit.

”As long as I stay dead to them, I'm sure it's enough...” Ry bit out bitterly.

”Draw...” Arei called out as he backed away and tossed his sword to the ground. ”There's no winning against you when you're in a mood.”

Peg stepped out of the crowd as he clapped. ”Good show! I was wondering how long it would go. I haven't seen you two spar in quite a while.” He nodded to the palace guards standing around watching as he stepped past them.

”What are you doing here?” Arei asked.

”I could ask you the same, didn't think you'd let a certain prisoner out of your sight.” Peg remarked as he bent and retrieved the sword.

Arei chuckled as he walked over to where he'd discarded his shirt and water bottle. ”We offered to help train the new guards, but in honesty, I believe we're both just here to avoid diapers and vomit...” He nodded to where Rin was surrounded by a smaller group of guards.

Peg laughed as he tested the weight of the blade with a few spins and swipes into the air. ”Understandable, you always find yourself wishing away the days of dirty diapers until they don't need you anymore...” He turned his attention from the blade to Ry. ”What do you say? It's been a while so go easy on me.”

Arei chuckled as he pulled his shirt on. ”Knock yourselves out, I'm going to call it a night.” His eyes moved up to the darkening sky. He turned toward the smaller group and called out, ”Hey, you ready to head out?”

Rin stepped back from the practice fight he was demonstrating and lowered his sword. ”Yeah, if you are.” He walked over and took his shirt and drink from the bench. ”Tell Russ I'll hit him up later.” He called over at Ry.

Peg laughed as he blocked the first blow. ”Don't expect him to get back to you anytime soon. That kid didn't get a quarter of the documents I was here to collect finished!” He grinned at Ry. ”Looks like you'll be spending more time at the Embassy, lucky you.

”Ahhh, fuċk!” Ry growled as he advanced with more anger and irritation.

”Oh, ho ho, I should have waited until you were unarmed to tell you the news!” Peg laughed as he dove out of the way of a powerful blow.

Whispers of amazement and excitement echoed through the crowd as Peg's speed and agility countered Ry's raw strength and brutal force.

Arei shook his head. ”Try not to die... Andy would kill us all if you did. See ya later!”

The sun had completely set by the time Arei and Rin were walking through the front door of the beach house. A warm smile spread across Arei's lips as he stepped into the quiet living room. He pressed a finger to his lips as he nodded toward the sofa. Jos was spread out across one end of the sectional, her back resting against the cushions of the center curve. Shelly's head rested on Jos's shoulder, the baby fast asleep in her arms.

Rin stepped past him and lifted his tiny son without waking him. He brushed his finger across the baby's plump cheek before placing a light kiss on his forehead. He handed the baby to Arei before bending and lifting Shelly next. Without saying a word, he began walking toward the bedroom.

Arei followed, placing the baby awkwardly in the crib. He lifted his hand in a wave as he made his way out of the room as quietly as possible, trying not to wake the baby. He couldn't help the smile that spread across his lips as he scooped Jos into his arms and headed toward the stairs.

Her eyelashes fluttered against her pale cheek. ”Arei?” She whispered.

He smiled down at her as he pushed open the bedroom door. ”You were sleeping so soundly I didn't want to wake you.”

She returned his smile as she stroked her hand over his soft, short beard. ”I could have walked... but I appreciate your consideration.” She rested her head against his hard ċhėst as he made his way toward the bed.