Chapter 297 - Shards of a broken past *Harsh content warning* (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 61930K 2022-07-25

Jos paid little attention as she ran from the suffocating crowd, the bright lights, and the deafening murmurs all around. She'd be stupid to think simply changing her appearance would change anything. There would never be anything she could do to stay close to those she loved the most. In the end, the curse would always destroy those around her in one way or the other. Her eyes struggled to adjust to the dark pathway she was running down. When they did, her breath caught, and her ċhėst tightened. She couldn't fight against the give of her legs as she crashed to the hard, crumbled pavers, pavers that had once lined the beautiful front gardens of the palace. That beauty was long gone now... it had all been destroyed nearly sixteen years ago. Her eyes moved from the old, thick metal gates that's polished bars used to be so well kept they gleamed even in the moonlight, down to the pavers below her hands. She didn't need light to know the thick, sticky liquid that pooled around her hand was blood. There had been so much blood that day too... Tears blurred her eyes as she fought against the memories accusing her brain.

Palace, 15 years 10 months ago

Cam woke with a smile as a very familiar body pressed against her back and a large hand teased her brėȧst through the thin material of her nightgown. She mȯȧnėd as she pressed her buŧŧ against his hard morning erection. A soft beard tickled her neck as he trailed kisses along the thin column as the hand that had been squeezing her brėȧst began to slide teasingly down the soft swell of her stomach. Cam arched against his touch another mȯȧn leaving her parted lips as his hand slid under her pȧntɨės.

Just then the door slammed open. ”MOMMY! MOMMY! He broked-ed Mr. Flufferkins!”

”I DIDN'T! It was already broked-d!”

Cam let out an amused laugh as Ales's hand moved back up to her stomach. ”Broken, dears. Besides, I'm sure it can be fixed. Why don't you leave it on the table, and Mommy will have one of the maids mend it in a bit.” Cam shook her head as a teary-eyed Shelly carried her favorite stuffed bunny over and set it carefully on the table. She turned and narrowed her eyes at her brother. ”I'm going to breaked-d your toys now!” She said as she stomped toward the door sticking her tongue out at him as she went.

”WHAT?! Mommy! Daddy! She said-”

Cam rolled her eyes at her overdramatic three-year-olds. ”I'm sure your sister isn't really going to break your things, son. Why don't you go down for breakfast and-”

”Like hell I won't...” Shelly mumbled as she stepped past the doorframe.

”MOMMY!” Russ cried out, his tiny fists balled at his sides.

”Rachelle Cathenna Boosilis! Where did you learn to use such harsh words!” Cam barked out, her eyes nearly popping out of her skull.

The angelic three-year-old shrugged her tiny shoulders. ”Aunt Ray Ray...”

Cam could feel the vein in her forehead pulse with irritation as she forced a smile to hide the gritting of her teeth. ”Princesses do not use such words. You and your brother go down for breakfast. Your father and I will be down in just a minute.” Cam couldn't hear what her precious child was mumbling as she left the room, but without a doubt, it was something else Raven had taught her.

”That's what you get for letting a dark fae babysit so often.” Ales chuckled from beside her as he placed a light kiss on his wife's shoulder. He ran his hand over her stomach. ”Tell me again how we managed to slip in a third?”

Cam shook her head as she let out a sigh. ”I'm sure it was one of those times when that particular dark fae was babysitting...” She turned and pressed her lips to his before leaning her forehead against his. ”I still haven't told either of them yet... I'd hoped you'd be able to be with me when I did...”

Ales let out a heavy sigh. ”I wish I could as well, but you know things have been exceedingly busy lately with all unusual events.”

Cam frowned as she turned away from him. ”I can't help but think your brother is involved...”

Ales pulled her into his arms. ”We've been over this; he's not been seen anywhere near the island for over 35 years. It's simply a string of bad luck is all.” He placed a kiss on her forehead before leaning down and kissing the soft swell of her belly. ”Now, what do you say we head downstairs before our other two children terrorize the staff too much.” He rubbed her belly. ”With luck, this one will be less of a handful.” He sent her a teasing wink as he slid out of bed.

”I wouldn't hold your breath on that. I've kept heartburn for the past month and a half, it's a sure sign he'll be just as mean...” Cam said as she slid on her house shoes.

Ales chuckled. ”I shall call a good fairy to bless him with all the quiet, patience his siblings lack.”

”Psh! Good luck on that one!” Cam laughed as she made her way toward the door.

Ales let out a heavy sigh as he pushed his chair away from the dining table. ”As much as I hate it, I much return to work.”

Cam frowned as she too stood. She caught the hem of his well-tailored jacket and tugged him closer. ”Must you leave us already? You've bȧrėly even eaten.”

Ales cupped Cam's cheek, smiling longingly down at her as she nuzzled his palm. ”I'm sorry love, but it must be dealt with as quickly as possible before the entire kingdom suffers the consequences.”

Cam gave a slight nod as she turned her head and placed a kiss on his palm. ”Then finish with it quickly, your family misses you, My King.”

Ales gently tugged her forward, meeting her pouting lips with his own. Her arms melted around him causing the arousal from just an hour ago to return. He deepened the kiss as he pulled his wife tighter into his embrace.

”EW! Mommy and Daddy are KISSING! Gross!” Russ yelled out in distaste.

Cam giggled against Ales's still parted lips bringing a chuckle from his as well. ”Hum... and you're sure this one's mine and not a divine golden shower or mysterious swan?” He teased as he ċȧrėssed her stomach.

”I am positive, though I can't promise there will be a chance to make another after this one comes in another 5 months.” Cam tugged him down for another kiss. ”I love you.” She whispered against his lips before finally releasing her hold on him. ”Do hurry...”

”Hum... I'll do my best, love.” He placed a light peck on her forehead. ”I love you, dear.” He bent and placed a kiss on her stomach. ”And you.” When another round of ew's sounded from the other side of the table, Ales stood with a chuckle and rounded the table. He ruffled both children's hair as he kissed them each.

Russ pushed against his father. ”No gross, daddy! You can't kiss me no more, I'm a man!”

Cam giggled as Ales forged hurt. ”I bet when Jos gets here, you'll not tell her to stop when she kisses you.”

The toddler's cheeks turned a bright red. ”Nin can kiss me cause she's a girl... and we're going to get married someday just like you and daddy.”

Cam rested her fists on her hɨps in overexaggerated curiosity. ”Oh? Is that so? And does she know this?”

”Well... kinda...” Russ looked away as his cheeks grew redder.

”Hahaha, that's cause he wot (wrote) her a letter, but she couldn't wead (read) it!” Shelly announced.

Ales chuckled as he rustled his son's hair once again. ”I do believe Nin may be a bit too old for you, son.”