Chapter 261 - Weary warnings (1/2)
Selena fumbled with the stack of papers she held as she and Prometheus waited in silence in the elegant palace office, in weary irritation as they waited for Areion and Joslyn to join them. ”What do you think is taking so long? Did you not tell them nine?” Voices from right outside the door caught her attention. She shot up from the chair she'd been sitting in as she watched the heavy door open. ”Finally, you're late.” Her gaze moved down to the monitor on Jos's wrist. ”Is the alarm on that not working?”
Arei rolled his eyes. ”We are two minutes late. Just be glad we didn't have you wait outside.” His attention moved to Prometheus with a nod. He placed a comforting hand on the small of Jos's back, guiding her toward his father's leather office chair. He pulled the chair out and waited for her to sit before rolling it into place behind the desk. He straightened and rested his hands on the back of her chair protectively. ”What all do you have for us today?”
Prometheus smiled back at them as he moved away from the wide windows overlooking the vast library. ”You know, I believe your father's library is my favorite place to visit.” He settled into a chair beside Selena. He held his hand out to her, taking the doc.u.ments and flipping through them before setting them on the desk in front of Jos. ”I believe this is all we will need from you for the time being. It is mostly just the review and your signature on the terms of your sentence and confinement.” He flipped to a page he'd marked. ”These are the doc.u.ments you can take with you for now and fill out later. They are the work doc.u.ments. As of now, the council has decided to let you work with Poseidon's team with his investigation into Fernando Boosilis, under the listed agreements. You'll find them on pages 54 and 55.” When her eyes widened he added. ”It is quite a bit to read through, that is why I said you may take it with you and turn it in at a later time.” He pointed to the front page. ”Now to begin, dear.” He pulled a recorder from his pocket and placed it on the desk before hitting some buttons. Tapping his finger on the front page, he said loudly. ”We are here today for the review and signing of the sentencing of Joslyn Decker. Please, Ms. Decker if you could read over the first page. If the information is correct, please sign your full name to the bottom and date it.” He waited as she reviewed the demographic information and signed. When she was done he leaned forward and flipped to the next page. ”We will start by reviewing your sentencing. Please place your initials by each condition, if you are in agreement.”
Jos had to force herself to concentrate on the paperwork in front of her as Arei leaned over her shoulder to read as well. She couldn't help glancing at him from the corner of her eyes with him hovering so close. ”Have there been any significant changes from what we discussed the other day?” His voice at its current level of closeness sent an excited chill own her spine. She wanted to touch him, to feel his reassuring hand on her body. As if to answer her silent need, his hand slid off the back of the chair to clamp over her shoulder. His index finger rubbed what should have been soothing circles on the back of her neck causing tingles to radiate throughout her body.
”No, though there have been some rewordings to better suit the situation.” He pointed to a section of the current page Jos was staring down at. ”As you can see, there were changes made to better allow her movement within Poseidon's domain, especially where the current assignment is concerned. There are some other significant differences where Joslyn is involved when it comes to the work she will be doing but that is outlined in the other section for you to review later. It mostly involves her reports coming to the council through pre-reviewed doc.u.ments from you, Orion, or Poseidon. She may also report to Selena or myself but not Lamia or Marcus, though Lamia may change her decision later on.”
Jos shifted her worried gaze up at Arei as her pen hovered over the page. When he nodded down at her, she turned hesitantly back to it and began initialing the many lines of her conditions. She waited as Prometheus turned the next page and began explaining it.
”Just sign here if this information is still accurate. It is the addresses and locations you are permitted to be after the designated hours of your confinement time.” He waited until she was finished signing, before moving his gaze up to Arei. ”You will also need to sign this one as her guardian.”
Jos swallowed at the mention of him being her guardian... oh how the tides had changed... She lifted the pen for him and watched the quick, elegant flick of his wrist produced a perfect signature. Their fingers brushed causing her eyes to hold his as he placed the pen back into her hand.
Prometheus arched a brow as he flipped to the next page. ”Typically you wouldn't have to sign this one Areion, but considering your,” He cleared his throat. ”Relationship has obviously advanced, I must ask you to sign this as well.” His attention moved to the page. ”This the wavier for the sedations in the instance of an unplanned shift.” His attention moved back to Arei. ”Will you still be able to administer a tranquilizer in the case of a cursed shift or in the instance Joslyn intends to do harm to others?”
A frown spread across Arei's handsome face. ”Of course, because I know that it is what she would also want.” He held the man's doubtful eyes.
Prometheus closed his eyes as he nodded. ”Very well. Moving on...”
Two hours later Jos forced her hand to scribble one last signature on the last of the main sentencing contract. She slumped back against the back of the chair and let out an exhausted puff of air. Arei stepped out from behind her chair and extended his hand to Prometheus as they concluded their business. ”When shall we get the final copies and be released to the island?”
Prometheus flipped through the papers as he placed them back into the folder. ”You may go ahead whenever you would like. I can have your copies sent over later. I do advise the two of you review and sign the work forms before you leave and have them sent over. They are not confidential so you can either fax them to the number on the first page or have your brother bring them in. If you have any questions feel free to contact either me or Selena.” He waited as Jos stood before extending his hand out to her. Instead of shaking it, he lifted her hand to his lips and placed a light kiss on the top of her hand. ”I wish you well, dear. I look forward to seeing you in a month.” He gave her a slight bow before releasing her hand and stepping away from the desk. ”My contact information can be found in those forms as well. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask.”
Arei followed the man as he walked over to the windows overlooking the library for one last view. ”Is there room for negotiations within the work contract or is it written in stone?”
Jos's attention was jerked away from Arei's brood back when cold hands captured her wrist. Her shocked eyes landed on the moon goddess as her silver eyes burned into her. Jos tried to pull her wrist away, but the woman's grip tightened pressing the watch almost painfully into her skin.
”As long as you are with him,” Selena whispered in a low, hushed voice that was hard for even Jos to hear as close as she was to her. Her gaze quickly flashed over to Arei before moving back to Jos's stunned expression. ”You will always have to WATCH your back. You'll never find the peace you d.e.s.i.r.e.”
Jos couldn't force words past her gape-mouthed expression. What could the woman possibly mean by that? Jos's stunned eyes moved from the goddess's icy silver eyes to the hand that was now releasing her hand. ”I...” Her words were cut off when the goddess shook her head, her eyes moving back to the watch as she pressed a finger to her lips. A shadow fell over the woman's body as a familiar hand glided around her waist. She shifted her attention over her shoulder to meet Arei's harsh expression as he glared down at the Goddess.
”We will contact you if we need anything. You may leave now so that we can finish out the papers and finally be able to go home.”