Chapter 256 - Pleased to tease (1/2)
Jos's legs still rested on either side of Arei's thick t.h.i.g.hs as he hung up the phone. She slumped forward pressing her arms tightly together as she balanced her hands against the hard bulge of his upper abdominals. His eyes hadn't left hers through the duration of the call. She couldn't help the smirk that curved her lips. ”Sooo... excuse my confusion here, but you have me n.a.k.e.d on a counter and just worked it out so that we have the entire night alone... but you don't want s.e.x?” Her smile widened, ”What exactly is your plan, dear sir?”
His eyes twinkled down into hers as he wrapped his hands around her waist and tugged her closer to the edge of the counter. He bent and kissed her lips lightly. ”First, we are going to step into the shower to rinse off all the bubbles, then I'm going to carry you back to the bed and massage your favorite lotion into your entire body, put you in one of my oversized tee shirts because let's face it, you look cute as hell in my shirts.” A mischievous glint lingered in his eyes, emphasized by his crooked smile. ”And we'll see where it goes from there.”
Jos rolled her eyes. ”Cuddles and sleep then? Maybe a side of conversation, if I'm lucky?”
His smile widened causing his eyes to crinkle at the edges, ”Cuddles and conversation are always included.”
She giggled, ”I'll take what I can get.” She moved her arms up and wrapped them around his neck as he lifted her off the counter and began walking toward the separate shower. He shifted her slightly in his arms as he turned on the water and let it warm up. ”You know I'm perfectly capable of standing, right? It would make this ten times easier for you.”
His lips curved upward but his focus stayed trained on his task of adjusting the water. ”What would be the fun of that? Besides then I couldn't do this as easily.” He shifted her in his arms once again and lowered his lips to hers as he stepped them both under the shower. A hazy fog quickly began to steam up the inside of the shower as the hot water rained down on them. He balanced her against one arm as he retrieved his shampoo from the rack hanging around the showerhead. Handing it to her, he asked. ”Mind doing me the honor?”
Jos shook her head unable to help a giggle as she took the bottle. ”You have got to be the only man in the world that would... hell, could hold a n.a.k.e.d woman in his arms while you shower and only ask that she washes your hair.”
He shrugged with her in his arms. ”I was personally hoping for a bit more than just a wash... maybe a scalp rub or something... but if a wash is all I get just make sure you run your nails over my scalp a bit... I like the way it feels.” When she took the bottle but seemed to be struggling with the task, he added. ”Don't worry I have you, lean back or move around all you need. I'll not drop you.”
Jos wrapped her legs tighter around his thick waist as she leaned back and poured some of the shampoo into her palm before leaning forward and placing the bottle back on the rack. Her cheeks heated against the already hot spray of the water as her b.r.e.a.s.ts brushed against his upper c.h.e.s.t. Her wide eyes moved down to his twinkling ones. ”I feel like this is half the reason you insist on holding me...” She mumbled as she intentionally brushed her b.r.e.a.s.t against him again.
He chuckled, ”Maybe. They do feel quite nice.” He waited until her hands had begun their work before lifting her higher and pressed a kiss to the top swell of one b.r.e.a.s.t.
Jos shuttered against him, gripping his head to her c.h.e.s.t. ”Christ Arei, you have got to stop teasing so damn much!”
”It was only a kiss, kitten, nothing more, nothing less.” He purred against her ear as he placed another light kiss to her throat just below her ear lobe sending another shutter coursing through her entire body. ”Are you finished with my hair?” He asked placing another kiss farther down her neck.
Jos m.o.a.n.e.d her words. ”Yes...”
He bit back a grin as he leaned his head into the spray of the shower letting the water rush over his head and face and run down his c.h.e.s.t between them. He could feel Jos's fixed eyes on his c.h.e.s.t. He couldn't help the smile that curved his lips when she finally gave in and ran her hands across the sharp blades of his collar bones and the thick ridge of muscles lining his shoulders.
”Arei...” Jos whispered, letting her eyes and fingers trail upward. She traced the center pattern at the base of his neck before working her way upward and across the light shadow of hair lining his throat, until she was able to plunge her fingers into the short length of the well-kept beard that lined the lower half of his sharp jawline. Her breath caught as his head lifted from the water and his brilliant eyes met hers. They were a bright and beautiful mix of various blues and greens giving them a nearly jade coloring where the two colors blended together. She cupped his large face in both her hands as she whispered his name again. ”Arei...” With the slightest of tugs, his lips were again on hers. She let the hands that were cupping his face slide along the curve of his face until they were able to tangle into his wet hair pulling him closer for a deeper kiss.
Arei shut the water off and stepped out of the shower without breaking contact with her lips. He bent slightly and retrieved a towel as he made his way over to the door leading to the bedroom, chuckling when Jos tightened her grip and finally thought to look around. ”What? Chary would beat my a.s.s if we used up all the hot water” He joked. ”Besides, I'm looking forward to that massage.”
Her brows tented, ”Are you wanting one too? I'm not the best at them but I'm sure-”
”Oh no, I'm looking forward to giving more so than receiving.” A wickedly mischievous grin spread across his lips. He tossed the towel to the bed and bent them both forward, setting her on the towel. He bent lower over her and gave her a final kiss before standing. ”Dry yourself and lay on your stomach while I get the lotion.”
Jos couldn't force her eyes away as he turned from the bed and walked over to a tray of things spread out over the window seat. She furrowed her brows as she sat forward on her elbows. ”What is all that?” Her eyes widened. ”Wait, you planned this? When?”
He sent her a quick grin from over his shoulder. ”I had it sent up while you were in the bathroom before I came in.” When he turned there were two glasses, a bottle of wine, and a bottle of her favorite lotion on top along with some other smaller bottles. He smiled as her curious eyes scanned the tray. ”Though I love the view from this angle, the massage will feel better if you roll over first.”