Chapter 253 - Move the stars for you pt1 (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 57950K 2022-07-23

The hallway outside the library doors was quiet, only the faint sound of light breathing could be heard. Jos could feel the beat of Arei's heart as they stood silently wrapped in each other's arms. It was only beating slightly slower than her own rapid heartbeat caused by the soft c.a.r.e.s.s of his hands across her back, speeding up when his fingers dipped low teasing the outline of the band of her p.a.n.t.i.e.s beneath the thin dress she wore. ”Arei...” She whispered, but her words were cut off by laughter on the other side of the door seconds before it was opened.

Peg and Andy stepped out the door beside the one Arei and Jos were leaning against. Their laughter died off and two sets of teasing eyes shifted from Jos and Arei to one another. ”Don't mind us, we're just headed home to 'get f.u.c.k.e.d'.” Peg winked at Arei as he pulled the giggling Andy against his side.

She pushed against him playfully. ”Looks like we don't need to go home to accomplish that.” She laughed as she sent Jos a knowing smile.

Jos quickly released her hold around Arei's waist and pushed against his c.h.e.s.t, but he caught her hands and pulled them back around him as he stood up straight. ”Of course, you don't have to. Father's going to be gone for a while and his office is unlocked.” Arei arched a brow at the couple. ”I mean his desk was one of your favorite places when you lived here, was it not?” The corner of his lip raised into a half-grin when Andy's giggled faltered and rapidly shifted into wide-eyed embarrassment. ”That really good scotch is over by the windows.” He sent them a wink as he began guiding Jos back into the library. ”Don't worry, we'll avoid the office for the rest of the day.” He called back over his shoulder.

Peg cleared his throat trying his best to hide a laugh, but it didn't stop Andy from slapping his arm. ”You told him?!” She whispered in irritation.

”What, he's my brother!” Peg chuckled as he tried to block another slap.

Arei shook his head. ”Serves him right.”

Jos's curious gaze moved up to meet his twinkling eyes. ”Did they really used to... in your dad's office?”

He nodded with a wide smile plastered to his devilishly handsome face. ”Oh yes! And often, apparently.” He tugged her closer and placed a light kiss on the top of her head. ”Worst kept secret of the palace.”

She stopped and turned to hold his gaze. ”So then, did you HAVE to imply we have done the same?”

His grin widened. ”Why not? And added bonus, if you see a cleaning crew go in or out of there, then you know he's told Dad.”

She shook her head. ”And how old are you again?” She asked with a giggle.

He shrugged, his voice taking on a huskier tone. ”Old enough to know not to pass up a good opportunity when it comes along.” He tilted her chin farther upward as he lowered his lips to hers. Loud arguments sounded from the far side of the library bringing both their attentions in that direction.

[I don't want to hear my mom's GRAFFIC description of her first time f.u.c.k.i.n.g my dad!] Russ's voice boomed out from the cell phone sitting in the center of the table.

”Come on, there isn't too much s.e.x left... well I mean there is... your mom's diaries could give any of the current novels a run for their money...” Chary was saying, a bright, teasing smile spread across her thick lips.

”What in the...” Arei arched a brow as he stood back up to his full height. ”I'm not even sure I want to ask.”

Jos rolled her eyes. ”I don't need to ask. Cam had a flair for detail... and if they have come across those chapters...” She shook her head as she turned back toward the doors they'd just entered through. ”I'd rather not either... Especially if there's going to be an audience.”

Arei's now curious eyes moved from the table on the other side of the room back to her. A playful grin curved his lips. ”That good?”

”You have no idea. She often went into such details you could picture... almost taste whatever it was she was describing... and trust me you don't want to picture or taste any part of the section they are reading through right now. If you think the s.e.x.u.a.l tension between two people in love who aren't having s.e.x is bad... you should be around them during the first year after they start having s.e.x...” She shrugged as she moved through the doors back into the hallway. ”It's probably why I'd missed so much of what had happened with the whole Fern thing back then.”

Arei chuckled as he sent one last glance back to the table. ”Fair enough, so what would you like to do instead? Would you like to have some of the other paperwork sent up to one of the offices or our room... or would you like to take your mind off things altogether and go explore the underwater portion of the castle?”

Jos let out a long sigh. ”Both I guess...” Her troubled eyes met his. ”We really do need to get through this work as quickly as possible, but I'm not sure exactly how much brain power I can muster at the moment.”