Chapter 251 - No shame in love (1/2)
”Oh gross! Can you just stop reading already! That's my f.u.c.k.i.n.g mom and dad!” Russ yelled out as Chary continued to read the passage of the diary over the loudspeaker.
Chary laughed loudly into the phone. [Oh no baby boy, we're just getting to the good parts. Daddy had moves!]
Ry nudged a disgruntled Russ with his elbow. ”Come on man, let her finish. Hell, ya might learn how to actually treat someone you love after hearing it.”
Russ glared over at him. ”I don't want to hear my mom's GRAFFIC description of her first time f.u.c.k.i.n.g my dad!”
[Come on, there isn't too much s.e.x left... well I mean there is... your mom's diaries could give any of the current novels a run for their money... but it also mentions, in detail, what all went down the night your dad banished your uncle.] Chary said the sound of her flipping through pages could be heard in the background.
”Fine then, just skip to that part!” Russ barked out as he crossed his arms over his c.h.e.s.t in irritation.
Ry arched a brow at him. ”Are you honestly going to sit here and tell me the guy who has been banging one of the women who raised him... his mom's best f.u.c.k.i.n.g friend... is going to shy away from s.e.x now?! The f.u.c.k man?!”
Russ threw out his arms toward the phone. ”It's my mom and dad, dude! Jos is just Jos. Like I've said a hundred times it never felt like anything weird with her! Y'all are the ones who keep making it sound weird!”
[As I said, the s.e.x part is almost over with for this portion anyways. Just hush and let me get through it. The rest of us really want to hear this part! It's epic! So, either be a good boy and listen to the story or go to your room.] Chary said mockingly through the phone.
Russ glared down at the phone as he recrossed his arms and set back against the couch. ”F.u.c.k.i.n.g go on then...”
Camila's room 1826
”Are you alright?” Ales asked on panted breaths as he pushed against the mattress to meet her passion-filled gaze. When she could only nod between gasps, he cupped her face and bent to place a light kiss on her lips before he began slowly pulling out of her inch by tightly restricted inch. He carefully climbed off her and sent an assessing once over along her body. With a light puff of a laugh, he tugged a corner of the bedding up and gently dabbed at the blood staining the pale skin of her inner t.h.i.g.hs. ”I do believe this bedding is all but ruined anyway...” he said as he moved his sparkling eyes back to meet hers. He stood and began gathering their discarded clothing before carrying it back over and setting it on the foot of the bed. He leaned against the bed as he bent to step into his trousers.
Cam frowned as she ran her hands over the length of his arms and tried tugging him back down to her. ”Ales... that was amazing... but I'm not ready to just dress and go back to our normal lives...” Her cheeks heated as she glanced toward the bed. ”I'd hoped we could lay in one another's arms for a while longer before returning to business as usual...”
Ales let the pants drop to the floor as a wide smile curved his lips. He turned and pulled her into his arms, quickly capturing her lips for a passionate kiss when her face turned to meet his in surprise. He searched her expression as he brushed some of the loose curls away from her face. ”I have no intention of going back to 'business as usual' any time tonight...” His smile widened as he bent and placed another lingering kiss on her love swollen, pouting lips. ”I simply wanted to continue in the comforts of our own room... a room I've been only able to dream of sharing with you until now...” His smile tilted wickedly as he raised a hand to stroke his lightly stubbled chin thoughtfully. ”However, I suppose, if you're not yet ready to dress or leave my arms...” He shrugged nonchalantly. ”Then there's simply no helping it...” He quickly scooped her up into his arms as he lifted them from the bed. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he said, ”I'll simply have to carry you back to our room like this.”
Cam's eyes widened in surprise. ”No, wait!” She quickly scanned her surroundings and grabbed the thick curtain hanging for the canopy of the bed, pulling it loose and coving her body with it as best as she could as they made their way toward the door. Her wide eyes studied his determined features. ”Ales, you can't possibly plan to walk like this all the way to our room!”
His wolfish grin widened showing off perfectly straight, white teeth. ”Oh, but I do...”
”But the servants!” Cam yelped as she tightened her grip on the curtain.
He arched a playful brow. ”And what of them? They will know the second they see that room what happened if they hadn't already heard us. Besides, you are my wife and their queen... it's about time everyone in this palace knows and accepts that fact.” His smile widened into a full grin as a door down the hall opened. ”And where better to start...” He said as he turned slightly to meet his brother's questioning gaze from the doorway to his favorite study. He nodded his head toward Fern. ”I must have a word with you sometime tomorrow, dear brother.” He bit out the title mockingly. ”But as you can see, it may be quite late tomorrow.” He sent his brother a wink. ”I shall have my hands full for several more hours with this one, I'm afraid.” He bent and gave her an affectionate kiss before turning his attention back to his brother. ”Oh, and don't wait on us for breakfast. We'll have Cook send something up later as well.” He turned and proudly let his b.a.r.e a.s.s cheeks flex with every step as he carried Cam the rest of the way to their room, nodding to one of the chambermaids as they passed by.
Once inside he lowered Cam to their bed. ”Would you like a bath or anything? If you're hungry I can have something brought up for you...”
Cam giggled as she shook her head. ”You are something else you know that.”
He smiled as he cupped her face and kissed the tip of her nose. ”How so, my love?”
She giggled again as she ran her hand over his b.a.r.e c.h.e.s.t. ”You know the entire castle will be abuzz about this in the morning, right? Their king and queen traipsing through the hallways completely n.a.k.e.d and directly after i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e.”
”Ummhuh.” He murmured with a husky growl against her fingers as he brought them to his lips to kiss and nibbled their tips. ”That was the very point, my love.” He lowered her hand back to his abdomen and stepped between her t.h.i.g.hs as he ran his hand through the tangled hair at the back of her head. ”I do not want any of them to doubt our relationship tomorrow or the days to come. We are their rightful king and queen. I want no one to question it.”
She frowned. ”Why might they question it now?”
He let out a heavy sigh as he moved to her side and sat down on the bed beside her. ”Because up until now they have always seen Fern and I as a unit. We have been presented to them as a package deal from the start... he has king and alpha and me as beta... until recent years in which case some of the people still look to him as their rightful leader... I... we will have to prove ourselves and present an impenetrable front once he is banned from the kingdom.”