Chapter 240 - Love above all else (1/2)
Arei leaned back against the window as he studied Jos's face. ”Are you really tired or were you only saying it to avoid me?” He asked in a low calm whisper.
Jos frowned. ”A bit of both. Today has been incredibly stressful, but I'm glad to finally have the worst of it behind us. I'm not necessarily sleepy even now, it's just... well it's quiet in here and the view is relaxing.”
He nodded. ”I understand, I felt the same growing up here.” A smile curved his lips. ”Would you like me to show you what I'd do some nights when I was too restless to sleep?”
She tilted her head in curiosity, a playful smile curving her lips. ”I don't know, is it something I've seen you do before?” She asked with a teasing poke to his c.h.e.s.t.
He chuckled, ”Well there is that... but I was thinking something more along the lines of...” He scooted forward with her still straddled across his l.a.p. He flipped the latch on the window and pushed open the heavy panel. Sending her a mischievous smile, he began unbuttoning his shirt then tossed it onto the wide seat beside them.
Jos's brows tented. ”What are you-” Her words were cut off when a devilish grin spread widely across his lips as he wrapped her tightly in his arms and hurled them both out the window backward. Jos let out a shrill scream as she squeezed her eyes tightly closed and clasped her arms around his thick neck. When she heard the swoosh of air through feathers and their rapid descent leveled out, she forced her eyes open again. Arei's playful smile was the first thing to meet her eyes, but she forced her gaze away from his gleaming eyes. Beautiful black wings were outstretched just under each of his shoulders. He had her perfectly balanced across his reclined body. ”So, you would jump out of windows with unsuspecting people for fun?” She teased, a bit of nervous energy still lingering in her shaky voice.
He let out a surprised laugh. ”No, you're the first person I've ever flung out that window. I've only ever jumped out of it alone.” His lips curved up playfully again. ”But I have seen Peg and Andy do very similar things, and she seemed to enjoy it... so, I thought maybe you would too.” He tightened his hold on her, wrapping one leg over both of hers keeping her whole body snuggly against his.
Jos watched in amazement as his wings narrowed into sharp, sleek folds on either side of them as they shot higher into the sky. The view was incredible until she happened to look down and see only a tiny speck that was the enormous palace. The watch around her wrist began beeping. She tightened her grip as fear and excitement fought for prevalence in her c.h.e.s.t. ”OH GODS! LOWER!!! We need to be lower!” She struggled to pull her legs loose of his hold but couldn't manage.
Arei let out a hefty laugh as he sent her an amused smile. ”Ah, but come on this form is the only one I can take up THIS high... but if you want down...” He winked at her as his arms tightened around her and his thick black wings cocooned around her. Locking eyes with her wild gaze, he allowed them to nose-dive back to earth.
Jos screamed in equal parts fear and excitement as the beeping of the watch increased. Before she'd even realized what had happened several tentacles had shot out and wrapped tightly around him drawing out a husky, amused laugh. As they neared the luminous waters below his wings unfolded from around her and spread widely out bringing them back to a steady glide. The beeping of the watch faded, and Jos forced the tentacles to retract as she turned slightly in his grip to see the creatures below. ”Oh wow!”
Arei couldn't hide the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e in his voice. ”You know, if you use the tentacles to hold on, you could fully turn and enjoy the sights below... maybe even touch it...”
Jos sent him a curious look. ”Are... are you sure?”
He nodded. ”Yeah, go on, try it.” He smiled warmly down at her as she nervously extended the tentacles around his waist once again. ”You know it's only fair that you use a part of you that you dislike if I'm doing the same.”
Jos sent him a shocked look. ”I... almost forgot that you don't like your wings...” Her gaze moved to one of the outstretched wings. She began to reach for it with her hand but decided to see his words through. She extended an extra tentacle and let it run out along the soft velvet of the feathers. ”They are beautiful.”
Arei's smile widened as he straightened and brought their feet down on a soft mound of grass overlooking the widest part of the deep river running along the property. As her tentacles began to retract, he caught one gently. He ran his hand over the smooth, glistening skin. ”So are these.” He turned it from side to side letting the moonlight reflect off the bioluminous skin. ”Not only are they beautiful in the day, but they are simply breathtaking at night. You should use them proudly.” His eyes moved back to hers. ”How about I make you a deal? I'll force past my own comfort zones as far as shifting goes if you'll do the same?”
Jos nodded, mesmerized by the way the luminescence from the tentacle he held caused his eyes to glisten. ”That would be... nice...”
Arei gave her a warm smile as he bent to place a lingering kiss on her lips. ”What do you say I show you one last thing before we go back to the bedroom?” He whispered with his head rested against hers. When she nodded, he took her hand and turned toward an old willow hanging over and hiding the other side of the stream. He sent her a reassuring smile as he pushed through the long willowy branches with his free hand. There were numerous splashes as they stepped out into the wide opening of the stream. Jos and Arei both caught glimpses of beautiful multicolored tail fins as the creatures dove below the water's surface. ”This used to be my favorite spot as a kid. Your lagoon has always reminded me of it.”
”It's beautiful.” Jos said as her wide eyes scanned the glistening waters. ”Can... could we get in?”
Arei chuckled. ”Well, we could... but not in what we have on. Would you like to go back and change first?”
Jos's face fell in obvious disappointment. ”I'd probably fall asleep before we could make it back out here.”
He walked over and stroked his hand along the side of her face. ”If you're that tired, kitten, then it may be best if we head back.”
She frowned up at him. ”You're probably right...” She let out a long, disappointed sigh as her gaze moved longingly back toward the water.