Chapter 230 - Coronation by the gods (1/2)
When Cam and Jos's carriage had finally stopped back in front of the main entrance to the palace, Apollo and Artemis were already waiting to escort them inside. Ales quickly jumped down from his horse and made his way over to lift Cam down as one of the planners rushed over to assist.
Raven landed and quickly hid her wings away, bowing her head to the gods standing silently in front of her. She and Jos hung back as the rest of the royal and godly party unloaded and followed the two pairs inside. They followed the warriors inside only after being urged forward by the planners as they began opening the gates for the mass groves of people waiting to come inside. Raven arched a brow as her gaze traveled around the packed interior of the palace. ”How in the world do they plan on housing such a big crowd?” Raven asked as she tried to recall the parts of the palace she'd seen during her recent visits.
”Zay will be led to the main banquet halls, and zhe main coronation and crowning will zhen take place in zhe ballroom.” One of the planners replied in a heavy accent as she led them to designated seating set up for the eccentric family and honored guests.
”Um... I think you may be mistaken on this part.” Raven said as she arched a brow and pointed toward the roped-off section.
The planner shook her head. ”Zhis is where zhe King and Queen requested Zhat you be seated. You are esteemed guests of zhe prince and princess, no?”
Raven and Jos only exchanged glances as they took their seats by some of the familiar faces they had seen around the palace on other visits. ”If this is only the coronation of a prince and princess, I can't wait to see the wedding and the actual crowning to king and queen.” Raven commented as her eyes traveled over the intricately decorated room.
Apollo and Artemis were now standing with their hands raised to silence the gathering. Ales and Cam stood between them with their parents standing proudly at each set of stairs leading up to the platform they stood on. Apollo's melodious voice called out, echoing through the room. ”As has been done with every alpha ascension, I stand before you today to welcome this boy into manhood and crown him successor to his father King Lykos.” The god walked over to Lyko and Reighley and took the crown that rested on the pillow Reighley held. She bowed her head slightly to the god, and he gave her a curt nod in return. Raising the laurel crown into the air for all the guests to see, he called out loudly to Ales. ”Please kneel. As Greek god of wolves, I crown you Prince Alesandro Boosilis of the Mediterranean wolf clan, next alpha leader of this pack.” He placed the crown on Ales's head and waited as Ales stood then nodded to Artemis.
Artemis smiled down at Cam warmly as she spoke. ”It is not often I crown a princess on the same day my brother crowns an alpha, but I've been told of your undying dedication to being with your alpha and of the promises that have been made between packs. You have proven yourself of being brave, passionate, and willing to fight for what is yours. You have earned your place among honored members of my hunt.” She bowed her head slightly to the young princess, who in turn fell into a deep curtsy.
”Thank you, My Goddess,” Cam whispered nervously.
Artemis walked over and retrieved a second crown for the pillow Morinne, Cam's mother, held. She held the gleaming crown into the air, showing the beautiful design of the crescent moon cradling the north star as she walked back to Cam. ”I crown you Princess Camilla Debarbarak Aldolph future leader and female alpha to the Mediterranean wolf clan. May the north star always guide you to those places your heart seek, and the moon may lead.” Artemis said sweetly as she placed the crown carefully atop Cam's beautifully crafted curls.
Apollo took the prince's hand and lifted it into the air as his sister did the same with Cam. ”This evening I shall place the brand of alpha onto his chest, and we shall have a demonstration of his powers and her leadership as fledglings, new to this new life. And we shall feast on the spoils of the hunt!”
The event planners began instructing the many guests out toward the massive double doors leading into the gardens. The grounds were lined with tall cream tents each with a low table filled with various dishes, glasses, and platters of vegetables and fruit. Curtains hung from the entrances of each tent, giving each a sense of elegance and privacy. Numerous rugs, furs, and pillows were spread out around the tables giving comfort to any creature who set there. Candelabras were dispersed evenly along each table with the largest in the center and two smaller ones at either side. Beautiful, fragrant flowers scattered out over the entire garden. Arrangements littered every table, every entrance, every rail, statue, and hung from every possible location including the lower branches of trees. Single candles hung in jars from the branches as well, lighting the gardens beautifully.
Raven's eyes took in the beautiful display as she and Jos were ushered out with the rest of the honored guests. ”I haven't seen a display like this since being in fae court. I mean admittedly fae court is typically done up like this, but it's done through magic and illusion. This is pretty impressive.”
”It's beautiful,” Jos whispered from beside her as she too took in the splendid sights.
”But?” Raven asked as she forced her attention back to Jos.
Jos let out a heavy sigh. ”But I've never felt more out of place and unwelcome.” She sighed as she tugged uncomfortably at her sleeve.
Raven laughed, ”What do you mean unwelcome? They pulled out all the stops to see that you were not only welcomed but 'honored'.” Raven said overexaggerating the word.
”Maybe so... but as you said earlier... Cam is still but a child... When she realizes I don't fit into this world I'm sure she'll have no more need for my company either.” Jos sighed as she let her gaze wander over the magnificent display.
Raven reached over and squeezed Jos's shoulder. ”Look man, friends sometimes grow apart. It happens, but those bonds and love never die. You'll both have these memories for the rest of your lives.” She lightly tapped Jos's cheek with her knuckles. ”Now, cheer up and try to make them happy memories for the both of you instead of your usual moping.”
Jos nodded her head, but as she was about to reply someone from behind her called out her name. She turned to see the goddess Artemis quickly approaching. Unable to force a response, Jos simply stared.
Artemis studied the girl in disbelief but certain she was the girl she was looking for. ”May I speak to you in private for a few minutes?” She sent Raven a warm smile. ”I only would like to speak to you about a friend we may have had in common some time ago.”
Jos sent an anxious glance to Raven. When the fairy only shrugged, Jos gulped down her worry and turned back to the goddess with a slight nod. ”P...please lead the way, My G...Goddess.”
Artemis laughed lightheartedly. ”There is no reason to be concerned, my dear. I mean you no ill will. I only have some questions is all.”