Chapter 222 - Party Crashers (1/2)
Two weeks later
Ales's eyes were focused on the beautiful girl standing by the entrance to the ballroom greeting guests. His eyes trailed over her floor-length pale pink dress trimmed in gold and clear jewels to match the diamond tiara that was carefully placed atop the perfect ringlets of blonde curls. He couldn't help the curve of his lips into a smile as he watched her graciously welcome every person who passed by.
”Cam is looking quite stunning tonight, isn't she? She will make an excellent queen someday. Don't you agree, son?” Reighley said as she lifted her hand to pat her youngest son's shoulder. When surprised eyes turned to meet hers, she chuckled sweetly. ”I often find myself in stunned amazement at how much of a beauty she has grown into over the past three years until I find myself standing beside you.” She playfully bopped her now six-foot-tall son's nose. ”I can hardly believe you are only sixteen.” She blew out a long, heavy sigh. ”And our little Cam is now fourteen. Where has the time gone? It seems only yesterday the two of you were sharing shaved ice and holding hands as you skipped through town.” She laced her arm in her son's as she leaned her head against his shoulder. ”I hardly see the two of you even in the same room anymore...” She stared up into her son's handsome face. ”I had thought it was because you'd had a falling out, but now... I wonder if it's not for another reason you avoid her.”
Ales frowned down at his mother. ”What difference does it make.” His stormy blue eyes moved back to Cam. ”She's betrothed to Fern...”
Reighley studied her son as she spoke. ”You're not wrong.” She shrugged. ”However sometimes things change.”
Ales shifted his troubled gaze down to his mother. ”What do you mean, Mother?”
She leaned her head from one side to the other as she continued studying her son. ”Your brother is nearly 21. Though late bloomers are not altogether unheard of, typically an alpha has fully come into his powers by that age. Your brother hasn't even begun showing signs yet.”
Ales's brows came together in confusion. ”What are you trying to say, Mother?”
She smiled up at him as she patted his arm. ”Only that it may be too early to give up on the things you want so easily.” Her smile widened when realization reflected in his intelligent eyes. ”Why don't you go ask her for the first dance. Your brother has yet to arrive, and I shall take over greeting guests.”
Ales swallowed hard as his gaze moved back to Cam reflexively. He nodded to his mother without taking his eyes off Cam. He was so nervous, he nearly stumbled over his own awkwardly long feet as he came up beside her. He cleared his throat to hide the grunt the stumble caused. He held out his hand in greeting like many of the guests had done and waited as she turned toward him. She had already extended her hand out to him as she was turning, and hadn't frozen in place until their eyes locked. He bowed over her hand, hiding the smile her open mouth was causing him. ”Happy birthday, Princess.” He murmured as he placed a lingering kiss atop the above the elbow silk glove she wore. ”May I have the first dance?”
Cam couldn't mask the surprise or the blush that covered her face as she nodded in agreement and let him lead her into the ballroom. Her eyes trailed over the well-tailored suit he wore. It consisted of a crisp white shirt under a white vest with slightly visible gold patterns and tight trousers that seemed to be just a bit too short. It was all topped by a stunning tailcoat and a sash indicating his rank as a prince. She tried to focus on her footing as he began to lead her around the dance floor. She wondered if he could feel her nervousness radiating from her. She struggled to think of something to say. ”You... you look nice tonight.” She said shyly.
A corner of Ales's lips curved upwards. ”As do you, Princess. Absolutely breathtaking in fact.” Ales raked his brain for something, anything to say to keep the conversation going. ”How... how has the party been?” He asked.
Cam furrowed her brows. ”It has only just begun...”
”Oh yes... that's right...” Ales felt like slamming the heel of his palm into his forehead. ”The decorations are lovely. Did you help select them?”
Cam smiled, ”I did. Lilies, they are my favorite.” She fumbled over her words.
”Yes, they are very lovely.” He repeated.
Cam tented her brows as she gave a slight giggle. ”As you've said.” Their gazes locked and nervous anticipation radiated between them like its own forcefield. They were only swaying still hand in hand when Cam cleared her throat. ”Um, Ales...”
”Yes, Cam?” He asked intently, holding her gaze
”Um... I believe the song has ended.” She whispered under her breath.
”Oh?” Ales's attention pulled away from her and swept over the room. Before he'd been able to force himself to release his hold on her, another song began. He sent her a crooked smile. ”Since we're already here and the night is still early. How about another dance?”
Cam gladly accepted. Soon a second song turned into a third, fourth, and even fifth song before the pair finally decided to take a rest. Cam noticed the hushed whispers and the veiled glances from some of the other females in the room. She let out a heavy sigh. ”I believe I'll step out for a breath of fresh air.”
Ales nodded, the earlier tension beginning to release. ”I can lead you for a stroll through the gardens if you'd like.”
Cam smiled up at him. ”That would be great. It's beginning to get a bit stuffy and crowded in here.” She let him lead her through the sea of well-dressed bodies and toward the huge balcony doors. She sucked in a large breath before letting it out slowly as she stepped out into the cool night air. ”Um... It was so stifling in there! I didn't think we would ever make it through that crowd.”
Ales grinned as he looked around the packed room. ”Yes, it seems like nearly everyone invited came. The people must have been excited to finally meet their crowned princess.” He released the ties holding the curtains back away from the doors. Once they were securely blocked from the massive crowd of onlookers, Ales caught her hand and spun her against him. ”You look every bit the part, tonight. You know that?” He said as he began moving them to the new song that had begun inside.
Cam frowned. ”I haven't been crowned yet.” Her eyes locked with his causing an odd, nervous energy to course through her as his bright eyes shown down at her.
”Because of no fault of your own.” He pretended to brush a stray ringlet from her cheek as an excuse to touch her smooth skin. ”And believe me, you look as regal as a queen tonight.” Another song began to play from inside, filtering out in muffled waves through the thick curtains that separated the ballroom and balcony. Ales held out a hand to her. ”May I have this dance?” He asked in a low charming voice.
Cam's wide eyes held his. She knew she should refuse him but couldn't bring herself to, instead, she held her gloved hand out to him. She sucked in a surprised breath as he quickly took her hand and pulled her into his tight embrace. His body was more relaxed than it had been earlier when they had danced inside reminding her of the younger boy who used to accompany her during dance lessons when she'd first came to the palace. She giggled as she recalled how much taller she used to be than him, even with him being two years her senior.