Chapter 218 - The threat of love (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 53010K 2022-07-23

Six months later

A lovely leather-bound journal set in the lap of a new lavender dress. Cam's tiny fingers fumbled with the pen as she gazed out the window of her bedroom. She smiled as a flock of seagulls flew by, heading to the beautiful white sands of the beach just past the palace grounds. She let out a happy sigh as she added yet another heart to the page she'd been doodling on. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected to be so happy here. The queen was a wonderful woman who treated her as if she were her own child, frequently commenting on how she had always wanted a daughter and how she would have wished it to be just as lovely. Cam's cheeks tinted slightly at the memory, before deepening as her thoughts moved to Ales. He was every bit as charming as one would expect a prince to be. Not only was he friendly and charismatic, but he was also caring and thoughtful. He excelled in all their studies, even offering her help when she found tasks difficult. He always shared lunches with her even when the weather wasn't nice enough for the veranda, and fit time in to see her progression with music, even accompanying her during the dance lessons frequently. When other kids came to the palace to play, he was always quick to introduce her and found ways to include her in whatever activities they partook in.

Yelling from the typically quiet hallway brought Cam's attention away from the window. She clutched the journal against her chest as her bedroom door busted open. Her eyes bugged and her breath caught as Fern, of all people, came busting in Ales following close behind him.

”You can't just bust in on her-” Ales was protesting as he followed his brother through the door.

”I can and I will. She is my betrothed after all.” Fern turned angry eyes toward his brother. ”And you should do well to remember that!” He shoved his brother hard, back out the door before turning and storming over toward Cam. Fern lifted his hand and brought the back of it down hard across her face, sending pain coursing through her cheek.

Cam stared up at him in stunned disbelief, but before she could say anything he began yelling at her. ”I come home after all this time to hear whispers from the maids of how cute my brother and future bride are! How THEY HAVE BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT OF EACH OTHER'S ROOMS! I will not have it, Camilla! You are here to be my bride, not the palace whore! I will not have your heathen behaviors tarnish the reputation of this kingdom! Do I make myself clear?!” His attention moved to the book clutched to her chest. When he grabbed for it, she tried to turn away, but he was too fast. Grabbing the book and looking at the page it was opened to, Fern's anger rose. He ripped the pages from the book, tossing it to the ground before first tearing the pages more, then throwing them to the ground and spitting on them. ”You can forget that completely, Camilla. You belong to me!” He turned abruptly and stomped out the door, punching his brother hard in the arm as he left.

Ales could hear crying from inside the room and hurried in. ”Are you alright?” He asked, concern heavy in his voice. He lowered to the floor beside her and began helping her pick up the ripped pages of her journal.

Cam's tear-filled eyes widened as Ales lifted the heart-covered pages. ”NO!” She yelled out, but it was too late. She couldn't get them away in time. Her breath caught and more tears streamed from her eyes. He didn't say anything, instead, he just stared down at the pages flipping through them slowly with wide-eyed fascination... or horror, she thought. Cam pushed herself up quickly from the floor and ran from the room. She didn't allow her feet to stop their rapid escape until she was out of the palace gates and running down the steep cliff to the white sands below.

The loose sands caused her calves to burn as she kept running, but she refused to stop determined to get as many miles as possible between herself and the palace. Her breathing was coming out in strained pants and her muscles ached as a high rocky wall spread across the shoreline ahead of her. Her eyes searched over the area until she noticed an opening in part of the rocks nearest the water. Cam walked cautiously forward, her eyes taking in every inch of the hidden lagoon ahead of her. Her breath caught and her steps seized as the white head of another girl came into view. The girl looked nothing like the other wolf children she'd met on the island thus far and gave off a completely different scent. Cam tilted her head sideways as she studied the girl, watching her run her fingers through the knee-deep water she stood in. ”Hey? What are you doing?” Cam called out when the girl remained focused on the water, not even seeming to notice that the thin dress she wore was becoming soaked by the water.

The girl's attention didn't move from the spot it was trained on. ”Fishing...” She replied as she moved her fingers across the waters once again.

Cam tilted her head more. ”Fishing?” She asked. ”But you have no net or spear?”

The girl plunged her hands into the water in a rapid movement and jerked back upright with a fish in hand. She smiled as she finally met Cam's curious gaze. ”A good hunter doesn't need tools.” She carried the fish back to shore. ”Would you like some?”

Cam followed the girl as she walked over to a few supplies scattered out over the beach. Her eyes studied the alien-looking fish as it flopped against the girl's grip. ”What kind is that? I've never seen one.”

The girl smiled at Cam. ”You're not from around here, are you? This is a lionfish. They are quite tasty but also a bit poisonous.” She pointed to the long spike-like fins. ”But only if you get poked by this part.”

Cam leaned in closer to the fish, studying the long orange and white fins. ”But it's so pretty...”

The girl gave a faint chuckle, ”Things can be both pretty and dangerous, you know. Especially on this island. You should be more careful.” The girl arched her silver brows causing the brilliant aqua pools of her eyes to shine more noticeably. ”You may also do well to avoid strangers in the future... You never know when one can be harmful... things aren't always what they seem in these parts.”

Cam tilted her head and studied the girl for a few minutes before holding her hand out. ”My name is Camilla De'Barberak Adolpha, but you can call me Cam. What is yours?”

The girl arched another brow curiously. ”Joslyn... um I really don't have other names... But you can call me Jos...”

Cam smiled brightly. ”There, now we are no longer strangers.”

Jos huffed out a laugh as she turned her attention back to the fish. ”So, would you like to try it?”

Cam frowned. ”It's so pretty I'd hate to see it hurt.”

Jos studied the fish. ”Do not let its looks fool you. It is a vial predator with no known predator of its own. It has been known to kill off many of the other fish in the area without reason or mercy. It has been known to cause injury to people as well, though usually not fatal.”

Cam's eyes widened. ”Oh, is that why you hunt it?” She asked as she watched the girl begin to prepare the fish for cooking.

Jos nodded. ”These waters have enough predators...” Her eyes moved over to the girl's in curiosity. ”You're a long way from the village. What brings you all the way out to these parts?”

Cam frowned, looking away from the fish as it struggled against death. Her hand moved to her sore cheek where Fern had slapped her. ”I fear, I've made a terrible mistake and will most likely be sent away because of it...”

Jos tilted her head. ”What could you have done that was so bad?”