Chapter 215 - Final curtain fall (1/1)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 47300K 2022-07-23

The bright sun had woken Jos from a troubled sleep. She'd had strange dreams all night even with Arei's strong arms around her. What was odder, she couldn't recall a single one of them now. She straightened the room they'd spent the night in while Arei threw together a makeshift breakfast. After quickly finishing the protein bar and cup of instant coffee, they locked up the cabin and headed for the area where they had landed yesterday. Jos forced herself to focus on the reflection of the snow-capped mountains in the shimmering waters of the lake as Arei removed the sheet and shifted into the magnificent, winged stallion.

After a short struggled and a clear ride back, Jos was now standing in front of tall full-body mirrors as she studied her reflection. How had it come to this? She looked past her own frame at the reflection of the room. This had been the same room she'd gotten ready for the ball at all those years ago. Her eyes moved to a spot on the floor by the antique freestanding bathtub. She had cried so hard for so long on that very spot. This was one of the memories he hadn't wanted her to regain. The pain of his rejection felt fresh along with the nervous anticipation from that day. This time the nervousness came from the hearing but the same foreboding feeling lingered. {Is history about to repeat itself again? Will our progress forward be met by some unexpected lapse of bad luck and ill intent?} She couldn't shake the nervous energy. A light knock sounded at the door pulling her focus away from her own gloomy thoughts. Pulling the door open, she was surprised to see Poseidon standing there.

”I know you were most likely expecting my son, but I thought I'd stop by first.” He rested his hand lightly on her shoulder. ”I want you to know, no matter what happens today, we are all in your corner. Ry and the kid have been asked to be there today via teleprompter again... in my office this time...” He rolled his eyes. ”He'll be returned to his island as soon as everything is over, and I will be accompanying him. I thought you'd like to know he and his sister both have signed contracts with me.” He held up his hand before she could speak. ”They are not full claims and either of them can back out anytime. Until then, however, they will have my full protection. I plan to accompany Ry and the kid to his island later today to get things started.” He patted her arm. ”I tell you this because I don't want you to worry about their wellbeing. You are a part of my court and my family now, and they are a part of your family so I will do what I can to help them. Understand?” He searched her troubled eyes. ”I do not doubt my son has said some things to you that has you doubting my sincerity, but I promise you all that I have ever done or will ever do is for the best of my children.”

Jos furrowed her brows. ”How is helping me or Russ and Shelly for the good of your children?” She struggled to process and understand his words past the cl.u.s.ter of irrational fear and anxiety plaguing her mind.

Poseidon patted her cheek as he held her gaze. ”Because I believe you will always be the best thing for my son. By keeping you happy I have a better chance of seeing him happy. And I'll not lie, I have become fond of the girl and interested in seeing what the boy can become.”

She frowned as she tried to read past the face value of his words. ”Arei said you hope our union would produce powerful offspring. Do you deny it?”

Poseidon nodded slowly. ”I do, but not for the reasons you may expect.”

Her heart dropped a bit, her frown falling more until she finally let out an irritated snort. ”Well, you're wasting your time then, I'm most likely infertile.” Her stern eyes met his. To her shock, the corner of his mouth had turned up into a smile.

”You know, it's not uncommon to hear of creatures of different species having fertility issues. In fact, it is less common to see the intermixing of creatures. Like our little Shelly, for instance, it is an oddity indeed for a wolf to be carrying a Gen child. There is a possibility, the farther along she gets and the more developed the Gen becomes the more complications she'll have. I'll be less surprised if she goes into labor early. It is true it's easier for gods and demigods to mix with other creatures, but complications aren't unheard of. Think about that for a while, my dear... You may be surprised at the conclusion you come to.” He bent and kissed her forehead. ”Whenever you're prepared, I am ready to take you to the Embassy and Arei is ready to accompany you.” He turned and left the room without saying anything else.

{Was Arei right? Did he have ulterior motives as well?} Jos frowned as she moved her attention away from the door and back to the mirror for one last look. She ran a nervous hand over her skirt before turning toward the door and walking out as well.

One hour later: Embassy, Athens Greece

Jos could barely breathe as all her crimes had first been lain out in front of the courts and then the maximum punishment for each explained. She now stood inside the defendant box nervously searching each of the faces before her. Arei held her hand tight from beside her. Prometheus stood directly in front of her box facing the council stands as he gave his final plea.

Her heart skipped a beat as the gavel fell. Her eyes shot up to the cool expression of Themis and her two daughters as their judging gazes burned into her. She thought her heart was going to altogether stop when Themis raised her hand and the entire courtroom fell quiet.

Themis's booming voice rang out throughout the courts. ”For the charge of murder of eleven human men you are found guilty of nine counts of first-degree murder carrying a sentence of twenty-five years per victim. You have not only shown little remorse in those killings but have expressed intent in all nine cases. You are charged with one count of second-degree murder of the Uber driver, as it was not a direct plan to kill any driver who took the call. It will carry a 10-year sentence which may be eligible for reduction after three years. In the charge of the final murder, you are charged with involuntary manslaughter. Though you may have not been in full control and have little recollection of the murder, it was not directly related to the curse and was carried out by you. It will carry a sentence of six years with the eligibility of reduction after a year.” The gavel fell again. ”Theseus, as the human representative, you are excused.”

Everyone waited in stunned silence as Theseus bowed slightly before stepping back and taking his council seat and Lamia stood and stepped forward.

”All charges and allegations against one Joslyn Decker versus Russell Boosilis have been dropped. If the defendant would like to press counter-charges against Mr. Boosilis now would be that time.” Themis's eyes bore into Jos. When Jos forced herself to shake her head no, Themis frowned. ”Very well, Lamia, as shifter representative, you are now excused.” A dark cloud fell over Themis's eyes as she spoke up again. ”This next portion brings me little pleasure. Each party involved has been met with great tragedy and has lost much. But as the law stands and because the crimes were not reported at all by any party involved or suspected of being involved, with a heavy heart, I conclude this trial with the final charges. Joslyn Decker, you stand charged with murder in the first degree of fourteen high-ranking vampires including one Xavier DeMarco and Dante DeMarco. With that being said, we do not believe there was any premeditation in these murders at any point. Though it was not determined how much control you maintained during the slaughter, it was not in direct correlation of the curse.” Her dark eyes held Jos's. ”The charges of first-degree murder have been dropped.” Just as hushed mumbles began to break out in the courtroom the gavel fell again and Themis raised her hand. ”This does not mean the crimes are going unpunished. For the death of twelve high-ranking clan members of various vampire groups across the globe and the deaths of Xavier DeMarco, the charges will be dropped to involuntary manslaughter and the punishment will be six years per individual for a total of seventy-eight years. You will be eligible for a reduction after thirteen years. As for Dante DeMarco, though it was an act of vigilante and we do not condone such acts typically, the heinous acts which he committed against one Rachelle Boosilis-Bhamra and Reyansh 'Rin' Bhamra the charges are dropped completely.” Themis hit the gavel on the desk several times before calling out. ”Order!” Once it was quiet again and both her daughters stood beside her, each with one palm facing forward and one upwards toward the ceiling and heavens above, she said. ”The total years of your punishments will be three hundred and seventy-one years. You will be brought up for reduction eligibility in two hundred and twenty-five years. Sentencing will be served under the direct supervision of Poseidon's courts under the current claim of the sea god. You will report to Prometheus routinely and will be closely monitored by him and the council. Do you understand and accept these charges? If you have any other things, you feel could help your case now would be the time to bring them to the court's attention.” She gave Jos time to think. When nothing was said, her frown deepened. ”You will have ten years to protest any outcomes of today's hearing. In which time if any drastic life changes or new findings arise, we ask that it is brought to our attention immediately. Do you have any questions?”

Jos stayed frozen gripping Arei's arm tightly. {THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-ONE YEARS! That was half a wolf's life expectancy... What will that mean for Shelly? for... for... Russ...} A strong hand gripped the one that hugged his arm tightly. Her eyes moved up to the stormy hazel ones above her head. {What will this mean for us? Everything will rely on Poseidon and Prometheus's decisions... what happens when Poseidon realizes I have nothing to offer him or his son?} She could feel tears building in her eyes.

”Father will be waiting outside the courtroom. Even he cannot pop in and out of this room as he pleases. We will return to his palace along with Prometheus and hash out the details of your sentence. There is little that can be done about the first two hundred and twenty-five years, but we can work on ways to limit time spent after that.” Arei quickly and quietly explained as they waited for the courtroom to empty.

Jos nodded her head barely processing the words he was saying. Her eyes landed on a pair of cold, hate-filled eyes. Vivian DeMarco's angry eyes bore into Jos for several long minutes before she finally turned and left the room, escorted by a large man in all black. She involuntarily tightened her grip on Arei's arm.

Arei followed her gaze to the departing vampire's back. He patted the hand that gripped his arm almost painfully. ”Don't worry, Kitten, we will keep eyes on her and the rest of her associates. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't already have a revenge plan in mind.” Arei said as he guided her forward. ”Just remember, you're not in this alone anymore. You have all of us.” He said as he pulled them to a stop in front of Prometheus, his father, brother, and Andy. ”We're ready.” He said, gripping her hand tightly as the lobby of the Embassy faded and the main hall of the palace replaced it.