Chapter 212 - What is love (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 57980K 2022-07-23

Russ ran his hands through his hair as he approached the bed where his sister lay, in her wolf form once again. You probably don't want to talk to me... I understand and don't blame you at all...” His eyes wandered around the spacious man-cave of a room as he sat down beside her, unable to meet her gaze. ”I messed up... more than once, I know that.” He lowered his head into his hands with his elbows resting on his knees. ”The full weight of my actions hadn't registered until hearing your testimony earlier... I know that is f.u.c.k.i.e.d up to say, but it's true. I owe you both an apology.” He finally turned his full attention around to Shelly and gave a half-hearted smile. ”If you'll hear me out that is?”

Shelly studied her brother for a long time before finally nodding, shifting her gaze over to Raven and Isha and tilting her head toward the door.

Raven frowned. ”Alright, we'll be back in a little while.” She said giving the siblings privacy.

When Raven was about to step out the door Russ called back to her. ”Thanks, Ray.”

She gave him a sad smile. ”No problem... Just... try not to be a d.i.c.k...” She didn't wait on his response before stepping out the door and closing it behind her.

Russ frowned, his eyes still trained on the door. ”I guess I've managed to piss everyone off lately...” When Shelly snorted, he turned his attention back to her. ”You're right I do deserve it, and I realize that... but I swear to you when Jos is around I can't control myself. Something drives the wolf... insane...” He shrugged as he shook his head. ”Maybe it's her curse, maybe it's the alpha... but either way I don't want to lose her. I can't lose her, Shell. You of all people have to understand that... right?” He searched Shelly's expression with pleading eyes.

Shelly finally pushed up onto her legs and moved over to the nightstand. Jos had found a picture in the room a few days ago that had upset her enough that she'd shoved it into the nightstand drawer. She pulled the drawer open with her mouth and nudged around inside the drawer until her nose made contact with the jagged edge of the antique frame. Gripping it gently between her teeth, she pulled it from the drawer and handed it over to her brother.

The questioning arch of Russ's brows fell into sad, irritation as several other emotions battled within. His eyes searched the picture, his irritation and hurt building with every second that pass. It was an old hand-sketched portrait, slightly smudged and yellowed with age. In the corner were a signature, a title, and a date. '1566 picture of love', it read. He couldn't make out the signature, but the likeness of the profiles was unmistakable. He ran his thumb slowly over the image of Jos. Her eyes were lit with excited, child-like wonder he'd rarely seen on her. Her hair and clothes were styled in an exotic tribal fashion. He knew well without the sketch being colored, what her lively eyes would look like. He'd seen that expression reflected in her eyes as well, but this time it wasn't him they were turned to... it was Arei. The giant of a man was holding her tightly against him as he leaned against a fence with roses framing them. His eyes held hers, mirroring the same tender love that was in hers. ”They really were in love back then, weren't they...” His sad eyes glanced from the picture to his sister.

Shelly nodded leaning in closer to look over the picture as well before jumping down from the bed and wobbling over to the window seat. After struggling to get up on it using the suitcase Arei had set there for her to use as a step, she searched the yard. A smile covered her face as she turned to Russ and nodded toward the back lawn.

Russ set the picture down on the bed and walked over to where his sister was. Looking out he saw Jos on the lawn giggling, her face lively and youthful as she struggled to mount a huge black, winged-stallion. He hadn't seen her laugh like that for years. He carefully lifted the window to hear the sweet sound of her laughter.

”Well, if you would get a little closer to the ground, and if I wasn't having to hold your clothes as well!” Her words broke between bursts of laughter.

”Throw them on the ground if it's too much for ya. I don't care to go n.a.k.e.d!” The familiar voice of the horse laughed as he tried kneeling closer to the ground when her foot got stuck on the base of a wing.

Russ's eyes widened as understanding dawned. He snapped his head around to Shelly. ”That's him, isn't it? Arei? he's... the horse?”

Shelly nodded, a wolfish smile curving her lips. Her eyes twinkled down at the two as they continued to fumble around in the yard playfully.

Russ frowned. ”You like him?” He didn't need to look to know she was nodding again. It was hard not to enjoy watching her have so much fun, if only he could forget the person she was having that fun with was his rival. The man that had already stolen and kept a huge chunk of her heart. A heavy frown spread across his features as he continued to watch them.


”Andy made this look so easy the other day!” Jos huffed out in amused, frustration. ”Are you sure you can't get any lower?”

Arei laughed harder. ”What do you want me to do? I'm already practically laying on the ground!” He nudged her playfully with his muzzle.

”Well, if you were laying down it would be easier...” She muttered as she tried tossing her leg over him once against as she balanced on tip-toe with the other foot.

Arei's laughter echoed in a rumble against the high walls of the palace. ”Geez, hold still and let me help you, or we'll be here all day!” He caught her under her bottom with his muzzle and nudged her onto his back.

Jos let out an indigent grunt as she was tossed onto the massive horse's back. She struggled to right herself before tucking his clothes under one upper thigh. ”You could have done that from the beginning.” She mumbled as she wrapped her arms securely around his neck.

”You need to learn how to mount me on your own.” The horse winked at her. ”Ready?” He asked as he arched one jet black brow.

Jos nodded. ”As ready as I'll ever be, I guess...” She held him tighter and locked her thighs tightly against his sides.”

Arei chuckled as he set off in a medium trot, letting her get used to the movements. ”How long has it been since you rode horseback?” He asked in curiosity as he began to pick up speed.

Jos thought it over. ”I rode a few times with Cam and Ales, but that's been... thirty years ago I guess... maybe longer.”

”You'll have to tell me about them sometime, whenever you're comfortable discussing it.” He said. ”Hold on as tight as you can, we're about to lift off.” He warned.

Jos was about to begin telling him about her time with Cam when her breath rushed out of her lungs. Her stomach seemed to flip as they shot into the air. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly as she felt their altitude rise.

”Open your eyes, Kitten.” Arei chuckled, glancing back as they leveled out.

Jos forced her eyes open; and her breath caught again, this time in amazement. ”Oh wow!” She called out as her eyes traveled over the puffy clouds they passed through. She reached a hand out to touch one but paused in caution, biting her lip as she struggled with indecision.

”Go ahead. I'll make sure you don't fall.” Arei called back to her, watching her from the corner of one large hazel orb that stood out against the surrounding black hair.

Jos bit into her lip harder as she looked longingly from the fluffy cloud to the gleaming hazel eye. The sun's rays reflected off it causing the yellow at the center of the sea of various greens and blues to seem to dance. ”Are you sure?”

Arei nodded. ”Yes, you'll be perfectly safe. I promise.” When she lost balance by overreaching, he leveled out his wings to offer her more support as she leaned over. ”Careful, Kitten. Support yourself against my wing.”