Chapter 202 - Always time for a pillow fight (1/2)
Jos couldn't help the laugh that burst past her lips as her eyes moved down from his lopsided pigtails tied up with pink ribbons, to the giant unicorn midriff and matching bottoms. ”You look so cute!”
Arei handed the stuffed bunny to Jos as he glared at his father. ”I'm being serious here. Jos and Shelly could be in danger. They let a f.u.c.k.i.n.g assassin walk directly into the building without a second thought. She could have easily finished the job today before we even had a chance to know what happened.” Arei barked out as he tugged the ribbons from his hair and tossed them at his father. ”I'm going to go change, let me know what you decide.” He said patting Peg's shoulder as he walked by.
Peg answered right away. ”We'll have to run by the house first to pack some overnight bags, but we'd be more than happy to stay with you guys. If you want I can even see if the Embassy will switch us all to a larger room.”
Arei let out a relieved sigh. He nodded as he walked toward his room. ”That would be great. Themis gave Marcus three hours to produce a new witness, but I'm not sure what timeline that leaves us with.” He said as he turned the knob and pushed the door open. ”At best a day maybe two at max.”
Peg frowned, ”We'll go ahead and head out now. We should be back within an hour or so. I'll ask for the new room on our way out. Hopefully, by the time we make it back, you guys will know more.”
Arei nodded. ”Alright, I'll text ya if they move us before you get back.” He didn't wait for his brother's reply before stepping into the room and closing the door.
Poseidon's thoughtful gaze trailed away from Jos to his approaching son. ”Peg, why don't I go downstairs with you? I have a better place for everyone to stay than this cramped hovel.” He said as he pushed himself up from the armchair.
Peg arched a brow. ”You mean the palace? You really think that's a good idea? She was taken from there easily enough last time...”
Poseidon nodded as he walked toward the door. ”Yes, but that was when one of my strongest sons was working for the enemy. He turned with his hand on the door. ”What do you say, Dear? Your friend and her wife could both join us, and it's winter so Cheri will be there. The two of you got along smashingly the last time you stayed.”
Jos exchanged a questioning look with Raven. When the fairy only shrugged, Jos turned back to the god of the sea. ”I guess, it's alright with us... if you can talk the council into releasing me. From what I gather, I'm being kept here as more of a fancy prison cell than as a guest.”
He smiled. ”Not to worry, Dear. It's not like you are being released to your own recognizance. You will be in my court, heavily guarded and protected at all times. Along with my new favorite friend over there.” He winked to Shelly. When Jos only nodded in agreement, his smile widened. Motioning for Peg to follow, he said. ”Then it's settled. Peg you and Andy will meet us there once you've packed, ladies you will pack now... Raven is it? You contact your dear lovely bride and have her teleport to my palace. Jos, dear, I leave it in your capable hands to inform Arei of my plans while I go to the lobby and inform your not so gracious host of your departure.” With that Poseidon pushed the door open and began walking toward the lobby, not bothering to see if Peg was following.
When Peg and Andy made it to the lobby Poseidon was in a heated argument with the concierge. ”Call whoever you like, but it will not change the fact. Consider this less of me asking permission and more of a courtesy. Poseidon turned his back on the flabbergasted concierge and waved to Peg. ”See the both of you in about an hour or so?” It wasn't a question either.
A little over two hours later they were all standing in the main halls of the palace. Arei wrapped one arm around Jos's waist as he carried their luggage in the other. ”Are you alright? Is this place bringing back too many memories too suddenly?”
Jos shook her head as she winced against the building migraine. ” it will be alright.” She forced a smile as she met his worried gaze.
Arei brushed a few stray strands of hair back out of her face as he studied her. ”If you were not so obviously lying right now, I'd be tempted to ask what memories have come back.” He continued stroking her hair, ignoring the commotion around them until a bump to the arm finally drew his attention away.
”Come on, you know how father gets when he's excited about something,” Peg said sending them both a wink as he led Andy through the massive double doors of the library.
Jos's breath caught. Her hand shot out to Arei's arm for extra support as countless memories began to bombard her all at once. They had spent the majority of their time in this very room. She spun in a slow circle as she took in the room and its many decorations that had been put out last minute. The lights were all turned off but clear strings of lights hung from the many levels overhead. Tea lights littered the tables and inside the large pink lotus flowers floating in the numerous pools scattered around the floors. A strong hand landed on her shoulder, forcing her eyes away from her amazing surroundings.
”This was your favorite room the last time you were here, I do believe,” Poseidon said with a wide smile, his eyes glistening with pride. ”I also have someone here that has been eager to see you again for some time now.” He stepped to the side and a tall busty redhead came at Jos with open arms.
Chary wrapped Jos in a tight hug. ”Oh girl, I'd wondered when that big dumb lug of a brother would come to his senses and bring you back to us! I missed you!” Chary frowned as she gently pulled away and turned disappointed eyes down toward Jos. ”You probably don't remember us, though... do you?” She scrunched her brows together in confusion as she noticed the tears overflowing from Jos's eyes. ”What is it, Dear?”
Arei came up behind them, running his hands down Jos's arms as he leaned around her. ”Are you alright, Kitten? Has the headaches cause too much pain.”
Jos shook her head. She quickly dashed away tears before lunging forward and wrapping her arms around the tall woman's waist.
Arei arched a brow. ”And again... if you weren't already taken, I'd be afraid I'd have to fight you for her affections...”
Chary pursed her lips as she smacked Arei's arm with one of the hands she'd wrapped back around Jos. ”Come off it brother.”
Jos giggled against a sob. ”I missed you, too... I remember you...” She released Chary and turned to Poseidon who stood beside Chary, taking them all in. Brushing more tears from her cheeks, she sent him a warm smile. ”Thank you for bringing me back here.”
Poseidon smiled back at her. ”Anytime dear.” He turned to the rest of the group. ”Alright, who's ready for some fun?” He sent Jos a wink over his shoulder as he made his way over to one of the seating areas he had set up. He spread out over one chair and patted the lounger beside him. ”Perfect chair for a pregnant traveler who needs to put their feet up, wouldn't you agree?” he called out to Shelly. Jos watched as she nodded and quickly headed over to join.
Chary smiled as she followed Jos's gaze. Taking her hand, she tugged on it. ”Why don't you introduce us to your new friends and I'll reintroduce you to my wife, Scylla.” Jos nodded and let the woman lead her toward the pool where Poseidon had chosen to sit.
”Your family really seem to like Jos.” Raven said as she walked up behind Arei. ”And your father seems to have taken up quite a bit with Shelly...”
Arei nodded not taking his attention off Jos as she was introduced to Scylla, then introduced Shelly. He gave her a slight wave as she turned her attention his way, no doubt telling them about Raven now. ”My sister and Scylla were crazy about her. They were heartbroken when they found out what Zeus had done. There's been a lot of ill feelings throughout the entire family over it actually. Even Hera disapproved of his trickery.”
”Trickery? You mean drugging her and causing massive amnesia.” Raven shot back in irritation. ”I hadn't even realized... I guess she hadn't either until you and Ry came back into her life. Whatever you've done seems to be working though.” She patted his shoulder. ”I commend you... didn't think you would but looks like you've done the right thing.”
Arei frowned, ”I didn't... My brother Peg was the one who helped after your Isha sent her to find his wife Andy.” His expression softened. ”I owe the both of you more thanks than you'll ever know for that. You did what I couldn't.”