Chapter 195 - Brunch fit for a god (1/2)
Jos ran her hands down the dark burnt orange floor length dress she wore nervously for what had to be the hundredth time. The matching suit jacket hung on the back of the chair of the upscale chic café they were in. The Parthenon which magically vailed the Embassy could be seen from the window their table sat in front of. That was the point after all, pick a place that some of the council members ate at frequently during their lunch breaks. An imagined chill blow over her exposed mid-drift causing her to tug at the hem of the elegant black lace cropped blouse she wore.
Arei leaned toward her placing a hand over hers and bringing it to rest on the tabletop. ”You look breathtaking, Kitten. Stop fidgeting with your clothes and eying every person who enters the place as if you owe them money.” When wide aqua eyes met his, he smiled down at her. ”Relax.” He brought her hand up to his lips and placed a light kiss across her knuckles.
”Ah, Dear! You look simply amazing!” Poseidon called from the door as he brushed passed the hostess. Two familiar large men followed behind him, Ry... and Russ.
She swallowed hard against the lump forming in her throat as she quickly yanked her hand away from Arei and stood. She ran her hand over her skirts again before holding it out for Poseidon to shake. ”You guys made it-”
Poseidon cut off her words as he pulled her by the hand into his arms. ”We are soon to be family, dear. There is no point in handshakes.” He winked down at her.
Jos heard a growl from behind the god as he whispered loudly so that everyone around them could hear him. Her eyes trailed past him to Russ. Ry was leaning down and whispering something to him, but whatever he was saying seemed to have little effect on Russ's mood. She pulled away from Poseidon and began moving toward Russ and Ry, but strong hands stopped her. Her eyes followed the hand up to Poseidon's bright eyes before lowering to his lips that were currently mouthing the word 'no'. She let out a low sigh before turning her attention back to Ry and Russ. ”I'm glad the two of you could make it. You have to tell us about your travels, thus far.” She lowered her head unable to meet Russ's angry glare any longer.
Arei lifted beside her and wrapped one arm loosely around her waist as he patted his father's shoulder with the other, then nodded toward his brother and Russ. ”Yes, glad you could make it. Please, have a seat. We have ordered drinks for the table already.” He gently led Jos back to her chair and pulled it out for her, sending Russ a 'this is how a real men act' glare.
Russ flopped down across from Jos as Poseidon took the seat closest to Shelly, leaving Ry to set between Russ and Arei at the large round table. As soon as everyone was seated two waitresses brought trays of drinks over, sitting a full glass of water and one of red wine in front of everyone. ”Ah, could we get a straw?” Poseidon asked one of the waitresses. He left his hand held out as he shot Shelly a wink. The wolf sent him a wolfish grin as she nodded her approval. ”I have also prepared the doc.u.ments you asked for. It is up to the two of you whether you'd like to sign them now or after lunch... either way.” He didn't acknowledge the waitress as she placed the straw in his hand, instead, he simply took the paper off it and placed it into the wolf's glass for her.
Jos cleared her throat. ”I... I'm fine with signing them now.”
He nodded his head as he flipped his wrist in the air producing the papers. He lifted slightly over the table to hand them to her. ”Read over them first, Dear. We can make any adjustments that you'd like before submitting them.”
A flicker of the man doing the exact same thing across a massive mahogany desk in some other place flashed through her mind causing her breath to catch. She swallowed and quickly forced her trembling hands to take the papers. ”T...t... thank you.” She stuttered as she focused her attention onto the stack of papers.
Arei rested an arm against the back of her chair as he began to read the doc.u.ment along with her. He pointed out a few lines here and there as they flipped through it, but Jos's focus continued to jut back up to the angry eyes across from her. She could feel the rage radiating from him from where she sat. When something Arei said irritated him an extra bit more, Jos couldn't help but wince.
Arei furrowed his brows as he stroked her shoulder soothingly with the hand that rested on the back of the chair. ”I'm sure if this part bothers you, we can have it changed.” He turned his attention toward his father, asking him questions about that section of the contract.
The conversation was lost on Jos. She couldn't take her eyes off Russ as his barely masked emotions played out in front of her in real time. She'd known him way too long not to know exactly what he was thinking and feeling. Her attention was barely swayed by the coming and going of the waitress as she took their orders or as the conversation continued around her.
”What do you say, Dear?” Poseidon's voice pulled Jos from her trance.
”Hum?” She asked pulling her attention to the god.
Arei cleared his throat sending a glare toward Russ. ”Father was saying, if you'd like, we could go over it in more depth in the room later in privacy.” He arched a brow as he added. ”Without as many distractions.”
Jos could feel her cheeks heat. ”I... I...”
Arei shook his head. ”There's no need to apologize or anything else.” He glanced toward the front of the expansive room. ”Our food is on its way over anyway.” He leaned back as one of the waitresses placed plates in front of him and Jos and another set them in front of Poseidon, Ry, and Russ.
The waitress paused as she held Shelly's plate. ”Um what shall I do with this one? Technically dogs are not allowed inside...”
Poseidon narrowed his eyes at the woman as he jerked the plate from her. ”Then I suppose it's a damn good thing the girl isn't a dog isn't it? Rather a dear friend of mine... Isn't that right?” He turned a sweet smile down to Shelly. The wolf nodded as she licked her lips, her eyes staring longingly at the rare steak on the plate awaiting her.
Jos forced her attention away for Russ and scooted her chair closer to Shelly. ”Here I'll help her.” Jos unfolded the red napkin from the fork and knife and began cutting the steak on the wolf's plate. Once she was finished, she stabbed a chunk with the fork and offered it to the wolf. She watched as Shelly savored the bite. ”Is it good?” Jos's smile brightened as the wolf nodded her head with enthusiasm. ”That's great!”
Arei chuckled as he watched the two for several minutes. ”Alright why don't you at least try yours before it gets cold.”
Jos furrowed her brows at him before turning back to the wolf. When Shelly nodded in agreement, she asked. ”Are you sure? I can continue helping you if you are still hungry.” The wolf shook her head. When Jos still seemed skeptical, Poseidon chimed in.
”I'm about finished myself. I'll help the girl.” He took the fork away from Jos and stabbed a spear of broccoli and brought it to the wolf's mouth. When she snarled her nose up at the vegetable, the god tisked her. ”All good mummy-to-be eat their veggies.” He waved the broccoli in front of her as he lifted his glass of wine to his own lips with his free hand.
”Well, if this isn't an unusual site.” A familiar voice called out from nearby. The occupants of the table quickly turned their attention to the exotic beauty walking toward their table. ”To say I'm surprised at seeing the bunch of you together after the other night would be a harsh understatement.” Lamia's gaze moved from Russ's barely masked rage to the hand Arei had rested against the back of Jos's chair.