Chapter 190 - Anything to be by your side (1/2)
Greece 1517
Peg watched as the two eager men shed their clothes, littering his room with the items. He let out a long sigh as they all but tore the covers from his bed. {Well, at least I won't have to bother cleaning them tomorrow.} He walked over to the dressing mirror and began removing the elaborate topcoat and vest he wore. Carefully hanging them and placing them in his armoire, he pulled a wad of bills from his pocket and walked toward the bed. The men were already in the center wrapped tightly in a steamy embrace as Peg neared. He kicked his boots off as he waited for the men to turn their attention to him.
One man reached out to him. ”Come play with us.”
”Yes, don't just stand there... unless you like to watch.” The other man smiled brightly up at Peg as he lowered his hand to his partner's hard c.o.c.k and began stroking it as he held Peg's gaze.
Peg brushed the smiling man's long hair behind his ear as he studied him for a long time. ”Can I trust you?”
The man's smile widened, and he turned his focus fully on Peg running his hands eagerly over the buttons as the other man wrapped his arms around the his neck and began kissing and nipping the tight muscles of his shoulder. ”Yes, you can trust both of us. Though I doubt anything that shall happen in this room will be a secret or surprise to anyone. You have quite the reputation.” He winked up at Peg as he moved his hand over the belt at Peg's narrow waist.
Peg place a hand over the man's to still its movement. Leaning down toward the man as if to kiss him, Peg whispered. ”I beg to differ. I'm sure my request of the night will be quite shocking for you as it has been others.” He pressed the wad of money against the man's bare chest. ”Don't leave this room until morning. Make sure you are seen leaving... and have as much fun as you please until them... loudly...” Peg straightened and began to turn away from the bed.
Both men frowned as they exchanged confused looks. Finally, the bolder man asked. ”But where shall you be? Are you not staying?”
Peg shook his head. ”I'm not and don't worry about where I'll be.” He didn't bother answering anymore of the men's questions as he made his way from the room.
Peg's bare feet moved quietly across the hall to the familiar room. He tapped lightly on the door and waited several seconds before pushing it open gently. His eyes searched the room until they landed on the open balcony doors. He smiled and walked toward them. ”I got the strangest feeling earlier you were upset. Was I being paranoid or is there something the matter?” Peg asked as he walked out onto the balcony.
Andromeda forced her eyes away from the tiny crescent moon. ”Peg? What are you doing here? I would have though you would be... busy...” Her cheeks reddened as the last word stumbled out.
Peg lowered to a squat in front of the lounge she sat on. He tugged lightly on a stray curl that had escaped her neat updo. ”How could I have fun if my best friend is so down in the dumps?” He smiled and brought one of her hands to his lips to place a light kiss on it. ”What do you say we get out of here for a few hours?”
She searched his eyes for a long while before slowly nodding. ”Alright. Where to?” She asked with skeptical curiosity.
His smile widened. ”As far away as my wings can take us.” He stood and began slowly unbuttoning his clean pressed white shirt, pulling it loose from his tight trousers. He held her gaze as he undid the belt before moving to the fastenings. ”Would you grab a bag for these?” He asked struggling to keep his voice level. It always caused his heart rate to elevate when she watched him so intensely. It caused other things as well, and he figured it would be best to have her searching her room for something to place his clothes in rather than unleashing his raging erection in front of her face. He'd just stepped out of the tight pants and was about to set them on the lounge with the rest of his affects when a slight inhale of breath caught his attention. He glanced over his shoulder and caught her wide eyes burning into him. He quickly caused his body to shift into that of the winged horse, before he did something, they would both later regret.
Andromeda swallowed down the lump that had formed in her throat. {Stop eye f.u.c.k.i.n.g your gay best friend, you dumbie!} She scorned herself as she climbed atop the sleek white horse.
Massive wings spread out on either side and with the slightest of downward strokes, they were airborne. The warm summer breeze rustled her night dress and blew her hair wildly about her head. She held her arms out imitating the beautiful white wings.
The horse whinnied in pure happiness as the dark world faded below. These were the moments that meant the most, not some random hookup waiting in his room until the early hours of the morning or the badgering of any of his other so-called friends and family, this, being alone just he and Andy meant everything to him. Beautiful glowing waters came into view and he began his decent. The massive opulent palace of Poseidon sat before them in all its glory. Even at this hour there were movements of bodies within, silhouetted by the flicker of dozens of brightly lit candles. He lowered closer to the ground to allow Andy easier access. Once she was off, he quickly shifted back into a man.
Andy forced her gaze away from Peg's magnificent body as she held out his clothes. ”Where are we?” She asked taking in the exotic palace grounds.
Peg studied her profile as he pulled on his trousers and fastened them. ”My father's palace. He and my brothers have bothered me for some time to bring you here... So, here we are...” He didn't bother buttoning the last few buttons of his shirt as he took her hand and lead her toward the main entrance.
She watched as he pushed the doors open and led her inside. ”Shouldn't we knock or something?” She asked.
Peg chuckled. ”It's not necessary. Father is expecting us. He's prepared a room upstairs.” He led her toward a wide double staircase.
She took in as much of the palace as she could while he skillfully navigated the upstairs hallways. ”I can only assume this isn't your first visit here.”
Peg frowned. ”It is not. Though I fear I should have brought you with me those trips as well.” He glanced down to her stomach as he pulled them to a stop in front of one of the large wooden doors. ”We won't be bothered tonight.” He pushed open the heavy door and led her inside.
She walked around the perimeter of the room, studying the many different pictures and figures lining the walls. One Painting of an enormous winged black stallion caught her attention. ”Wow, is this one of your brothers?” She asked.