Chapter 183 - How to train your werewolf (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 61090K 2022-07-23

The wolf clawed to get out as a smug smile spread across the nonaging face of the god leaning close to Russ's face. Since he'd unleashed it a week ago in the cage fight with Ry, the beast within had been fighting to get out and stay out. Tonight had only proven his lack of control once it was released. ”What the f.u.c.k do you mean I'm in your way? If she hasn't agreed to whatever horse shit you're talking about in the past 2000 plus years, what makes you think she will now?”

Poseidon's smile widened. ”She may not agree to join me, just as she hasn't agreed in all this time to join my brother.” His smile turned almost sinister. ”But considering how much in love they were the last time she was with Arei; I'm convinced he'll succeed this time.”

Russ threw back the liquid in the glass and clanked it down onto the table, meeting the man's glare with his own pensive one. ”Don't look like it worked last time, and I hate to tell you it won't now. She loves me and I love her. We have something they will never, honesty and passion.”

Poseidon c.o.c.ked a brow, the corner of his lips lifting. ”Is that right? And which of you have occupied her bed more lately?” He taunted. He shrugged, ”Besides, in the grand scheme of things, you are nothing more than a child whose life will wither and expire before you've even seen a fraction of hers. How is this 'love' of yours supposed to surmount those obstacles? The gods ourselves have very little control over life and death and let's be honest you are no more than an lap pet. There's no god who would go out of their way to lengthen your worthless life.”

Russ couldn't contain his anger any longer. He gritted his teeth as an impeding shift began rumbling through him.

Ry caught his arm as Russ lifted from the sofa. ”Sit down, kid.” Russ didn't listen though. Ry rolled his eyes. ”You just don't learn...” When he moved to stand, Poseidon held his hand out to stop him.

”You really want to put your wolf up against me, kid?” He didn't bother standing up. ”I have to give it to you, you have nads of steel, kid. I had expected it to take more to set you off, however.” He smiled as he reclined back into the chair.

The wolf within broke loose, flipping the coffee table out of the way. He growled viscously at the smug man only inches away as he rolled his head from shoulder to shoulder, the sick crack of shifting bones sounded loudly.

Poseidon smiled as he watched the show in amus.e.m.e.nt. ”Impressive... really... Is he always this moody, Ry?” He asked as he held Russ's furious gaze. ”Can he shift back and forth any time he wants or only when his pissed off?”

Ry rolled his eyes as he began to push himself off the sofa again in an attempt to restrain Russ if it was needed. ”I don't know, I'm not sure if he's ever not pissed.”

Poseidon held his hand out again. ”No, leave him be. I want to see if those nads are large enough to pounce or if he's simply all show. Which is it puppy? Do you have bite or just bark?”

Russ lost restraint against the beast with that last taunt. He lunged toward the god with a low snarl.

Ry moved quickly, but just as his hands landed on Russ Poseidon lifted his hand and snapped. Ry stared down at his father. ”Really? F.u.c.k.i.n.g really? You're changing him, back right?” He held up the tiny ball of fur in his arms. ”I can't take a damn Pomeranian back to the wolf pack. 'Here's your alpha guys, good luck.' Hell, I'm pretty sure as starved as they are, one of them would eat him.” Ry arched a brow as he glanced down at the squirming, growling puppy in his hands.

Poseidon shrugged as a mischievous smile spread across his lips. ”Would you prefer I change him into a cat? Which of you boys always favored cats?”

Ry shook his head as he tucked the angry pooch under one arm. ”I don't have a clue, probably Arei if his froufrou apartment was any indication.” He turned toward the door. ”Speaking of Arei, I need to go talk to him for a second.” He paused halfway through the front door. ”You coming?”

Poseidon frowned as he stood. ”You know how your brother feels about me. Hell, last time I talked to him I had to impersonate a bartender.” His frown deepened, ”I should have done more to encourage them the night they shared a room in Florida. It probably wouldn't have taken much that night.”

Ry arched a brow. ”You were in Florida?”

He nodded, ”I went down to investigate when I heard Arei had blown the job with so little time left. I had suspected your uncle's hand in it but was pleasantly surprised to learn the girl was involved. Had I known she hadn't lost that wild edge of hers and could still be of use to me, I would have pushed harder.”

Ry shook his head. ”And you wonder why he hates you so much. Maybe try making things less about you this time. It's been a hard night for both of them.”

Poseidon shrugged. ”I gave him honest parenting advice that night and look where it got me.”

Ry shook his head in disappointment. ”Well try to again.”

He walked past Ry as he held the door. ”I'll do my best.” He walked out into the hall and made his way down the hall. The guards that had fought with him on his way in now bowed their heads to him.

”See, that's how you're supposed to act toward one of the main three gods. Not have a pissing contest with them. You'll lose every time.” Ry whispered down to Russ as he walked down the hall behind his father. The guards at the other door stepped aside pulling the doors open as they did.

Poseidon frowned. ”Please tell me you don't give every god such easy access to this room?” He clapped and the other guards that had been by Ry's door ran toward him. ”You, guard this door. Let no one in unless Arei agrees to it first.” He didn't wait for them to respond as he stepped into the apartment.

Arei was stepping out of a bedroom door in nothing but thin, cotton pajama pants and a cellphone pressed to his ear. He lowered it as his gaze moved to the door past Poseidon. ”They're both in there asleep, why? Where the kid?” He asked Ry.

Poseidon smiled brightly, ”No hello for your ol' man?” He held his arms out. ”You should thank me, I put the puppy in his place.” He winked. ”Call it a time out if you will.”

Ry and Arei both ignored Poseidon. Ry walked to Arei and shoved the growling puppy in his arms. ”I need to talk to her. Here.”

Arei's eyes widened as he held the snapping, growling puppy out away from him. ”Wait, what! I'm not holding this thing!”

Poseidon laughed from the kitchen as he searched the refrigerator. ”Yep, you were the one who liked cats... Hated dogs if I remember right.” He pulled out a bag of jerky and held it to his nose. His brows rose in pleasure as he shrugged one shoulder and took out a slice of the dried meat. He walked over and held out a piece of jerky for the puppy. When it snarled at him before going back to struggling against Arei, he shrugged. ”Such a poorly trained beast.” He shook his head. ”Your brother really should work with him more.”

”Why the hell does Ry have a damn dog?!” The puppy managed nipping his thumb and he dropped it to the ground. ”What's he going to do with a damn dog?” Arei grumbled.

Poseidon laughed, ”He said something about taking it back to the wolf pack an offering it to them.” He walked over to the small living area. ”Come set with me son. It's been quite some time since we had a chat.”