Chapter 180 - If hell had a heart (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 59270K 2022-07-23

Jos huddled tightly against Shelly as both their body's trembled with the flow of heavy tears. {What had that been...} The questions continued to assault Jos's brain as images of angry red eyes kept flashing though her head causing her to cling tighter to Shelly's rigid body.

Arei limped through the hallway of the now wrecked suite. The dried blood caused his shirt to cling uncomfortably to the many gashes running down the length of his back. He tested the knob of the door at the end of the hall. Finding it locked he knocked lightly and called out. ”We've been ordered downstairs in an hour. He had already turned from the door and was heading to his own room when the door creaked open and two gasps sounded from the barely visible heads poking out of it.

Jos pushed the door open farther and made her way quickly to him. She lifted the back of his shirt, pulling the fabric from the dried blood of the deep gashes scoring the fraction of skin that hadn't been covered in tattoos. Her hand flew to her mouth as she lifted it more, exposing even more deep punctures and gashes. ”You haven't healed yet.” She spoke.

Arei let out a long breath as he turned and forced as smile. He let his eyes trail over her, noting the lashes along her arm. ”Neither have you.” He whispered as he brushed a tear-soaked lock of hair from her cheek. He pulled her into a hug pressing his lips against her hair. ”I'll use the room phone to call for some sea water for us both.” He released her and lowered to his hunches in front of Shelly. ”How are you feeling? You're not hurting anywhere?” When the wolf shook her head, worry weighing heavy in her eyes as she anxiously scanned his body pausing over each cut and puncture, Arei patted her head. ”Don't worry I'll be back to perfection as soon as they bring up the water.”

A tap sounded on the outside wall of the room. Ry glanced around as he stepped over some of the debris. ”Damn good thing they don't charge here; you definitely wouldn't be getting your deposit back.” His eyes moved around the room before landing on Arei and Jos. ”Damn, you two look rough.” He sat the five-gallon bucket he was carrying down and walked past Arei and Jos. Kneeling down, he stroked a hand over the wolf's soft fur. ”Are you alright, girl?” When Shelly nodded again, he pulled her into a quick one-armed hug and patted her back before standing. ”I brought up some salt water from Father's otherwise useless well.” He said nodding to the bucket.

”Thanks.” Arei said as he patted Ry's shoulder and walked to the bucket. ”Come here and I'll help you first.” He called over to Jos.

She shook her head. ”You're hurt worse than me.” She whispered, trying to keep her voice as level as possible.

”I'm fine, come here.” He dipped his hands into the water as he nodded for her to join him. As he lifted his hand from the bucket the now sparkling waters began trailing upwards following his movements. ”Step closer.” He instructed as she inched toward the glowing bucket. Arei smiled. ”It wont bite.” He held his other hand out to her, and she took it. ”You know, I'm pretty sure I've shown you this trick before, and had you been awake in the hotel a few weeks ago you could have seen it on a much larger scale.” He winked at Ry.

Jos glanced nervously down at Shelly. She frowned when the wolf nodded in encouragement. She took his hand and watched as the gleaming water followed his other hand to her arm instantly healing it. ”That's amazing... how does it work?” She asked as she watched her injuries heal right before her eyes. ”Could it work on anyone?”

Arei smiled down at her. ”It helps that you're also a demi-god and your mother is a sea goddess.”

Ry laughed, ”Part of the reason why Poseidon wanted yo-” He cut off his words when Arei pinned him with a glare. He rubbed the back of his neck. ”Well, I guess I better go try waking up wonder pup again.” He through his hand up in the air in a wave as he turned back toward the opening in the wall.

Jos bit back her words as she fought against the urge to go after him, but her presence would probably only upset Russ more and risk another attack like earlier. Her gaze moved back to Arei as he muffled a groan. ”Here, it's my turn to help you.” She studied him as she helped loosen the fabric from the many gashes as he tugged it over head. ”I... I'm sorry about that... again... it's all my fault...”

Arei let out a gruff sigh as he placed his hand back into the bucket. He searched her expression for a long while, before finally asking. ”Have you ever considered your mother's curse affects him?”

Jos frowned deeply, ”I had... I was convinced of it when he first told me his feelings. I even told him I thought as much.” She watched with idle fascination as the water flowed upwards over his arm and down along his back dissolving the gory gashes as it moved.

Arei nodded. ”Then why move forward with a relationship with him?”

Jos sighed as she knotted her fingers together. ”I guess I was lonely, and he seemed so certain about everything. I thought since he didn't act like the other men who have fell under the curses charms and since it hadn't affected Ales then maybe he was right, and it didn't affect him either.” Her words trailed off as she watched the fidgeting of her own fingers. ”I guess I'd been so lonely for so long, I didn't want to see it as the curse... Even when he began showing the first signs of aggression, I simply chalked it up to the Alpha tendencies growing stronger.” Her eyes trailed up to the stormy hazel ones staring down at her as tattooed hands stilled her fidgeting fingers.

”Look at me, this isn't your fault whether he is under the powers of the curse or not. The council is going to be pissed convening at this time of night so expect harsh results, but when we return to this-a different room-” he added as his eyes trailed around the damage apartment before moving back to her. ”I promise you we will sit down and figure this all out, and I will keep as much of a nonbiased opinion as possible, alright?” He waited as Jos nodded. ”Alright... I have to go change. You should probably do the same.”


Selena tapped her fingers in irritation against the long narrow desk that lined the council box. Themis had been called in and her irritation was palpable as set back in one of the seats a younger looking girl sat beside her balancing a gavel on one of her fingers. Lamia and Prometheus were having a quiet conversation as they thumbed through a file. Everyone's eyes turned to the two figures who materialized next. Selena narrowed her eyes as Isha kiss her wife before making her way to the council box, leaving Raven behind in the open area below. Selena held out her hand as Isha neared the boxes. ”Wait! Queen Isha of the Light Fae, your involvement is now being questioned as well. You may join your wife below.” She spat out the word wife.

Isha hadn't even had time to turn toward Raven when the main doors opened. Russ and Ry were led to one box and Jos and Arei to the other. Shelly was directed to remain with Raven, and they were directed to a seating area between the two smaller boxes. Isha used her magic to teleport over to where they were directed. She quickly clamped Raven's hand and held it tight.

As soon as everyone was seated, Selena stood. Her heated glare moved around the group of people below before landing on Ry and Arei. ”Have the two of you not learned what the cost is for trying to deceive the gods and council?”

Ry shrugged, ”I'm not sure what you're talking about.”

She grounded her teeth, ”I'm sure you don't. Maybe two weeks of hard labor restoring the damage your friends and brother have caused, those memories will return.” She bit out.

Prometheus stood and nodded to the goddess before turning his focus to the group below. ”There have been many half-truths within this group before us today. No full dishonesty or full honesty...” He held his hands to indicate the entire group. ”The question is... where to begin...” He searched the crowd. ”Isha, in your place for this hearing today, lady Vicky daughter of Themis will fill in for you.” He nodded to Themis and sat back down.

Themis stood, her tired stoic gaze moved back and forth between Russ and Jos. The young wolf looked tired but otherwise fine, despite the security footage she'd watched earlier. Jos on the other hand looked disheveled and her eyes were red and swollen despite the concealer she'd tried to use. ”What exactly happened here tonight? Without omitting details this time, please.” She added.

Ry quickly stood before the others had a chance. ”As the council is aware, Prince Boosilis and I are here to complete the paperwork involving my role as his bodyguard.”

Selena arched a brow as she pursed her lips. ”That hardly explains why half the east wing was rattled this evening.”