169 A perfect love story (1/2)
He shrugged with her in his arms, ”We are both demi-gods that heal by the sea. I figure it's worth a shot at least.” He kissed the tip of her nose as he continued wading deeper into the ocean.
”But what if it heals all the way?” Jos asked, worry heavy in her voice as she glared at the water skeptically.
Arei sent her a wide smile, ”That, Kitten, is why I'm going to enter you before we lower into the water.” He pressed his lips to hers urging her lips apart with a tease of his tongue.
She pulled back slightly brows furrowed, more questions assaulting her mind. ”If that's the case and this will make it stop hurting, why didn't we do this before?”
His brows arched with faux accusation, ”Because my over eager, impatient kitten couldn't wait for starters... also the idea just occurred to me.”
”Oh...” She murmured as her gaze moved back to the water. ”What if it doesn't work?”
He paused, searching her expression. ”If you've changed your mind and don't want to do this, you only need to say so.” He lifted a hand from around her, supporting her weight in one muscled arm. Stroking back the strands of hair the breeze had blown into her face, he held her gaze. ”I'm perfectly fine with what ever you want, Kitten. Honestly, I still believe it would have been better if we had waited until-”
She pressed her fingers to his lips. ”I don't want to wait. I haven't changed my mind. I... I'm just...” Her hand lowered from his lips to the hard curve of a sculpted peck as she glanced away in embarrassment. ”I'm only concerned my body won't be able to... accommodate your... um...” Her cheeks heated and she lowered her forehead to his shoulder, whispering the rest of what she had to say. ”I don't want to disappoint you... if... it doesn't work, that is...”
A stab of pain hit deep within Arei's chest. He lifted her chin, forcing her to face him. ”You could never disappoint me, ever. I could care less about the sex, whether we have it again right now or not again for a thousand years. It's not your body I fell in love with, it's your heart. As long as I know I have a place inside it, then I'll forever be the happiest man alive.” He kissed her lips softly before resting his forehead against hers. He watched her brilliant eyes sparkle under the glow of the rising sun as they changed from skeptical to acceptance and finally lit with tender love. He smiled lovingly at her. ”I love you.”
She breathed out a content sigh, ”I love you...”
”But?” He asked, arching his brow in faux disapproval as he fought against the smile that continued to curve his lips.
”But what if it doesn't work?!” She blurted in frustration.
He took advantage of the way her mouth dropped open in surprise and dove in for a passionate kiss. He balanced her on one thick forearm as he ran the other hand up her spine, causing a shiver to trail it. He tangled his hand in her hair, deepening their kisses. He didn't break them as he began walking through the waves again. As the water began to lap at his thighs, Arei rubbed her body against his hard length. He held her there teasing and stroking against her until all the rigidity had left her body. He untangled his hand from her hair and slid it down her side slowly causing more shivers to run through her as every synapses of her body became attuned to his touch. He slid his hand under the back side of her upper thigh finding her hot, wet center. He pressed the tip of one finger inside her, saturating it with the remnants of his spilt seed and her orgasm from just moments ago. Slickening her folds as he went, he worked his way up to her clit. He began rubbing it as he pressed his tip against her entrance bracing himself for resistance he knew he'd meet. He pressed slowly and carefully upwards into her wetness, swallowing her gasp with his heated kisses. She wiggled against his grip as his girth stretched her and the first metal bar slid in uncomfortably. ”Almost there, Kitten... a little farther.” He said reassuringly.
She groaned as she dug her fingers into his neck, gritting her teeth against the pain. ”Ahhh! I don't understand, why does it still hurt?”
Arei paused, ”We can stop if you want to... If it's too much this soon after-”
”No?!” She bit out as she tried pressing herself against him, not finding it any less painful.
He frowned as he held her still against him, ”I was only going to say; if it's too soon after your first time.” He searched her eyes as they met his, reading the silent questions there. ”It will hurt less this time, but it will still hurt at first. Normally it would hurt for the first few times you make love... even with an average sized, unpierced... partner...” He filled in, not wanting to cause her any more embarrassment. ”Fortunately for us, you are not average either. I'm relatively sure this will work. But seeing as water makes a poor lubricant, it will be better to do it this way.”
Jos nodded. ”I understand.” She leaned forward and kissed his throat, then his squared chin, before finally reaching his full lips. ”I'm sorry... but I do really want this... I'll try harder.”
His frown deepened. ”You don't have to try harder, Love. You're perfect just the way you are... and if it becomes too uncomfortable, we can always stop and try again later.” He kissed her pouting lips. ”I will always treasure this gift you've given me, but I want you to enjoy what we are sharing as well. I don't want you to force yourself and cause yourself unnecessary pain.”
She nodded again this time resting her head against his shoulder. ”I still want to continue...” She whispered.
He only held her for the longest time, before finally nodding. ”Alright... How do you want me? How will it make it easier for you?”
She thought it over before shrugging. ”Can't... can't you just do it like before? All at once?”