163 Waking up without you (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 37640K 2022-07-22

Peg frowned as he stepped out of the shadows leading Andromeda by the hand. ”Was that really necessary? Is any of this?”

Zeus sent him a glare. ”It is and you will do as I say, remember you work for me.” He bent and tossed the cloak over Arei's massive sleeping body, before lifting him into his arms. He nodded toward Jos's sleeping form. ”Make sure you don't drop her.”

Peg nodded as he undid his suit and handed each piece to Andromeda. Oncenaked, he lifted Jos into his arms. ”I'll shift outside. It will be less conspicuous that way.”

Zeus nodded, ”Fine. Meet me at your brothers' cabin after you drop her at her dwellings.” He ordered before disappearing.

Peg sighed as he sent Andromeda a sad frown. ”I'm sorry I drug you into this.”

She smiled weakly, giving his arm a squeeze. ”It's not your fault. Had you lied and Zeus found out, it would have been both our asses...” Her gaze dropped to Jos's sleeping face. ”After all it was both us Arei had confided in. I do hate this is what he's chosen to do with the information.”

Peg nodded. ”I'm sure had he not walked in on Persephone's baby news tonight; after he, Poseidon, and Hades had agreed to father no more children, he wouldn't have been so angry and vengeful.”

”That's hardly her fault.” Andromeda said, brushing a strand of hair from Jos's face.

”No... but you heard what he said...” Peg let out a heavy breath and glanced around the hallway. ”We better be going before someone notices us.”

She nodded and led the way toward the back staircase of the palace. ”What are the likeliness that this is going to start a war between your father and uncle... uncles?” She asked.

He glanced back at her. ”I wish I knew the answer to that...” He lowered Jos's body to the ground then laid down himself. ”Slide her on my back.” Once Andromeda had done what he asked, he sighed. ”Again... I'm sorry for this...”


A sharp pain radiated through Arei's head as he patted the bed to his left where Jos usually chose to sleep. When his hand only met cold fabric he patted the other side, still not finding her. He shot up in the bed and quickly grabbed hold of his pounding head. ”Ugh!” He growled. His eyes searched the bed and then the room in the dark morning light.

”You'll not find her.” Peg's voice said from the corner of the room.

Arei's eyes quickly moved toward the voice. ”You! You had something to do with this?! YOU!?!” He fought against the pain as he pushed himself up from the bed.

Peg unfolded his legs and climbed down from his perch atop the stool. ”I didn't have a choice... I didn't want to hurt you or the girl... but Zeus ordered it.”

Arei gritted his teeth as he straightened his massive frame and glared in his younger brother's direction. ”Where is she?!” He commanded.

Peg walked over to the small kitchen and filled a glass with water from a pitcher. He handed it to his brother as he stomped over to him. ”She is in her... cave... Andromeda is there with her incase she wakes before you.” He sent his brother a skeptical look, ”I have to ask, though. Why is she living in such... conditions?”

Arei frowned, draining the glass and placing it back on the counter. ”It's her home. She already lived there when we found her.” He didn't waste any time as he stomped toward the door and pulled it open.

Peg followed close behind him. ”I really am sorry about all this, brother.”

Arei nodded making short work of the beach that separated his and Jos's home. ”I don't blame you. It's my fault. I shouldn't have told you or Andromeda what I did. I should have known you would have felt obligated to report it to Zeus.” He didn't bother knocking as he pushed open the door to her meager dwellings. ”Jos? Are you in here? Are you awake?” He asked as he walked toward the bed.”

Andromeda, who had been sitting on the bed brushing a hair from Jos's still sleeping face, shot up as soon as she heard the two men walk in. She ran past Arei and flung herself into Peg's arms. ”You're here already!” She pushed him out at arms length. ”And you're not hurt?”

Peg shook his head smiling down at her reassuringly. ”Big brother is nothing like the rest of the gods and demi-gods, he would never intentionally hurt or harm someone he cared for.” He nodded to the bed where Arei had taken her place and was now cradling Jos's limp body in his arms. ”How long do you think it will take to wear off her?” Peg asked.

Arei frowned, not taking his focus off Jos's sleeping face. ”I'm not sure.” He turned to Andromeda. ”Could you stay with her for a while longer? There's somewhere I need to go...”

Andromeda nodded. ”Yes, no problem... it's the least I can do after all this.”

Arei turned his attention to Peg. ”I would ask if you wanted to join me, but I'm not sure if I can trust you or not...”

Peg frowned, ”I did what was required of me. The job is over now...” His eyes moved to Jos. ”The damages have already been done.”

Arei narrowed his eyes but didn't ask. ”Fine, you can explain that shit once we meet up with Ry. He should be here by now.”