158 A grand Plan (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 53220K 2022-07-22

Arei let out a long sigh, unable to argue with the large pleading eyes staring up at him. He cupped her cherub-like face between both his hands. ”I swear, you could tempt any of the gods.” He bent and kissed her lips. Resting his forehead against hers, he held her tightly for a few long minutes before explaining. ”It's not that I don't want to share your bath and be with you, Kitten. My father is up to something and this ball is bound to be his grand move.” He held her away from his body enough that their eyes could meet. ”I don't trust him and lesser still, I don't trust myself not to give him what he wants where you're involved.” He pulled the ribbon from the end of her long braid and worked his fingers carefully through her hair, watching with fascination as the now crimped strands of shimmering silvers and deep turquoise unraveled under his touch.

Her hands came up to his, stopping them and bringing them down to her lips. She kissed his massive fingers nestling her cheeks against them when she was finished. ”Then so be it, let us fall into his trap. I don't care.” Her sparkling aqua eyes met his. ”I only want to be with you.”

Pain emanated from his every word as he replied. ”I can't do that, Kitten. I can't risk the hurt it may cause in the future. It's not fair to you... or me.” He pulled free of her grip and moved toward the large, heavy door of the bedroom; but her hands sprang out and held his arm tightly. Turning back, his heart throbbed painfully as he met watery aqua eyes.

”I don't understand.” She cried in confused irritation and hurt.

His head dropped as he looked away. ”I know you don't, Kitten, and that's my fault.” He gently pulled out of her grip. ”I have to go meet with my father right now. We'll discuss this later.”

She didn't try stopping him from leaving this time. As the large heavy doors closed between them, Jos dropped to the floor. She rubbed her hands over the length of her weak shaky legs noticing that her hands were also trembling. She held her hands out straight watching the slight trimmer. It wasn't until a wet droplet landed on the top of one shaky hand, did she realize she was crying.


Arei rapped on the heavy double doors to his father's main study once before pushing them open and walking in.

”Ah son, you're a bit earlier than I expected.” He said pushing one of the house keepers off his lap. ”Bring over the scotch and some cheeses from the kitchen, would you.” He said as he slapped her on the ass.

Arei rolled his eyes. ”You wanted to speak with me?” He slid one leather chair away from the massive mahogany desk his father sat behind.

It was Arei's turn to arch a brow. ”And?”

Poseidon let out an exaggerated huff. ”As you know, I can't invite Hades without inviting Zeus. Olympus forbid, he thinks we are scheming against him.”

”But aren't you?” Arei interrupted crossing his leg over his knee and leaning back in the chair.

Poseidon's gaze moved toward the door moments before it opened and the maid walked back in carrying a tray piled high with various cheeses, tri-colored grapes, and some shaven meats. His eyes trailed her as she placed the tray in the center of his expansive desk and moved to the cabinet removing a decanter of amber colored liquid and two tumblers. He tapped the desk with his pointer finger as he watched her pour the drinks, handing Arei a glass after placing his own before him. He nodded and shooed her away with a flick of his wrist, waiting impatiently as she took the hint and left the room. He waited several more minutes, his eyes still trained on the door, before taking a long drink and moving his focus back to Arei. ”I am simply taking advantage of an opportunity presented to me. However, I cannot risk the loss of such an asset.” He swirled the amber liquid around in the glass as he studied Arei. ”You must understand this with all your many years on the battlefield.”

Arei snarled his lower lip. ”Of course I understand what you hope to get from her, but what you don't seem to understand is she's not a chunk of wood to be whittled into a chess piece and moved around a board. She has feelings too... dreams, desires...”

Poseidon nodded. ”And it is those feelings of desire I plan to bank on.” He leaned forward over his desk. ”Even if you aren't willing to make her yours, tonight I need you to make everyone in attendance believe she is yours.” He held up one strong hand and culled his fingers into a tight fist. ”I need there to be no doubt among Gods nor beasts that the Kraken is a kept creature. I'll leave it to you as to how you sell it.” He shrugged, ”I care not, whether you sell her as your soon to be wife or whore... as long as her affiliation with my court is known.”

Poseidon leaned back with an arrogant huff, throwing his hand out as if to throw the obvious information into Arei's face. ”The girl is so desperate for human companionship, she's likely to agree to anything.” He pointed his finger at Arei, ”Including acceptance of a great grandfather. So, you better lock that shit down for this thrown, do you understand. I will not hand over such a powerful creature of the sea.”

Arei shook his head. ”Just three years ago you wanted Ry and I to kill her.”

He shrugged again. ”I knew the two of you would find out first if the creature could be useful, you especially.”

Arei uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. ”Alright, say I play by your plan. I go upstairs right now; I've already declared my love for her... I tell her we are to announce our engagement tonight. She would not fight that at all. She would gladly consummate the union the very second I announce it.” He glared at his father. ”What happens when she discovers I have been lying to her this whole time? That the man she thinks she loves is actually my twin brother?” He pushed himself up out of the chair and leaned over the desk, still glaring down at his father. ”What happens when the already emotional girl gets even more upset and brings this entire palace down around all of us?”

Poseidon shrugged not the least bit intimidated by his son glaring over him. ”Seems like your problem. I do suggest you figure it out by tonight. All of your brothers have been invited, and I'm sure at the very least one of them will get drunk enough to call you by your given name instead of the horseshit you and Ry use when abusing the fact that you're twins.” He stood and leaned forward bringing his eyes level with Arei's in equal intimidation. ”Do remember, son, I am your king and God first... father second. Do not mistake any of this as a request. It is a demand, and You will obey my commands on this. Zeus is not to have any claim on the girl. She will be claimed for my kingdom if I have to claim her my goddamn self. Is that understood?”

Arei snarled as he pushed back from the desk. ”This is risky, and you know it!” He stomped toward the door, stopping halfway to the and turning. He gave an elaborate bow. ”But if my KING demands it.” He cast his father a hate-filled glare as he straightened. ”I suppose I must do the deed, no matter how despicable.”

”I'm simply asking you to wed and bed a beautiful girl. If any part of that is despicable to you, then that is on you not me. I didn't ask you to lie, and I especially didn't ask you to continue lying to her for so very long. That is all on you, son. So, make it right and do as your king commands if not as my son, then as my servant.”