156 All thats left unsaid (2/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 50350K 2022-07-22

Chary winked at Jos when the girl's shy eyes met hers, ”Sometimes us girls have to take what we want.”

Arei bust out laughing, ”Gods above, don't tell her that!” He pulled her against him in a bear hug and kissed the side of her head. ”This little minx will have me on my back right here.”

His brows jerked and his lips curved upward at one side. ”Is that so?” He shot a smile to his sister and Scylla. ”I think I'm going to give Jos a much-needed tour of the WHOLE library.”

Chary rolled her eyes as she made shooing motions with her hands. ”As if we don't have the same superior hearing as you, baby brother. ”If you're going to fornicate in here, I would heavily recommend the relics section in the back. No one goes in there very often and it has a nice water chamber... for extra fun.” She winked.

”Ah nice!” His smile widened as he pushed himself up taking Jos's hand. ”I think we'll start there.” He nodded his goodbyes to them as Jos waved with her free hand.

”I like them.” She commented as they made their way through the maze that was the lower level.

Arei sent her a smile over his shoulder. ”They seem to really like you as well, Kitten.” He turned and scooped her up into his arms causing her to let out a surprised giggle before wrapping her arms around his neck. ”Hopefully not as much as you like me, though?” He teased rubbing his nose against hers as he began walking again.

Her giggles came to an abrupt stop as she shook her head. ”No, I like you much more... in a different way.” Her cheeks reddened again. ”In... in the way like Scylla and Chary like each other...” She stuttered. ”In a lover's way...”

His eyes softened as he turned the handle of the door and stepped inside. The room was lit only by the cool blue glow of the open waters that covered most of the room. The high walls were lined with shelves upon shelve, all covered in ancient pottery and statues. Many of the pots and statues were faded and chipped depicting a history that outdated the written text. He didn't set her down as her eyes wondered the new room, instead, he kept his eyes trained on her features as she took everything in for the first time. ”This is my favorite part.” He whispered against her ear.

She forced her eyes away from the many treasures of the room. ”What part?” she asked, her eyes darting around to see something special that he could be referring to. As she turned her attention back to him, his lips fell on hers. She ran one of the hands wrapped around his neck into his hair as the other hand moved to his face to trace the scruff of his sharp jaw.

He broke the kiss with a chuckle, ”You...” He answered. When her confused wide eyes searched his, he elaborated. ”You are always my favorite part. Seeing the wonder and excitement light your entire body every time you see something new, that is my favorite. There will never be anything more amazing than seeing your face light up.” He kissed the tip of her nose. ”I never want to see that wonder leave your bright eyes.”

She didn't understand her need to do so, but she nodded her head anyways.

He smiled down at her before kissing her soft lips again. ”I almost hate leaving here tomorrow, but it's time...” He let out a heavy sigh as he set her feet carefully on the floor. He ran the pad of his thumb over her cheek. ”And I have to say I'm both equally parts excited and terrified for what's to come.”

She cupped her hand over his on her cheek and nuzzled her face into his palm. ”What do you mean terrified? What's there to be terrified over?”

He smiled, a bit of melancholy weighing down the corners of his lips. ”I guess I'm afraid that once you know the real me, your feelings for me will change.” He pulled her closer and pressed his lips to her forehead. ”It would kill me to ever see those beautiful eyes of your dull because of something I've done... or haven't done...”

His sadness washed over her in a wave, all words and logic fleeing. She flung herself against him, her eyes slightly misty at the level of torment that was weighing in his voice. ”My feelings would never change.” She argued. ”You are the person I want.”

He bent so that their eyes could be level as he cupped both sides of her face. ”And you are the person I love.” He kissed her more passionately this time relishing in the feeling of her tiny fingers teasing feather light over his neck and tangling in his hair. He let his own hands trail down the silk fabric of her dress until they rounded the mounds of her bottom. He bent lower and scooped her up forcing her legs around his waist as he supported her backside.

She let out a surprised giggle. ”What are you doing?!” She called out with a playful snort.

His eyes twinkled with mischief, ”Well I was trying to be romantic until my adorable partner began giggling and snorting like a piglet.” He chuckled as she wiggled her nose in mock irritation.

”I did not snort!” She protested slapping his wide chest playfully.

”Oh yes you did, and I bet you will again.” He said as he pressed her back against the wall and began tickling her.

She let out an unladylike snort as she tried to control her hysterical laughing. She wiggled wildly against him as she tried to fight for freedom of his grip. She'd managed to slide down past the belt of his trousers, when she froze in place and held his gaze. ”You... you're... hard.” She said in surprise.

He laughed as he wrapped his arms back around her. ”I am... It was all your wiggling.” He teased.

Her eyes widened and held his, ”Does... does this mean you're finally willing to... with me?”