143 Paradise Explored (1/2)
Vathy, Greece 1565
”How are you feeling, Kitten?” Arei brushed some of the bed-rumpled silver strands from her face.
Jos looked fully up into his face, searching for some hint of disapproval, disgust, fear... hate... She tilted her head sideways as she attempted to push herself up and lean against the backboard of the bed. His expression was only plagued with concern, a heavy frown rested across is beautiful full lips and his magnificent hazel eyes were turbulent with an emotion she couldn't quite place. She cleared her throat. It was dry and scratchy. ”I... I'm alright.” the words came out as a croak and she winced as a wave of pain coursed through her head.
Arei retrieved a cup from the nightstand and held it out to her. ”You don't seem alright. You seem like you're in pain. Does that always happen when you shift?” He asked.
Arei nodded. ”Do you have any memory of last night?” He asked. When she shrugged her shoulders as she shook her head, he asked. ”What is the last thing you remember?”
Her eyes trailed across his bare chest and down the long arm straddling her legs until they finally settled on the massive hand resting against the bed. Her cheeks reddened. ”You... um...” She bit down on her lower lip as the memories from the night before came back. She'd fell asleep in his arms after he'd touched, rubbed, and lick nearly every inch of her body.
The corner of Arei's lips curved upwards into a cocky grin. He knew exactly what she was thinking about. His eyes narrowed and he gently brought his free hand to her chin and turned her face toward him. Searching her eyes for any sign of a lie he asked, ”So you don't remember anything past falling asleep here with me last night?” When she shook her head, he asked. ”Then how do you know you shifted?”
She let out a heavy sigh. ”Because I know what it means when I wake up feeling this way.” Her eyes met his, question heavy in them. ”How did I get back here?” She asked glancing around the room to emphasize her question. ”Typically… I wake up on a beach or, if I'm lucky, with the sirens...”
Arei arched his brows remembering the siren that brought her to him last night. ”Do the sirens often help you after a shift like that?”
She nodded. ”Only if Meko is there. She... she is the one who raised me...”
He nodded. ”I see... Has she ever tried to explain any of this to you? Explained what exactly happens when you shift?”
Arei pulled her against his chest and began stroking her hair soothingly. ”Shh, Love. You'll never get stuck as the monster. I'll not let that happen, you'll not let that happen.” He kissed the top of her head. ”I have someone I'd like for you to meet. Maybe they can help you come to terms with what you are and what you are not.”
Arei stashed their discarded clothing into the saddlebags before turning back to the waters and Jos. She was entranced with the beautiful creature beside her. He watched as she ran her hands over its scales, speaking softly to the animal as it ate apple slices from her palm. ”He likes you.” Arei called as the hippocampus nudged her with his muzzle and let out a content neigh. ”You have a way with stallions, it would seem.” He said in a low husky whisper as he neared her and the waiting creature. He tossed the waterproof bag over the sea horse.
Her eyes met his, ”Do you think?” Her eyes moved back to the radiant animal. ”Does he really like me? He's so beautiful, I can't help but love him.” She ran her hands over the scales that reflected the many colors of the spectrum, casting different colors at each angle. ”He's simply breathtaking.”
Arei chuckled, recalling how she frequently stroked his own chest in a very similar manner. ”As are you, Love. Now come, before he falls in love with you and refuses to let me ride. Then I'd be forced to swim the entire 200 leagues.” He gave her a mischievous smile. ”And I'm not entirely sure I'm quite rested enough for such a journey, as I didn't get adequate rest last night.” He narrowed his eyes at her playfully, reveling in the blush that creeped up her neck.
She hesitated, ”What... what if your father is home?” She wrung her hands in anxious nervousness.
Arei smiled as he splashed through the water toward her. He cupped her face. ”Then he'll have the joys of meeting one of Earths most beautiful creatures as well.” He lowered his lips to hers for a quick kiss before taking her hand and leading her to the back of the hippocampus. ”Climb on, I'll help you.” He cupped his hands under her bare foot and lifted her upwards. Once she was straddling the beast, he leaped up behind her and leaned forward pinning her between his massive chest and the neck of the beast. ”Onward Buttercup.” He called out and the creature lunged forward.
”Buttercup?” She said skeptically unable to move enough to see his face.
Arei laughed. ”He seemed like a Buttercup, don't you agree?”
She arched a brow although he couldn't see her face. ”Not particularly.” Her thoughts were cut off as the hippocampus dove below the surface of the water and plunged forward at an incredible speed. Jos tightened her grip around the creature's neck as the beauties of the surface vanished and the dark depth of the sea began to surround them. A cry bubbled from her lips as the creature moved at full speed toward a great wall of rock. She gripped tighter as the creature spiraled through the water and closed her eyes only peeking out when she felt them slow. Light shown at the end of the dark cave the hippocampus had skillfully plunged into. There were markings on the narrow walls of the watery cave, but the language wasn't familiar. Once they had reached the light, the cave widened, and the hippocampus broke the surface of the water.