136 Life with you a new perspective (1/2)
Skala, Greece 1566
After asking the old barmaid of her 'husband's' whereabouts, Jos had hurried from the inn heading to the coastline. Maybe he'd headed down to ready the small boat this morning. Her mind raced as she followed the narrow path leading out of the village. His moods were so unpredictable. For the most part he'd always kept her at arms length, caring but not... caring... these last weeks had been everything she'd hope for and more. She had began to think her words to him would only ever be met with indifference and the pity of his beautiful hazel eyes. There may be many human emotions she was yet to understand but those had been two of the many constant companions of her life so far... pity, indifference, disdain, hate, fear...
”What do we have here, lads?” A very familiar voice called from the mouth of the path.
Jos turned slowly. Her eyes met with the cold menacing leer of sailors from the in. ”I'm sorry, Sir, I've mistaken your vessel for my husband's... That is all.” She bowed her head to them slightly. ”I shall go back to the inn and await him.” She said as she walked toward the men and the path.
The sailors were all quiet as she approached, not saying anything until she was nearly around them. The man in the front of the group that had always been the one to speak, grabbed her arm and spun her around. He looked around to his men. ”I don't quite believe ya, lass. I believe you're nothing but a common whore picked up from one of the many barbaric tribes around here.” He plucked at the leather laces of her top pulling the ties free causing her breasts to nearly burst from their confines. His nasty smile widened, ”In fact, I'd say you were here to steal from us. And you know what we do with pretty lil thieves like you?” The other men began chuckling as they began glaring hungerly at her.
Jos closed her eyes and gritted her teeth tightly together as the man jerked her closer and sniffed deeply from her hair. She could feel the shift begin but there would be no holding it back... no controlling it. ”Get away.” She bit out in a low voice as she struggled to control herself.
The men only laughed louder. ”What was that you said?” The man gripping her wrist asked before looking around the laughing faces of his men. ”Did you hear that men?” He turned his attention back to her. ”And why exactly would I do that.”
”For-forgive us. We did not realize who you were.” The man's words broke as he pleaded for his and his men's lives. ”If we had known it was you, A-”
Areion's eyes bore into the man, causing his words to die off instantly. ”Had you known it was me, you would have found another unfortunate woman to force yourselves onto?” Arei pushed past the man and pulled Jos into his arms. ”Are you alright, kitten? Have you gotten yourself under control?” He stared down into the slitted white eyes looking up at him. He stroked her cheeks as he placed a kiss to her forehead. A gasp from beside him brought his attention back to the man who was now staring into Jos's beastly eyes as well. Arei smiled at the man. ”You should think me two fold, for not killing you myself and for interfering before this lovely demi-goddess killed you herself.” His smile brightened as he watched the aqua begin to return to her eyes and the pupils return to their normal shape. He bent and kissed her lips, before turning back to the men. ”Note this men, be mindful of your cocks. For you never know what beautiful thing in this world is waiting to bite it off.”
Jos frowned, ”Are you worried that I'll-”
Arei smiled as he lowered his lips back to hers. ”If I were worried of that would I have willingly stuck it in your pretty mouth last night?” He turned his attention back to the men. ”Be gone and pray to my father for mercy that we never happen to meet again.” He continued holding her against him as he watched the men quickly retreat to their dingy and head out toward the waiting ship in the harbor.
Once they were far enough out, Jos looked up at him a heavy frown resting on her beautiful face. ”Why did you call me that? Why not out me as who I am... What I am?”
Arei smile faded only slightly as he searched her features. ”I did tell them exactly what you are, who you are. You are my Joslyn. A beautiful demi-goddess who would have been more than capable of defeating them and taking down their entire ship had you wished to.”