132 Life with you part 7 (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 30440K 2022-07-22

Her eyes moved from his to the front of his pants the sheepishly back to meet his gaze. ”It... It... wasn't... what I expected...” She stuttered. She glanced away nervously before her gaze slowly found his groin again.

Arei chuckled, ”If you don't stop staring, I'll be forced to finish.”

”Finish?” Her eyes shot back up to meet his.

He shook his head as he smiled down at her. ”Your innocence astounds me.” He bent down to place a kiss to her lips, but stopped when her eyes widened and she drew in a quick breath. He lifted back to standing. ”Get dressed. The maids have already brought our meal. I'm going downstairs to find something stronger. Meet me down there.”

Jos frowned as she watched the last of the maids leave the room. She set by the table, fully dressed, her untouched breakfast sitting cold in front of her. Her eyes darted to the door, but when the boy who usually brought up the tub entered to take it away her frown deepened. She stood and walked to the door, making her way slowly down the hall and stairs. Her eyes scanned the room, having no problem locating his broad back. As she neared, his head turned to watch her. He didn't say anything when she stopped beside him, he only turned back to his drink finishing it in one large gulp. ”You're mad at me.” She whispered feeling the barmaid and other patrons' gazes on her.

Arei turned fully around to face her. He spread his legs wide and pulled her between them. Though he was still seated on the stool, her head only barely reached above his chest. He ran his thumbs across her knuckles as he gazed down at her. ”I'm not mad, kitten. That was an honest reaction. One I've gotten on more than one occasion. If you've changed your mind, then don't worry. I'll not push you farther. We can continue as we have in the past.” He searched her expression but there were so many emotions battling there he couldn't tell which would win out. Without warning she pulled her hands away and pushed upwards on her tiptoes. Her lips pressed against his as her hands wrapped timidly around his neck. He pulled her closer, wrapping his thick arms around her as he dipped his tongue past her slightly parted lips. He smiled against her mouth. She was now used to his chosen form of kisses and now expected them. He broke their kiss and watched as she slowly lowered her feet back to the ground. He chuckled, ”What?”

She furrowed her brows quizzically. ”You taste... sweet...” The tip of her tongue darted out and licked her lips.

He nodded toward the empty glass on the bar. ”That was the whiskey.”

She nodded. ”I think I like it.”

He chuckled, ”I doubt you'd be too fond of it from anywhere but my lips. It has quite the burn.” He pushed up from the stool and tossed some coin on the counter. ”Are you ready?” When she nodded, he led her from the room of onlookers.


”It is.” He said, never taking his eyes off her. Her smile widened as something else caught her attention. He caught her hand as she began to dart toward yet another fascinating site. He spun her as he pulled her toward him. He grinned down at her tented brows as she gazed questioningly back up at him. ”You move about far too much, Love. You make me tired just watching you.” He laughed and began moving about the wide walkway with her in tow. He began humming lightly as he spun them about the area.

She didn't release her grip on him, ”What... is this?”

He laughed again stopping to give her a twirl before answering. ”Dancing, Love.”

She tilted her head. ”What is it for?”

He shrugged. ”No reason, just something fun to do. Do you not enjoy it?” he asked stopping their movements but not releasing her.

She thought it over. ”I... liked it well enough, but how do you know where to go... what to do?”