128 Life with you part 3 (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 48170K 2022-07-22

Arei chuckled as he watched Jos dart around the tiny cave. ”You really don't have to go through all this, I'll be fine right here by the fire. I promise.” He had given up fighting against the urge to spend time with her, to touch her... but he still held strong to one thing. The one thing that was proving to be the hardest to resist. He caught her hand carefully as she scampered past him again. ”This is fine. Trust me, I've slept in worse.”

She frowned up at him. ”I don't understand why you can't just share my bed.” Her gaze fell away to the makeshift bed she'd tried to make on the hard floor of the cave. ”It wouldn't be the first time.”

He laughed at the irritation in her words as she reminded him yet again of the first night he had met her. He gave her hand a light squeeze, not wanting to release it. ”We have an early morning. Get some rest, Kitten.”

”I don't understand why I should learn to sail when I could simply swim anywhere I may ever need to go...” She mumbled as she kicked around and invisible speck of dust on the floor.

Arei chuckled as he brought her eyes up to meet his. ”Because one day you will leave this island and require a means of travel that doesn't involve sinking other vessels.” He teased. His eyes glistened with mischief as he lifted her hand above her head and twirled her completely around only stopping when she was facing her own bed. He released her hand and gave her a firm smack on the backside. ”Now get to bed.” He laughed as she let out an indignant squeal as both her hands flew to her butt, and she scurried to her bed. She tried hiding her embarrassment behind the blankets, but he could still see the flush of her cheeks in the faint glow of the fire. Shaking his head with a wide grin, he lowered himself to the fur mats Ry had left behind. tomorrow he would begin to teach her to sail, just as he'd taught her to fire a bow over the past week, and how to fish with a rod the week before that. Any skill that gave him a reason to stay close to her, to provide excuses to touch her. His smile faded as he stared into the fire. His resolve of the first week had only lasted a hand full of days, by the forth day he had began coming up with every reason, every hairbrained excuse possible to spend more time with her... to have even the slightest physical contact. And now he was laying on the hard floor of her damp cave instead of the soft bed of Ry's tiny cottage. He drifted off into a restless sleep as he let the flicker of flames and soft rhythm of her breathing lull his troubled mind.

He hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath until her fingers slid past his identifying brand to the bar running through his nipple. His breath released on a guttural sound of shock and arousal as he quickly captured her tantalizing, roaming fingers and snapped his head toward hers. ”Enough of that, kitten.” He couldn't help the chuckled that rumbled deep in his chest as her face colored with the embarrassment of being caught.

Her gaze fell on his hand that still held hers, now rested against the center of his chest. ”There are so many, and they are so pretty...” Her eyes met his. ”Will you ever tell me what they all mean?” She asked sweetly.

He smiled up at her as he brushed a stray strand of hair back behind her ear with his free hand. ”Some day, kitten, some day.”

She frowned, ”Why not now?” she asked.

He let out a heavy sigh he as guided more fallen strands of silver hair behind her ears. ”There's far too many, and we need to be on the water before the crest of the tide if we're to have enough time.” He released her hand that rested on his chest and pushed himself up into a seated position. ”I know of a place you'll love not far from here. If we leave now, we'll have plenty of time to explore once we get there.” He smiled down into her still frowning face and tilted her chin upward with his fingers. ”Sound good?”

She let out a reluctant sigh and nodded as she set back on her tucked legs.

He pushed himself up to standing before lowering his hand down to her. His eyes scanned over her for a long moment. ”You may want to consider a cover of some sort. The breeze from the sea can be a bit chilled this time of year.” He watched as she nodded again and made her way toward the old drawers in the corner of the room. Shaking his head at the moping slump of her shoulders, he began gathering the supplies he'd carried over last night.


Jos yelled out gleefully as the small boat sped across the beautiful water's of the Mediterranean. ”Faster! Faster!” She cried out as Arei struggled to maintain their heading and grip her squirming body at the same time. She held her arms out wide against the steady winds. ”This must be what it's like to fly!” She shouted in raptor as she pressed even farther against his grip.

”Kitten, you must calm down!” He begged. ”The seas are rougher than expected. It's taking a bit more effort to keep her on track.” He pulled one rope loose before retying it to the other side of the small vessel still bracing her between his large arms. ”Here hold this.” He handed her one of the other ropes as he worked to adjust another. ”Hold her tight... Yes, just like that.” He coached as land finally came into view across the horizon. ”It's a good thing we brought plenty of provisions. If this sea doesn't calm, we may be spending a night or two.” He shouted over the low roar of the wind.

”Oh wow!” Jos yelled, releasing the rope and causing the small boat to jerk to one side. ”Look the dolphins are following!” She flipped her gaze around to meet the eyes of a very irritated Arei.