124 Coming undone Trigger warning: violence and harsh conten (1/2)
Isha gave another anxious glance back up the steep bank to the large house overlooking the beach. ”I know I said I'd only agree to this if Raven could return with me alone, but she really should reconsider.” Isha turned her attention back to the small group seeing them off on the beach. ”She would be in much better hands. We have healers that could make the morning sickness so much more bearable.” She gripped Russ's large free hand. ”Are you sure she will not come with us?” She asked for what could very well be the hundredth time that day.
Russ laughed, ”If there's ever anyone more stubborn than I am, it would be Shelly.” He pulled the tiny fairy against his side and hugged her against him and Jos who he'd kept tucked under his other arm. ”Safe travels guys. Tell Liam I said hi.” He winked at Raven.
Raven shook her head. ”Lord, I'm sure you're the last damn person he'd want to hear from.” When Isha's curious gaze met hers, she let out a heavy sigh. ”This crazy kid went neck to neck with a damn vampire, not once but twice, AND shifted to full wolf form during one of them.”
Russ laughed when Isha's gaze snapped back around to him. ”We only fought in the bar once.” He shrugged, ”The coward ran from me the second time.”
”Xavier?” Isha asked connecting the dots quickly. She narrowed her eyes as Russ shrugged it off as nothing. ”You're lucky he backed down, both times. He is-was half fae, and a powerful half at that. She was the only daughter of The Dark Empress. Rumor has it, DeMarco senior seduced the young princess, convinced her to run away with him with promises of love and power, then locked her away as nothing more than a breeding mare.”
Jos nodded, ”More or less according to Xavier. He said his father killed her eventually, after moving on to Dante's mother.”
Isha nodded. ”Not surprising. He was a very sick man and his children are all the same, sick twisted psychopaths'.” She patted a tiny hand against Jos's cheek. ”Be watchful, dear. They were not the only DeMarco children, and I highly doubt they themselves were without children.” Isha nodded around to everyone her final goodbyes as she stepped away from the pair. ”Keep a watchful eye out.” She said as she lifted her hand and waved it in a magical wave that caused her and Raven's forms to vanish before their eyes.
”Well, that was ominous.” Ry said as he ran his fingers through his short hair.
”Fairies... Always have to make a dramatic exit...” Arei said. He cupped one hand down over Russ's brood shoulder and the other on Jos's slender one. ”Don't stress it too much. they would have to have a death wish to attack with Ry and I here, let along Tri and yourself... though I'm still doubting they've even figured out you were involved.” He said to Jos before nodding to Russ and walking past them. He glanced over his shoulder. ”Speaking of Tri, you want to join me? I'm headed to the lighthouse.” He said meeting Ry's gaze.
Russ watched the giant men disappear into the heavily fogged air of the beach, each of them taking the massive boulders lining the coast with skilled strides of individuals that was remarkably familiar with the area. Once the men had completely disappeared from site he turned to gaze down into Jos's troubled eyes. He brushed her sea blown hair from her face. ”You alright, babe?” He asked letting his hand linger at the base of her jaw. He stroked his thumb across the soft skin and hard edge of her thin jaw. He bent down and placed a tender kiss on her trembling lips. ”Don't worry so much, like the roid twins said, the vampires would have to be suicidal to attach us here.”
She let out a long sigh as she let her body sink against his. ”I... I know... It's just... it's going to be weird without Raven around, don't you think?” She asked, her sad eyes met his.
He smiled down at her. ”She's not gone forever, baby.” He gently pushed more windblown hair out of her face with his other hand, leaving both his hands to cup her face. ”We will be going home soon as well and Shell.” He kissed her lips again softly before smiling down at her even wider. ”Maybe we can work on having our own baby. Our children can grow up together just as we did.” He stepped closer to her pulling her tighter against his body as he lowered his head and kissed her deeper this time.
Jos pushed against him, ”But we didn't grow up together Russ. Besides I don't even know if I could have children. I mean we've had unprotected sex how many times now?” Her head dropped and tears began burning her eyes. ”Wouldn't it have happened by now if I could?”
Russ bent down to meet her eyes, ”Then we will adopt. I don't care as long as I have you.”
Jos turned her head away, ”I'm sure your people will just love that idea.”
Russ brought her head back around to face him gently. ”Then we will leave it to Shelly to produce their pure heir. I don't give a shit about any title they could ever give me only the one you can give me, as your husband.” He pulled her into a tender kiss refusing to release her lips until she softened in his arms. His lips turned up in a grin as a light moan of surrender came from deep within her. ”Lover, husband, father; those are the only titles that will ever matter to me and only as long as they are in direct reference to you.” He tangled his fingers in her hair and held her gaze searching them for an answer.
Jos pushed against his grip and buried her face in his chest. ”I love you.” She murmured with her mouth pressed against the fabric of his shirt.
A devious chuckle sounded from the rocky cliff overhead. ”Isn't that just the sappiest shit you've ever heard?” The sharp tongue of a woman dressed in a black leather body suit, combat boots that came up to her knees, and bright red lipstick. her long blonde hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail with the hanging hair perfectly curled. One hand rested against her leather clad hip and the other hung loosely by her side only slightly hiding the silver gleam of a gun. ”I know what you're thinking, 'This bitch must be crazy?!', right?” Her face morphed into a sick smile as she circled the barrel of the gun around her ear to emphasize the word crazy before pointing it in Russ and Jos's direction. ”No, not crazy at all.” She said as she played a game of iny-meany-miny-moe between Jos and Russ. ”Just very patient. Now the real question... Which of you to kill first?” Her crazy eyes flared with insanity as she narrowed her gaze on Jos. ”The whore who was fucking MY man... or the mutts?” As if to emphasize the plural of her words another vampire drug a whimpering wolf out onto the ledge beside the leather clad woman. She pointed the gun at Shelly for a few tense minutes before twisting her neck back around to Russ and Joss. ”Oh, but didn't I hear you say the little bitch is pregnant?” She smiled down at Shelly. ”Can't be killing you just yet, can we? May be carrying my dear Mattie's baby cousin.” She ran the gun down the length of Shelly's muzzle.