109 Turbulant waters (1/2)
Jos's eyes widened has Arei pushed through the heavy metal doors of the front entrance. Standing in the center of the large open living room stood a hulking man, larger than either Areion or Orion. As Her feet were set gently on the ground and gruff yet somehow soft words were exchanged. Her brain couldn't process anything past the massive, overly masculine interior and it's equally intimidating owner. As she studied his rugged mountain man features she could distinguish a likeness between him and the man beside her. Her gaze traveled curiously between the two men. Though Arei's face was scruffy enough to be considered a beard by todays standards, it was still very short and exceedingly well maintained. His long hair was shaven short from right above his ears down and was always clean and well groomed. The other man, however, was unkept with long, wild hair that seemed to merge with a thick, full-face beard. The hair didn't stop there her had a large patch of body hair that covered both exposed pecks and ran down his abdomen in a thin sparse line until finally disappearing into the waistband of the low riding pajama bottoms he wore. She realized she'd missed every thing they'd said when Arei's large hand stopped stroking its soothing rhythm on her back and his bright worried eyes lowered to her leave.
”Are you alright? Do you need help?” He asked.
”Huh?” She stared back at him in confusion shifting her gaze between the two men.
”I'm sorry, I...” Her words died as she felt the larger mountain man's eyes one her. He merely just let out a growl noise grabbing her bags and heading farther into the large home.
”Here,” Arei said, taking her hand and nodding to the wolf who had curled up by the large fireplace. ”I'll see you to your room, but then I have to go out and take care of a little problem.” He lead her through the room his brother indicated. ”Thanks, Tri.” He said and the large man grunted and turned away shutting the door as he went. Arei ran a hand over her side of her long silver hair not much of the turquoise had came back yet, but it was still a beautiful as ever. ”Is it always like that with him? Why stay with someone who's going to treat you like that every single time you say something he doesn't want to hear?” When she lowered her head and refused to answer, he pulled her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her tightly. ”You know, at first I couldn't understand why you'd taken off with some other man if you truly loved that kid as much as you'd said you did. I thought it was just your way of turning me down nicely, but now I believe I'm beginning to understand.” He rested his chin on the top of her head as her tiny hands tangled in the fabric of is shirt and she sobbed quietly into the cotton.
”I... I never thought it would be this way...” Jos sniffled. ”I never saw him with other girls, never expected his to be the way he is some times...” Her tearful eyes met his. ”His not always like this-”
Arei furrowed his brows. ”I can see exactly how he is, Kitten. He's a manipulative little prick. He says all these sweet, seemingly loving things, but the second you step out of line or don't agree with something he says, he hurts you.”
Jos shook her head vigorously, ”He would never hurt me, he just-”
Arei arched a brow as he slid a finger under the neck line of her shirt and pulled it down to expose her shoulder. ”He wouldn't would he? Did he ask you before branding you?” He asked as he traced a fingertip lightly over the scared bite marks. His fingertip trailed down her arm, then her side, until finally stopping over the thing material at her hip. ”Was it some other wolf that caused these scars?” He said tracing the area where the scars had been visible the day they'd swam at the spring.
She looked away from his knowing eyes and focused on her hands that were tangled in the material at the front of his shirt. ”He didn't mean to-”
Arei gently tilted her head back up to his gaze. ”And I'm sure he didn't 'mean' half the things he said out there tonight... or last night... I'm sure he doesn't 'mean' to be a childish little prick at all, but it doesn't change the fact that he is. It doesn't change the FACT that what he is doing to you is domestic abuse, both mentally and physically.” He lowered his head to hers, brushing his forehead across hers. The hand that cupped the base of her head pulled forward until he was able to stroke her pouting bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. ”I could just as easily force a kiss on you here right now.” He let his warm breath tickle her skin as he whispered softly, ”I could take advantage of your weakened physical state... play on your tender, wounded emotions.” He let his lips hover over hers as he continued stroking her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. ”Do you know why I don't? Because I love you enough to care what you would want, to want what is best for you. I don't want to leave you feeling like everything that happens between us is your fault somehow. That every time I hurt you or take advantage of you is because you've somehow asked for it. That is not love, Jos.” He stood up straight and gazed down into her confused eyes. ”You once asked me what it meant to be lovers. Well I may not have been able to give you a straight forth answer back then, but I can give you a straight answer on what it's not now.” He glanced around the room. Spotting the bed, he pulled her with him as he backed to the edge and sat down. He held both her hands in his and gazed up at her. ”I'm not asking you to choose me instead. I'm asking you to choose you for once.” He kissed the top of her hands. ”I can't for a second imagine what I heard out there tonight, is what you truly want.”
Jos's smile caused her eyes to squint and spill the remaining unshed tears. ”I think that's the first time you've ever called me by my actual name.”
He chuckled, ”I'm sure it isn't... is it?” Shrugging he laughed, ”Strange huh? Since I was the one who chose it.”
Jos's brows tented, ”But... I thought...” She thought back, ”I'm sure it was Orion.”
Arei smiled, ”We'd discussed it together the night before he gave it to you. He'd wanted Mary or Rosaline.” He lifted a hand to her check, ”I thought Joslyn would better suit you. Nearly the same, I suppose...” He tilted his head, ”but somehow more fitting.”
Tears filled her eyes again and she pulled her hands out of his grip and flung her arms around his neck. ”I'm so sorry...” She sobbed into his shoulder as she squeezed tightly. ”I treated you so unfairly back then... and now...”
He patted her back as he held her tightly. ”You don't owe me anything, Kitten. Shhh.” He whispered trying to sooth her.
”I do. You and Orion both...” She lifted her head and placed a light kiss on his forehead. ”Thank you for being there for me then and here for me now, and I think it's time a say my thanks to Orion as well.”
Arei nodded, ”He'd like that.” He pushed up from the bed. ”But first you need to take care of you. Get changed and go for a swim, then you can talk to him.” He placed a light on the top of her head as he walked out of the room. ”I'll see you in a bit alright.”
Raven followed Arei with her eyes from a comfortable shadowed armchair by the fire as he walked across the expansive living room from what had to be Jos's bedroom. She arched a brow as she looked from Arei's departing back to Shelly who had peaked up from her fur cocoon when he'd stepped out of the room. ”Wonder what that's all about...” She asked as she watched Arei stomp out the door, a look of determination set across his handsome face. The wolf only shrugged. ”Probably something else your brother's done, huh?” Raven and the wolf both rolled their eyes. Raven turned her attention back to Shelly. ”So you going to stay in that form? I'm sure Jos has enough clothes with her for you to shift, if you want.” The wolf shook her head lowing it back to atop her paws and went back to staring at the flames dancing around in the fire place. ”You know that form doesn't keep you from hurting, it only makes it harder for those of us who love you to help.” The wolf's sad eyes met hers and held her gaze for a few seconds before turning back to the flames. ”When ever you're ready to talk, I'll be here.” The wolf nodded as the bedroom door opened. Raven watched as Jos poked her head out and looked around before stepping out in a towel wrapped around her bikini clad body. ”Feeling better?” Raven called out to her.