106 Fate of the future (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 48880K 2022-07-22

Orion gazed out over the sparsely lit parking lot of the small roadside hotel. Even at such a late, or rather early, hour the nearby interstate was still buzzing with traffic. His eyes scanned the grounds until finally settling on the pool setting center the parking lot. He walked over and leaned against the rusted white railing that surrounded it. ”What ya got going on now?” He asked as he watched Raven first whisper a chant into the soft, brightly colored petals of a flower then place it into the pool with several other flowers.

Raven sighed lifting the bowl of water she'd scooped out of the bathtub earlier and gazing down into it. ”Trying one more spell before my powers are completely drained.” She answered but then glanced over at him. ”How are you feeling? Have you recharged yet?” She asked with a spark of hope.

Orion shrugged, ”That depends... What kind of spell are you trying this time?”

Her brows tented in worry as she gazed out over the pool. ”I'm trying my luck at scrying. It's never been my strong point, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try.” Her worried eyes met his. ”I fear going forward without some hint of what's in store. Even if Isha can get back on the council in time, what's to say they will be lenient on her a second time.”

Orion shrugged. ”Ture enough, but you know running isn't going to be a viable option either. If we disobey, our father can control us easier than you were able to earlier.” He pushed the gate open and walked over beside her. Sitting down he let out a low sigh. ”Plus, you know good and well as soon as running isn't something Jos will want... Once she hears...”

Raven nodded a sad nod. ”Yes, I know... That's what I hope to find out though what the judgements against her will be so we know what to work around. I agree having her mother would help if she gave us her support but I'm not entirely sure she will. If I can catch even the slightest glimpse...”

Orion nodded and pulled the shirt he'd barrowed from Arei over his head. He asked as he set the shirt to the side. ”Will you need my pants off too? If so I do apologize in advance, I... would be left indisposed.” A faint blush colored his cheeks only slightly hidden by the light stubble.

Raven's worried expression lightened for a brief second until turning serious again. ”It should be fine as long as you can roll up your sweats and stand in the water.” She pointed to the stairs leading into the water. ”It would help if your brother was here too, but I should be able to do it with just you.”

Orion nodded. ”Good, I'm not sure if he's in the best spirits to have around magic right now.” He nodded to the second hotel room farther down the long building front. ”I'm sure you didn't miss our little lover sneaking off earlier.”

Raven chuckled, ”I did not!” She shook her head. ”Leave it to Russ to want makeup sex directly after a life threatening incident.”

Orion laughed, ”Reasonably so, it was very heart warming a touching... until they started touching of course...” He shrugged. ”Arei wont admit it, but believe he'd hoped there would have been more time for him to try winning her back.”

Raven let out an indignant grunt. ”Maybe he should have thought of that 500 years ago. I saw the train wreck left behind, and I promise you, had he came back and explained things...” She looked him over. ”You have to admit it was a jacked up situation. I'd not been able to tell the two of you apart back then. Hell had you both shown up in the bar at the same time that day, I wouldn't have been able to guess which was which then.”

Orion nodded. ”We should have told her, but...” His words trailed off and he scrunched his brows looking out over the waters of the pool. ”Things became complicated.”

Raven nodded, ”I could imagine.” She turned her attention back to the bowl in her hands. ”Ready to start this?” She asked.

Orion pushed himself up from the pool and walked over to the steps but paused when the hotel room door opened. ”Well looks like Arei will be joining anyways.” He watched his brother walk toward the pool, instead of opening the gate he simply jumped over the top.