71 Safe in your arms (1/2)
Arei let out a heavy breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding as he leaned against the now-closed door. He fumbled around in his pocket for the pack of cigarettes he'd bought earlier. ”So much for quitting.” He sighed as he took one from the pack with his lips and flipped the flint of the lighter with the other hand. He took a long draw before placing the pack and lighter back into his pocket and took out his phone. He quickly dialed his brother's number, taking another long drag as he waited for the call to connect.
[Areion?] Orion's deep voice sounded from the other end. [Is something wrong? It's bound to be late there right now... isn't it?]
Arei glanced down at the screen of his phone before answering. ”Yeah, it's almost 2 am.” He let out a loud puff as he took another drag from the cigarette.
[Soooo??? Is something wrong?] Orion asked impatiently. [Are you smoking right now? I thought you quit?]
Arei blew out the last of the smoke and stomped the butt out on the ground with his shoe. ”Yeah well I was going to... but...” He ran a hand through his hair. ”Ah man, it's a mess here. I'm not entirely sure what to do.”
[What's going on?] Orion asked.
Arei let out a sarcastic laugh, ”I could ask you the same thing! What exactly has our dear little girl gotten herself into this time?”
Orion chuckled at the way his brother said the endearment they used to use when talking about her training all those years ago. [Oh you know the usual political corruption, conspiracy against the crown, sex scandal with royalty.]
Arei's eyes bugged. ”Oh wow, our girl has been busy! So how does it all tie together?”
Orion let out a huffed breath of air. [Remember that big vampire uprise about fifteen years ago? They attacked several Mediterranean islands that housed the largest population of lycanthrope in the world. Within the course of only five days, they had eradicated nearly two-thirds of the entire global population.]
Arei thought for a few seconds before responding. ”Yes, I remember that. I believe it's part of the reason I've been sent here to investigate the U.S vampires. The council seems to think another uprising is being planned now-”
[And that DeMarco is orchestrating it?] Orion said as a rhetorical question.
Arei frowned. ”I wasn't told that part, but after the meeting today...” He thought back over the phrasings used during the meeting and the conversations he'd overheard at the gala. ”I believe you're right in assuming as much. DeMarco is trying to bring all the clans together under his leadership. He's pitching it as a better business but there seems to be an obvious ulterior motive that even the other vampires have been whispering about.”
[Yes exactly. That is why I was sent to the Carolina's. As soon as they got word that DeMarco had moved to the area, so close to the wolf twins, they sent me out. It was suspected the move was because they had already discovered Russ and Shelly's location and was trying to take out one or both before they were old enough to take the thrown.] Orion explained.
”But?” Arei pushed for him to continue.
[But it doesn't matter if that was the reason for the move or not now, because they know who they are and knew where they were. I still have a feeling that's why DeMarco is keeping Jos close. He plans on using her to get to Russ in some way.] Orion continued after a minute's pause. [I can't prove that yet of course, but after seeing Shelly and seeing what that other bastard did to her...] Orion's words were growled out through clenched teeth.
Arei shook his head, ”Don't worry about Jos. She's leaving with me tonight. The bastard tossed her phone into the ocean and smacked her around a bit tonight.”
[And he's still alive?] Orion asked, shock heavy in his voice.
”Yes well... I tricked him into leaving long enough for me to get her out of here. I didn't tell her I was easedropping on them or that I saw him toss her phone... I just wish I'd been able to get to her before they left together... before he had a chance to lay a hand on her.” Arei let out a sigh.
[So what's your plan?] concern was heavy in Orion's voice, but there was an underlying amusement that couldn't be missed.
Arei let out a heavy breath, ”Oh gods, I don't have a clue! I guess take her back to my place tonight
and head first thing in the morning for North Carolina. He ran his hand through his hair. ”But-” He glanced back at the closed door before whispering into the phone. ”I don't know if I can do this or not... I... Being with her, seeing her again...”
Orion let out a heavy sigh. [Areion I know how you felt and I get how you must still feel, but please for once, think of what's best for her.]
Arei's mouth dropped into a deep frown, ”I know... I know... She's already told me she's in love with that 'Russ' kid.”
Orion chuckled, [Well the pup will be glad to hear that. See that she gets back safe. I trust you, brother. I'll let you know when I get back.]
”Alright, until then, take care.” Arei hung up and turned back to the door. ”What is taking her so long...” He mumbled as he gave the door a light tap before opening it.
Joslyn frowned at her reflection in the large bathroom mirror of the villa as she placed the last for her makeup into a small travel bag. ”What have you done... This is such a mess...” She berated herself as she continued to frown at her own reflection. Tears streamed down her face as she thought back over all the mistakes she had made with Russ, the stupidity of continuing to get Xavier involved... and now Areion?!?! {He's the cause of most of this in the first place... No, I'm the cause of that too...} Angry tears flowed from her eyes as she squeezed the small bag tightly.
”Kitten? Are you in there still?” Arei called through the bathroom door.