68 History of a broken hear (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 57010K 2022-07-22

Joslyn thumped her fingers on the small table of the beach side café she set outside of, an untouched scone and latte beside the phone she continued to stair down at. Several messages in her DM's. Raven had sent a quick message explaining that Isha had finally managed to sneak away and that she would call her the second she left, but this was not the message that had Jos so worked up. Russ had sent her a message late last night, but she still couldn't work up the strength to open it. {I just can't take anymore boi drama today...} She let out a heavy sigh and turn the phone off completely. ”I just can't... not right now...” She whispered to the phone. She pushed herself up from the tiny table and slid the phone into her back pocket. She took some cash from her small handbag and tossed it onto the table before grabbing her latte and heading back toward the villa.

The skies had already began to fade to dusk as she made her way down the shop-lined, wide sidewalks. {Such a long day already, and it's not even really began. There's still the gala tonight and I haven't heard a single thing from Xavier since I left the meeting this morning.} She let out another heavy sigh as she scanned the parking lot of the Villas. {His rental isn't here...} A heavy frown settled on her face as she continued to make her way toward the room.

Once inside Jos took a long shower and meticulously styled her hair and makeup. A soft knock sounded at the door right as she began to unzip her luggage. She tightened the tie of the extra fluffy hotel robe as she made her way to the door. ”May I help you?” She said politely as she cracked the door slightly.

A delivery man stood at the entrance a small tablet in his hand. He glanced from its display to Jos. ”Miss Joslyn Decker?”

Jos frowned, ”Y-yes?”

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He clicked several buttons before holding the tablet out to her. ”If you will just sign here on the line.” He handed her a stylis before bending over and retrieving a package leaned against the wall. He handed her the large package as he took back the tablet. He nodded as he backed away from the door. ”Have a nice day miss.”

Jos had barely gotten the door shut, before another knock sounded. Without thinking she pulled it back open. ”Did you forget-” Her breath caught with the realization it was not the delivery guy but instead the absolute last person she would want stand before in a bathrobe, alone in a hotel room. She quickly tried slamming the door shut, but he caught it and pushed it open.

”Relax kitten, I was sent here to drive you to the gala.” He sent her a smoldering smile, meant to be reassuring but some how held quite the opposite effect.

Jos backed away from him holding the package tightly against her chest. ”Wait outside then.” She tightened her grip on the box as her hands began to tremble.

Areion fought the desire to pull her into his arms and pick up where they had left off all those years ago, instead he lowered his gaze and walked over to the edge of the bed instead. He carefully sat down on the edge and gathered his wits before looking back up at her. ”I realize this is a bit... awkward for you, but I want... need to tell you my side of things.” He gazed up at her a tender, silent plea.

Jos could feel her heartrate raise farther as she stare down at him, her mind struggling against itself. She let out a heavy sigh as she lowered the box to her side. ”F-fine then. Say what you must then leave.”

His lips turned up at the corners and his eyes sparkled as he met her gaze, ”Thank you, Jos.” His eyes darkened and his voice became husky, ”but first you should probably put some clothes on.”

Jos gasped and quickly brought the box back up her chest and clutched it tightly. She couldn't answer instead she just nodded and quickly made her way into the bathroom.

Areion chuckled, ”Nice to see some things haven't changed.” He whispered to himself. He scooted back against the headboard of the bed and crossed his legs as he looked around the room. ”Not bad... not bad at all... Vamp boy has taste.”

Jos Quickly sat the box down on the sink and opened it. Inside was a tiny letter sitting on top of tissue paper. She read it.

”Sorry I wasn't able to give this to you in person. The negotiations are taking longer than expected. I know you will look absolutely stunning in this dress, however. I can't wait to see you. Until tonight-Xavier.”