58 Turbulant affairs (1/2)
The warm breeze tickled their exposed skin as Xavier skillfully maneuvered the bike through the hustle and bustle of late evening traffic. Jos held on tight around his waist as he leaned from side to side slicing through the thick traffic as easily as a knife through butter. A sound squeaked out past her lips and squeezed her body tighter against his as he broke through the other vehicles and onto the open road. The lights of the city slowly faded into the distance as Xavier hit the accelerator harder and sent the speeding into the night.
”This is nice,” Jos yelled over the loud noise of the bike and wind zipping by her.
”Glad you like it. Hold on tight, now.” Before the words had fully left his lips, he hit the breaks and caused the bike to lift up onto its front wheel. Xavier gave a loud chuckle at her quick inhale of breath and death grip around his chest. He continued playing around with odd tricks and other stunts until they had finally made it to the exit. He carefully took the exit ramp and merged into the laidback beach traffic. He idled it down as he neared a well-lit parking lot. On one side there was a quaint bar and grill restaurant and on the other was a wooden pier extending several feet out over the gently lapping waters.
Before Xavier had completely shut off the engine and kicked out the stand, Joslyn was already walking toward the pier in pure fascination. He laughed at her child-like amazement as she watched a small pod of dolphins splash and play beneath the twinkling lights shining out over the water. She didn't even seem to notice as he came up behind her and placed one arm on either side of the railing pinning her in. He leaned over her shoulder watching for a few seconds before softly whispering against her ear. ”Beautiful isn't it.” He released the railing with one hand and ran it along her bare arm as he continued to watch her. The peace on her face as she watched the dolphins play somehow soothed, making him think of a time far, far into the past. ”When I was a child, we came here often with father to the U.S clans. I remember it was so overwhelming I would frequently run away. This was one of the places I would come to.”
Jos frowned but didn't look away from the dolphins. ”Why would you run away?”
Xavier sighed, ”I learned from a young age my father was a cruel man... little did I know at the time, it wasn't just him it was all vampires.”
Jos turned in his arms, ”What do you mean?” Her brows furrowed as she took in the swarm of emotions haunting his beautiful features.
His lips curved upward but not exactly in a smile. ”What? Is it so odd to hear a creature speak ill of his own kind?”
Jos sighed, ”No, I guess not, but you're a vampire. Does that mean you are cruel?” {This could be a good opportunity to get some information on what is going on.} She thought as she quickly worked out a line of questions to keep him talking.
Xavier pushed his riding glasses up onto his head then leaned down pressing his forehead against hers. ”Do you think I'm a cruel man?” His glistening eyes maintained contact with hers as she thought over her response.
She gazed up into his shimmering eyes, no doubt he was trying to glamour out an honest answer. Jos sighed heavily as she pushed away from him and slowly made her way toward the ocean. ”I think we can all be cruel... when we want to...” She glanced over back over her shoulder, her sad eyes meeting his curious gaze. ”Sometimes we are the cruels to the ones we love most.”
Xavier came up behind wrapping his arms loosely around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder. ”You are definitely right about that.” He placed a light kiss on her shoulder at the base of her neck. To his surprise, she tilted her head to the side to give him better access. He brushed his lips across the delicate skin of her shoulder again as he whispered. ”After the way you reacted the other night, I didn't figure you would give me such easy access to your neck.”
She laughed, ”Should I not? Are you going to bite me?”
Xavier chuckled. ”Well you know it's hard to find such an enticing drink... and in such an ideal setting...” He licked his way up her neck to her ear lobe. He moaned a satisfied moan seductively into her ear. ”Ummm, tastes sooo good!”
Her whole body shook with the shiver his words provoked. She turned her head to meet his eyes. ”You're so bad.” She giggled as he continued teasing her shoulder with his teeth and tongue.
”Ummm... The worst...” He muttered as he continued teasing her flesh.
Her laughter trailed off, her mood darkening as she gazed out over the glistening water illuminated by the waxing moon. ”Is that so?”
His teasing stopped as he took in the sudden seriousness of her tone. ”Why do I get the feeling you mean that as more than a simple, casual reply?.” He let out a heavy sigh as he released his loose grip around her waist. He ran his hand through his hair, shaking out what was left of the gel. He flopped down on the sand beside where she stood. ”Maybe if I couldn't sense your moods, I wouldn't be able to pick up the weight of your remark... but I can and I do...” He tugged lightly on her dangling hand as he gazed up into the turbulent turquoise pools that were her eyes. ”Would you like to sit?”
Jos stepped between his legs and lowered herself to the sand between them resting her back against his chest. It was bad enough he could read moods he didn't need to see her face as well. She quickly worked through a way of gaining information without raising his suspicions. ”It's just... Well... I guess being in an area you are so familiar with that's so unknown to me, made me realize just how little I know about you.” She glanced back over her shoulder when he didn't immediately answer.
A troubled frown rested on his face as he stared out at the gentle, shimmering waves. When he noticed she was waiting for an answer he frowned down at her. ”I thought I'd done a pretty good job of opening up to you so far, besides I could say the same about you... I know very little about you.” When she turned away from him without responding he smiled. ”How about we play a game? We take turns asking each other questions if the person refuses to answer the question they must remove an article of clothing. If the question is answered to the questioner's satisfaction it is then the other persons turn to ask a question.” He smiled down into the shooked eyes that turned quickly on him.
Jos stared at him in wide-eyed disbelief. ”Here?”
Xavier laughed as he shrugged, ”Well yes, after our first swim together I didn't think public nudity was an issue for you.”
Jos blushed as she lowered her head. ”That wasn't one of my proudest moments.”