44 Be a tease (1/2)
”You really shouldn't dress like that at a man's house, you know.” Xavier's soft voice purred into her ear.He watched as her eyes fluttered open and the cloudiness of sleep began to clear their aqua depths before adding, ”…. unless your aim is seduction of course.”
Joslyn's confusion cleared, quickly replaced by aggravation, ”I could say the same of the sender of such outfits!” Before she could grab the shirt she had discarded earlier, Xavier had already retrieved it and was now examining it.
”This is what my secretary sent?” He shook his head, a 'tch' slipping out, as he looked her over again. ”And this my friend is why most normal people have female secretaries…” he passed the article of clothing to her before continuing. ”I asked him to have you some clothes sent over this morning.” Xavier ran his hands through his hair as he tried his best (but failed) to look away while she slipped it over her head. ”Retrospectively, I can see where a misunderstanding could have happened.”He sent her his most charming smile.
Joslyn rolled her eyes at him, ”Ya don't say???” she pushed herself up onto her knees and began gathering the items she had brought out onto the beach with her.
Already bent beside her blanket, Xavier began to help her.When their hands brushed against each other and she began to jerk back, he caught her hand. ”Joslyn, look at me.” He waited for her to look up from their hands to his face. When she finally made eye contact with him he could see the light blush on her cheeks, bringing a smile to his face.”I've never tried to hide the fact that I'm attracted to you.You're a very beautiful woman, and I'm sure any man would think the same.I probably should have ordered clothes for you myself, but I was very busy today and didn't think of it.If the worst thing that came from that was an employee thinking I'm in a relationship with someone as stunning as you and getting to come home to you looking like this….then I can't feel sorry.” He watched as her blush deepened as she averted her gaze toward the sand.He caught her under the chin and pulled her face back up to his.”I'll not say I'm sorry.Joslyn, I like you.” Her checks heated farther as she began to struggle out of his grip. He loosened his hold but did not move his hands away from her jaw. ”Don't worry I'm not going to push you.I don't know what exactly changed between the night of the party and now, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to know. But I'm not going to push you farther than you are willing to go. As I've told you before, I am a very patient man.” A tear ran down her cheek and over his thumb. He used its pad to wipe away the next one as it began trailing down the same path as the first tear. He pulled her against his chest, ”I'll wait as long as it takes.” He placed a light kiss on her forehead. He waited until her eyes met his gaze. ”I can't help but feel like you are the person I'm meant to be with until the day I die.”
Joslyn's eyes nearly popped out of her head, ”D-d-d-d-i-e????”
He chuckled as he slowly released her face and began pushing himself up from the sand. ”What's scarier to you? The fact that I want to be with you until death do we part or the consideration of my lifespan?”
She shook her head, trying to push the shock of his words away until she could properly think about them later. When she finally looked back up at him he was brushing the sand from his lower body. Her eyes bulged again, ”What in the world are you wearing!” She slowly trailed her eyes over the strange combination of business formal and swimwear.He sported a black blazer, dark grey tie, white button up, and dark grey swim trunks with a pair of flip flops.
He laughed as he brushed the last of the sand off and extended his hand down toward her.He began explaining as she took his hand and he pulled her to her feet. ”I had several conference meetings today over the computer.They could, pretty much, only see me from my hips up at any given time…. Sooo…”He released her hand once she was standing and began loosening his tie. He pulled it off and unbuttoned several of the top buttons.
She snickered as she shook the sand from the towel she'd been laying on, ”Well, You'll definitely be a trendsetter in that outfit!”
”Hardy, har har” He laughed as he snapped the tie at her leg playfully. ”We should probably head into the house before any tourist in the area get the wrong idea and think we are both hosts/escorts.”
Her thoughts moved back to what she was wearing herself, ”So exactly what did you say to your… secretary? That had him picking out something like this?”
Xavier's laughter died as he became serious. He grabbed her free hand and brought her fingertips to his lips, ”I simply told him, I needed clothes delivered to the house for my beautiful house guest to wear. And I gave him a… reasonable description of you so that he could pick the right sizes.”He looked her over, ”Looks like the description worked…”
Joslyn blushed as she turned her gaze down to the sand at their feet. ”You're right we should head back in…” she began walking back toward the beach access of his property. Xavier came up quickly beside her and took the things she was carrying.She glanced up at the handsome face smiling cheerfully ahead. ”Thank you.” [I don't deserve to be treated so kindly by this person.Any other person would have washed their hands of a situation like this long ago.] ”Um… so I was thinking…. I've taken advantage of your hospitality long enough, though I do seriously appreciate it…”