38 Bedtime story (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 54910K 2022-07-22

It was early morning.Jos had picked at the bowl of takeout a few hours earlier, but in the end, hadn't eaten enough of it to fill a mouse.Xavier had searched his massive kitchen until he found all the ingredients of his own favorite human food.The ring from his phone pulled his attention away from the batter he was mixing. He balanced the bowl in one arm as he propped his phone on his shoulder after hitting the receive button with a batter-covered finger. ”It's not a good time, why didn't you just text me back.”

”Oh, but brother I much rather hear your soothing voice.” Dante purred.

”Why do you always have to be like this?” he stirred the batter more aggressively.

”Fine, the truth is my hands are a bit full at the moment so texting isn't quite an option right now.” Dante's words broke slightly over the receiver, Xavier could hear something moving around in the background.

”What exactly are you doing?” Xavier asked as he set the bowl down on the counter and bent to select a pan from under the counter.

”She was getting too many texts.” His voice turned more into a grunt as he continued to struggle. ”It's hard enough to keep her under mind-control without her damn cell phone constantly going off.” ”That's enough, hold the fuck still!” Dante roared away from the phone.

”Leave the girl be, Dante.” Xavier began pouring some of the batter onto the pan.

”Sorry brother, no can do.Besides seems like it has worked out to your advantage after all.” Dante let out a strained laugh.

Xavier tried flipping the pancake put it was sticking to the pan. He replied irritation evident in his voice, ”I really don't consider having a beaten, half-conscious girl in my bed a good thing.” he scraped at the pancake harder with the spatchalla. 'Damnit…' he mumbled under his breath.

”She is in your bed though, isn't she? And at this point, unconscious seems like it would be a bonus as well.” Dante yelled away from the phone again ”Bite me and I swear to you I'll rip your pretty little throat out!”

Xavier scraped the ruined pancake into the garbage bin and retrieved spray oil from the cabinet.After spraying the pan he placed it back on the eye and poured more batter into the pan. ”What exactly is going on over there?” he asked.

”I'm having trouble controlling her mind. I had your tech guy search for info on her but they ran into several blocks, which tells me our two little troublesome puppies are important in the Were community than I originally thought.I guess it is THE Boosillis wolves after all.I'm going to talk to the coven tomorrow.”

Xavier sighed as he flipped the perfectly golden-brown pancake before asking, ”Do you really think they are going to approve of you kidnapping a young girl? I'm saying no, even more so if she does happen to be someone of importance.And believe me, there is no doubt in my mind these are THE Bossillis wolves.The fucking brother is a god damned alpha who can already shift not only portions of his body at will but completely take on wolf form at will.”

Dante chuckled, ”Ya know brother, 'kidnap' is such a strong word…. More like…”

Xavier interrupted him, ”No, I'm pretty sure 'kidnap' is the exact word for it.” He flipped the pancakes into a plate, ”Well I'm getting off here, consider what I've said.Not even you could take down a fully matured alpha...” He hung up without waiting for Dante to respond. He threw his phone onto the counter and poured a heavy stream syrup over the contents of the plate. When he was satisfied, he carried the plate back toward the guest room.

A pained grunt drew his attention to the attached bedroom as soon as he stepped into the guest sitting area. He quickly set the plate down onto the small coffee table and took off to the bedroom. He pushed the door open in a hurry.His eyes shot directly to the small figure sitting up on the bed, ”Are you ok?”

”Ugg…” Joslyn set in the center of the bed her knees pulled up to her chest, her forehead rested on their tops and hands clutched to the back of her head. ”I'm fine, I just thought I'd go to the bathroom before you got back… but my head… ah…”

He let out a relieved sigh and walked over to the bed, ”Here let me help you.” He slid one hand behind her back then the other under her bent knees. She jerked her head up in shock but cried out in pain at the movement. ”Just relax, I'll carry you to the bathroom.”

She glanced up at him, ”Please don't, this is already embarrassing enough.”

He laughed, ”It's fine. Let me help you.” He sat her on her feet at the doorway of the insuite bathroom, ”Can you stand?”

”I'll manage, thank you.” She stepped carefully into the bathroom and shut the door. He was waiting outside the door when she stepped back out. She took his hand when he offered it. ”I'm sorry to be such an inconvenience to you. I feel well enough to go home now, I believe.”

A dark cloud fell over his beautiful green eyes, ”We'll talk about you going home after you eat.” He led her over to the seating area where the plate of pancakes awaited her. He gripped her tighter as she swayed on her feet. When her legs gave out he let out a huff of aggravation and lifted her again. ”Yeah, You're feeling just fine aren't you…” He turned and carried her back into the bedroom. He shifted her in his arms as he slowed his pace; he brushed his cheek across the top of her head as he whispered, ”Just rest, stop pushing yourself.” He set her in the center of the bed then quickly walked back into the seating room to retrieve the plate. When he got back he crawled onto the bed beside her. He handed her the plate as he leaned against the padded headboard. ”Yum, smells good. I should have made myself some too.”

She looked from the bite on her fork then to him, ”If you're hungry, you're welcome to it. I'm not all that hungry, the soap from earlier is still with me.” She handed the fork to him.

He smiled down at her, ”Don't mind if I do.” He took the fork but instead of taking the bite that was on it he held it to her lips. His smile widened as her cheeks colored.

She looked up at him in surprise, ”You don't have to feed me. I'm capable…” Before she could finish he shoved the bite into her mouth.

He laughed, ”What kind of host would I be if I ate the meal I made for my guest?” He took the plate and cut off another bite and offered it to her. When she tried to take the fork out of his hands he pulled it away, ”Nope, this is actually fun.” He continued feeding her the pancakes until she was full, then he ate the rest. ”Um... They taste better, I believe, because they are yours.” He winked down at her as he licked the syrup off the fork. When he was finished he set the plate onto the nightstand and retrieved the remote from between them and began flipping through the channels.”What do you want to watch?”

”Anything's fine.” She said settling into the pillows.