34 After school leasons (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 42650K 2022-07-22

Several weeks had gone by almost like normal. Everyone came and went from work and college activities as they always did, except Shelly who had only come home long enough to get clothes and other personal belongings.Other than a few texts, no one had heard from her.

[Thought I would let you know, I'm going along with Dante on a business trip.] She had sent the text to Raven late Sunday evening, shown up to pack a bag sometime Monday morning two weeks ago and had said nothing else since.The summer mini-courses had started that same week and Shelly had been registered in the class Joslyn taught.After a week of being a no show for a straight week, she was automatically dropped for the course.

The scrape of metal chair legs against the polished tile floors was only slightly masked by the excited chattering of voices throughout the class.Joslyn sat at the front of the room, the noises and movements all flowing into a swirling blur around her, her troubled eyes never leaving the phone on the desk in front of her.

”She seemed very distracted today. Everything still going ok?” Rin said scooting his chair around to face Russ.

Russ forced his gaze away from the woman he loved and replied, ”Yeah, we are doing great.” He ran his hand through his long loose hair as he let out an exasperated sigh before continuing, ”She's just really worried about Shelly.It's been 6 weeks and none of us have really seen her and she only texts Raven on the rare occasion.” He pushed his own chair back as he moved to stand.

Rin's usually stoic face contorted into concern,”Are you not worried then? When was the last time you saw her?”

Russ thought for a second before answering, ”I passed her and the jerk she's with the other day on my way to practice.They were going in as I was leaving. I can only guess she was getting some clothes and what-not.I was running late so I didn't have time to question her, but she seemed well enough.” He glanced back up to the front of the room where Joslyn still stood staring at her phone.No doubt she was staring at the long list of unanswered messages she'd sent Shelly. Russ dug his nails into the corners of the desk as he stood. ”She's being a self-centered brat if you ask me! She's bound to know what effects this is having on Joslyn. He gritted his teeth in anger, ”It's like she's doing it to punish Jos for loving me.”

Rin clasped his hand over his friend's shoulder. ”I've known you both for quite some time now. I really don't think Shelly is the type to do something like that.” When Russ's angry eyes narrowed more, he added. ”I agree, her actions are selfish, but I find it hard to believe they are entirely hers.I'm sure this new guy is having some influence on her decisions.”

”That may be the case, but it doesn't change the fact that she's acting like a bitch.Boyfriend or not she could at least respond to a damn text.” Russ's irritation built as he continued watching Joslyn.

Rin sighed heavily, ”How about this, I will try texting her and seeing what I can get out of her.” He handed Russ his cell phone. ”Put her number in for me and I'll text her after practice.

Russ took the phone and quickly entered his sister's information, before he released the phone back into Rin's grip he said, ”Text me as soon as you hear back from her.” He held Rin's gaze a silent understanding passing between the two friends.

”Now go to your woman, I'll lock the doors on my way out.”Russ nodded his head before standing upright and moving to the front of the room.

Joslyn continued to stare at her phone indecision and worry riddling her thoughts. She read over the texts for what must have been the one-hundredth time.

[Hey, I was talking to my brother and your other roommate earlier and thought of you.Thought I'd text and see how you were doing. By the way, this is Xavier.]

She had been so excited to hear mention of Shelly she hadn't thought past finding out how the young wolf was doing. [You talked to Shelly? How is she?”] Jos had quickly texted back.

[Seems good. If you would like I could probably talk them into meeting for lunch. Are you free today?]

[YES! That would be great! Would Calypso's be ok?] Jos had not hesitated to respond with an immediate yes as hopes to see Shelly had filled her brain. But now that it was only a few hours away from their meeting time, doubts and troubles started badgering Jos's mind. {If Russ found out she was meeting with Xavier again for any reason he would more than likely be livid.}