20 Meeting tonights entertainmen (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 35060K 2022-07-22

Joslyn lingered in the doorway a little longer, resting her hand over the mark on her shoulder. Before she could force her feet to move, Russ looked up from the group directly at her. He waved for her to come over. She slowly made her way toward him, her nerves made the 400 feet separating them feel like miles. {I recognize some of the guys he is with; they must be the swim team.I remember seeing flyers around the school for this event, but I can't for the life of me remember what they were doing... a talent show maybe? As attractive as this group of guys is I'm sure girls would pay no matter what they did.}

Russ had turned away from her to say something to the guy beside him.She took the final steps to stand behind his large frame, hiding from the small group. {Why did I agree to this....}She felt his hand graze her hand; she watched as he teasingly ran his fingers along her hand while he continued talking to the group of people around him. When he suddenly grabbed her hand tightly she glanced up at him to see he was looking down at her with a satisfied smile. He pulled her closer and drew her hand to his mouth to place a gentle kiss on it. She couldn't help but stare up at his mouth completely mesmerized as her mind replayed the many other parts of her body those lips had kissed over the last several hours.

”YOU HAVE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME!” exclaimed two loud, bombing voices in unison.

The words pulled Joslyn's mind back down to earth and to the present people around them. She hadn't noticed that all the people around them were staring at them or rather her... Joslyn could feel her face redden. The girls in the group recovered first and went back to trying to get attention from the other guys, but the guys continued staring and yelling their shook. ”You lucky bastard!” the taller guy yelled out.

Russ chuckled and drew his attention back to the guys around him, ”Jos, this is some of the first years that will be in the show tonight.” Russ began introducing them. ”This is Gabe, he's a swimming prodigy from one of the local high schools.He took them to nationals last year with freestyle.”

The boy with dark brown hair and pale grey eyes stood up from where he was leaning against a pool table and shook her free hand. Joslyn couldn't help but stare at the odd way he was dressed.He had on an unbuttoned solid white dress shirt with a loss tie around his neck instead of the collar of the shirt. He also had on dress pants with what looked like buttons running down the legs of them.

”I'm actually in your upcoming summer class.I figured getting the electives out of the way over summer break would be more efficient than....” His words trailed off.A shy smile curved his lips as he noticed where she was looking, ”Hope you enjoy the show tonight.” He winked at her and moved to kiss the top of her hand.

”Alright, that's enough.” Russ glared down at the shorter boy. ”Moving on, this is Rin.He can pretty much fill in where ever he's needed but prefers the butterflies.” When the boy simply looked at her over his glasses, Russ laughed. ”He's not the friendliest, but if you ever need help he's your guy a tried and true 'good guy'.You probably recognize him, he went to high school with Shelly and me.”

”Nice to meet you.” Joslyn said as sweetly as she could. There was something about his red eyes that was disarming.Intelligence seeped from the grumpy man before her.No matter how uncomfortable it was to look into those red eyes, she trained her gaze on his face to avoid the rest of his body.All he had on was a pair of unbuttoned jeans with what looked like speedos under them. {WTF was this 'show'.Did the boys put on some kind of entertainment for the girls before we got here? Why are they all nearly naked!}

Before Russ could even begin introducing the next guy, he stepped forward and pulled her into a huge hug. ”I'm Naru, he purred into her ear.”

She pushed her palms against his chest, glad that he was fully dressed in a loss muscle shirt that only covered his upper torso and sweatpants. She finally breathed a sigh of relief when Russ pulled her back against him and wrapped his arms around her protectively. ”Naru hasn't picked a style yet… He really doesn't like water either, soooo….” Russ chuckled.

Naru shrugged, ”Yea well when I saw it was a co-ed swim team all I could think about was hot chics in swimwear.” He laughed when Joslyn looked up at him shock on her face, ”Who knew they wouldn't be training with us.”