8 One sly wolf (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 36060K 2022-07-22

She arched a brow, ”Hahaha….” She laughed sarcastically, ”But no not really, the waves here aren't big enough to really get into it. I paddleboard every now and then though.” Joslyn forked at the cake until the rich liquid chocolate inside began to flow out.

”Then why come to a surf shop opening?” Xavier asked as he poked one of the sausages with his fork next.

”Ah Shelly, the other werewolf with us, has been kind of a groupie of that band for a while. She really likes their drummer.” She stuck the bite of dripping cake into her mouth. ”Um… this is really good! Thanks.” She smiled up at him as she chewed the cake.

He laughed again, ”Your welcome, glad you like it. It's one of my favorite things here. Anyways that's cool. The band is friends of mine so maybe I can introduce them.” He glanced back up at her.

”She'd defiantly like that.” Joslyn said with a bit of an aggravated undertone.

”What? You don't approve of your friend's choice of romantic interests?” he stopped the fork halfway to his mouth as he waited on her answer with an amused expression.

Joslyn let out a sigh, ”It's not so much that I don't approve. It's just that she has been chasing this guy for the past two months, pretty forcefully, and… well… I guess I just figure if he was truly interested then he would have already made a move or something and that anything past this point between them would just be a quick screw for him and heartache for her.”

Xavier's smile faded as he looked back down at his food. ”I see. You're probably right in that case. Forget that I offered.” He continued while he scooted a piece of pancake around his plate. ”You seem to really care for the both of them… As more than roommates or just friends…”

Joslyn sighed again, ”Yes, I do. They are the closest thing to family that I have other than my mother, but she lives overseas. I've known them both since they were babies and I love them both very much.” Joslyn sighed again, ”I'm sorry that was probably a little much for a first date, huh?”

Xavier quickly jerked his head up to look at her, ”First date? Does that mean there will be more?”

She laughed nervously, ”Um… We'll see.”

They both finished their meals while making light conversation. Once they were done Xavier insisted on covering the check, ”I've got it.” he took her by the hand and escorted her back to the passenger side door. Then he helped her into the jeep again. When he got back into the vehicle she directed him to her apartment on the edge of the university.

”It's this one.” She pointed to the middle building. ”Thanks for the ride.” She said as he pulled to a stop in front of her building. ”Really, if Russ had thrown up one more time, I would have probably started puking too!” Joslyn leaned over the console of the wrangler to place a light kiss on his cheek.

Xavier caught her face before she could set back up and placed a firm kiss on her lips, he continued to kiss her until she sighed and returned his kiss. He pulled away reluctantly, ”Can I see you tomorrow?”

”Hmmm…” She moaned as she leaned forward for another kiss. ”Okay.”

”Do you want me to walk you to your door?” He asked hopefully and gave her another kiss.