Chapter 225 - 225. The Roots. (1/2)

”Don't worry I will have a chance to leave pretty soon. I'd suggest you do the same or you can stay here and watch the fireworks.” I say getting up and moving to the window.

outside overlooking the city all seems quite. I open up the window and step onto the ledge.

I speed through hand signs and explosions sound out through the city.

Storm release: laser circus.

Fire style: Great Fire Annihilation.


Lasers fire off from my hands as I jump out the window firing into the hidden people watching over the school.

A giant fireball engulfs the the Xiao clan compound engulfing the surrounding trees in a roaring flame of destruction.

There's a giant white clay bird with a blonde man dropping white spider shaped explosives on top of the Burning heaven clan.

Over the other clan compounds giant walls of wood or dirt pop up caging them in and standing on those walls are people disguised as burning heaven clan members or Xiao family members. I have the same happening with the 2 major clans. Sneaking in hidden members of my group and enemy family members.

I had scoped out the sect grounds with invisible clones and found the treasuries.

With the guards distracted I apparated in. Using sand I tear out the whole area and store it in my realm and repeat for all the shitty clans in the area.

You all thought I'd leave some young masters to just run free and come find me for revenge some day? We use overwhelming force and eliminate these problems to the root.

We use disguises to make the sects think they are being attacked by other sects and let off some survivors to report the situation. However we kill the leaders and the elders and take all their storage rings.

My ninja body is zipping around invisible tearing out souls to find all the proper people. We relay the information and any innocents are just knocked out.

The princess and palace chief are shocked watching the sky light up in flames and explosions giving me a very odd look as I just hop off firing me lasers. *Pzoooow* I fire through runners and make sure I don't have to deal with any crap later by hiding my face.

The sects are in ruins from explosions, fireballs, assassinations and crow distractions. Just as quick as it started everyone poofs out of existence. Leaving behind some shocked city people. I make my way back to the princess and just give a small smile.