Chapter 198 - 198. Invasion Start. (1/1)
Next match is Sasuke versus Gaara. we have to wait around for a few minutes and right as he's about to get disqualified Kakashi and him show up in the arena. I bet they did it on purpose.
The fight was mainly gaara defending against fire jutsus with his sand and covering himself up in a giant sandball to prevent being attacked. Then Sasuke pulls out his new move the chidori only to barely hit gaaras shoulder with the lightning based jutsu causing him to bleed a little.
This sets the little psycho off as he has never been hurt before. ”BlOoD?!?! MoThEr HeLp MeEe!!!!” he goes into full reeeee mode and puts himself to sleep unleashing shukaku.
at this point a genjutsu is cast over the crowd and enemy ninja start to attack. Orochimaru grabs the hokage from his disguise as the kazekage of the sand and speeds off. Missing the fact that shukaku is only like 7 feet tall due to my draining most of his chakra and is quickly shut down with water jutsu fired at him from me and zabuza. my clones get to work waking people up and defending them with the other jonin. I start rounding them up and slapping chakra seals on them before putting them in kamui discretely.
it only takes a few minutes to have the arena locked down and the civilians being escorted to the safe houses. outside the stadium a load explosion and roars are heard as Orochimaru summoned giants snakes to destroy the city walls jiraya has already summoned giant toads with the help of Minato to fight them off. My clones are subduing sand, sound, and left over root ninja for jailing piling them up after stripping and sealing them of weapons and chakra.
I kill a few and blow up some buildings of people who had been shitty to me after robbing them to make it not look so suspicious. little cunts think I forgot about being kicked out of their stores as a kid eh? I got you.
All in all I've done more damage to the village than the invaders. I don't know what I am at this point. probably some kind of good villain or chaotic hero who knows. I mean for the greater good am I right?
I make my way to the giant barrier that has been erected on top of one of the buildings. looking inside I see the 3rd fighting the reincarnated bodies of the 1st and 2nd hokage and orochimaru.
With a quick pop I apparate inside the barrier. behind the first grabbing him by the head and tearing out his soul which I absorb. next up i body flicker to the second dodging pressured water guns and dragons flying at me while the 3rd starts fighting off orochimaru with my timed distraction.
Closing in the distance I get involved in a hand to hand fight. With observation Haki and a rinnesharingan going I easily smash the second into the ground with a well timed axe kick to the head. putting my hand on his chest and dodging a water bullet to the face I yank out his soul absorbing that too.
By this point the third has used a seal on orochimaru to get rid of his arms he pretty much dead weight collapsed on the ground. I run over kicking the snake pedo away who figures now it's probably a good time to run since the third looks like he is dying from overusing chakra. The barrier falls and him and his minions rush off out of the city.
I put my hand on the thirds chest and tear out his soul.
Just kidding I start helping to stabilize his chakra so he doesn't die. while the anbu rush in the help carry him to the hospital. at this point the fighting has pretty much ended I look over the city and see my clones finishing up destroying some building and putting the useful enemies into a pile that I suck into kamui along with them for sorting.
Ah such a nice day isn't it. At this point in time little did people know I had some of my clones running rampant in the village hidden in the sand looting ninja gear and scrolls like puppet manuals and puppets. Killing off most of the Council and destroying buildings all while disguised as akatsuki members. I mean art is an explosion am I right?!?! we can't just blow up one or two buildings now can we?
I make sure not to get innocents involved like children. later on I'll suggest joining our village as compensation for attacking our village. After all they basically live in a destroyed sand hell now why not move to a nice village. Plus I took like way over half their ninja force.
I'll have a secret move I can use to get them to join. But that's all later, right now it's time to check over the village for any missed enemy ninja and repair the city walls.
The sand trio have all been captured and are being held in T&I right now. most of the village ninja are checking for left over citizens and hidden explosives in the town as some of the ninja had set up explosive seals on houses. Totally wasn't me, nope.
After making sure everything was all done a meeting was held in the hospital at the third hokages room. he had given me, jiraiya, and sasuke a task to go and find tsunade. Cause apparently he quits. ”Fuck this shit I'm too old I only took the job to use the hokage crystal ball to peep on hotspings!” the anbu all facepalm.
Well I guess this is our next mission we head out in the morning I mean who am I to turn down free pay?