Chapter 164 - 164. winterfell (1/1)
While our hero frees the slaves in the east and makes money, with our same hero fixing the kingdom and making allies in the west and south what might you ask is our shadow friend doing in winterfell with our friends the starks?
”I'm freezing my god damn nips off man what's with this weather!!?” said shadow Ryan n1 now called Ryan for short. It was cold as hell north he had spent like two weeks traveling by foot and carriage getting rid of some bandits along the way.
Your probably asking yourself why don't you just apparate or use your vehicles and animagus form? The short and simple reason is I have no fucking clue how to get there and how would people react to a 3 ton giant blue wolf dragon running down the roads? not well.
Now that I'm outside of winterfell after so long I have to come up with some ideas to get eddard starks trust and help him out with this frozen hellhole. This place looks like crap. there's a total of under 1 million people in all of the north not winterfell just the north. this place might have a bit more than a thousand or a bit less. The whole area is like a shitty muddy wet mess of gross. It's cold enough to snow but warm enough to melt it when it reaches the ground. so it makes everything muddy and they run horses through town all the time so it smells shitty. There's cracks and crumbling towers and walls. This whole area is dirt poor there's nothing to make profit off of and anything they do gain is spent buying food. sure you get things like deer and some small winter crops but that's not much. This place is pitiful.
I make my way into the keep and get some curious looks as they don't get too many new people if any ever. The guards stop and ask me a few questions and I'm then lead into the keep. I've requested a talk with Eddard Stark and lady Catelyn Stark. I'm met in his main hall with them sitting at the front table looking at me curiously and one of his gaurds. ”My name is eddard stark warden of the north and leader of winterfell may I ask who you are stranger?” he asks with a strong voice. ”As of now I'm a knight by the name Ser Ryan slayer of gregor clegane the mountain. I believe we have a bit to talk about.”
They were quite shocked by my title ”And what might Ser have to talk about that is so important he travels this far north?” ”Well do you want the whole truth as scary as it might sound or do you want me to bullshit you and just do whatever?” they look at me in shock Noone had ever spoken like this to them. ”The truth.” said Ned in a hard tone ”Well let's just say this right now I have zero interests in harming you or I could have just out and told the king who Jon really was so calm down.” ”Jon?” asked catelyn stark and Ned looked shocked and confused wondering if I truly knew who he was. ”and who do you believe Jon really is?” asked Ned ”well do you trust your guard with your life if not I'd ask him to leave anyway just in case.” Ned waved his guard out. ”So you brought home your sisters son and took him as a bastard child to keep your best friend from killing him out of rage if that about sums it up.” catelyn looked shocked at this she always treated Jon like garbage and it had strained her marriage thinking that Ned had cheated on her.
I looked at her and said ”you know it really made it believable with how much you hated the poor kid I heard his dream is to join the nights watch must have been bad to want to go to a frozen hell for murderers, thieves, and rapist.” ooooh low blow. There was hushed whispering between the two and some tears from catelyn and more hushed whispers. ”And what else might you have to talk about?” asked Ned with a frown but a relieved look on his face. The Jon incident had been a thorn in his heart for many years. ”Well I'd like to help your town.” Ned raised an eyebrow. ”And how can you help my town exactly?” I smiled ”Tell me sir do you believe in magic?” he frowned ”old wives tails about wargs and and seers from beyond the wall.” I smiled even more. ”Come take a walk with me outside.” I stood from my chair and waited for them we then headed outside into the muck and mud.
I had about 60 house elves invisible and had them start cleaning the area and I warped out some stone tiles from my shop inventory. soon things were floating I was repairing towers and walls with reparos things where fixing themselves into the right places the mud and shit was vanished to smooth even stones that were layed down and cemented into place with heating spells to speed the process up tools were vanished and replaced with new ones runes were etched for heat and a giant glass dome went over winterfell making it look like a reverse snow globe there were runes etched into it to prevent breaking and heated to prevent snow buildup.along the inner walls in empty places I put glasshouses with room expansion charms auto water charms and already seeded with special soils. enough to feed triple the whole area and good enough for profit.
I kept working fixing the sewage that hadn't worked in centuries. adding timed vanishing charms so it all just got vanished to wherever. fixing the castle walls with glaze making them nice and smooth going from place to place fixing floors and adding things like small planted pots more high tech items like magic stoves that don't need wood. replacing furniture with better items like new beds new blankets magic washers I fixed the whole damn kingdom for about 10k coins. now not just Ned and catelyn where looking at me everyone was looking at me in shock the streets where filled with the people staring at the dome and new roads which led all the way out of town. The repaired nice shining walls and floors the new warm feeling coming from everywhere a nice constant 70 degrees. I looked at their clothes and grimaced. I started bringing out pants, shirts, shoes, socks, dresses, even shorts and Hoodies, they each got new sets of clothes. then in one corner of the kingdom I magiced up myself a nice stone house. to match the rest of my home.
I looked at the gaurds who were wearing mismatched leather armors and crappy blades ugh this place blows. I got out a full 500 sets of stark style armor with a black wolf imprint and new swords with cloaks. Fuck stealth at this point this place blows. ”You see those greenhouses they have tens of acres of land you can plant anything you want and it grows all year long. This whole area is now heated it will never snow in here those are free clothes and armor honestly man how you guys didn't die off is a miracle to me this place is hell.” everyone at this point was too gobsmacked to reply they just stood there staring at me like I was some kind of monster. How rude.