Chapter 156 - 156. youve failed this city (1/1)
after spending time getting all the details worked out between me and the Martells I took a ship back to kings landing I could just apparate but there are so many spies it would make people ask questions like where I came from and how I got back so quickly.
I made some plans on how to spread my name to the common people and what needed to be fixed. first off there was that crazy cult in the city who worshipped the seven those guys needed to go all the did was take money and brainwash people. the next was all the waste and the beggars I'll try to find some jobs for them to do after I fix the sewage. I'll most likely offer things like free clothes and blankets and shoes. with small imprints of my banner on them I can buy bulk items from the shop like regular shirts pants and shoes pretty cheap for only a few hundred gold per like 10k shirts. maybe set up my hotspring noble phantasm after upgrading it with healing powers for the rich. so I can bleed them dry. I have plenty of plots.
A few days later we arrive and I'm met at the docks by Tyrion and Jon Arryn. we head to the area to buy plots of land and I gladly pick all the cheap areas in the slums close together. I'm simple going to tear down the shacks and build myself a nice place there. I mean basically in the kingdom a single gold dragon could feed an entire family for 3 months I have 60 thousand in the bank I can afford some slum shacks they get to work on renovating everything that day costing me not much due to vampire hypnosis. I even snuck in my elves to help speed up the process with some area wide magical spells making people think everything is going normally. I set up a few different buildings 1 homeless style shelter 1 clothing store 1 restaurant for the rich a distribution area for some of my liquors. the spa noble phantasm that's been enhanced with some of my water to make people more relaxed and their skin healthier it even has an autoclean function so the water never gets dirty. I set up my shadows to work the areas then I have a basic house for me with some nice wardstones from fleur to prevent robbers and other I'll reputed people from going near it. those are also put on all my shops anyone trying to cause trouble suddenly has some kind of emergency elsewhere. it's basically intent based wards. even if it is done magically it all still takes a while I have my shadows going around advertising to the rich and my homeless shelter is in a different area the funny thing is I feed the homeless pretty much the same thing I sell to the nobles for an arm and a leg.
I've set up a system with my shadows and the homeless if they work at cleaning the streets they get 3 pairs of shirts 2 pairs of pants and 1 pairs of shoes including some underwear they also get paid enough for 3 days of hot meals and a shower is given for free with stuff to get rid of lice and all they have to do is get a paper signed by the shadow foreman after a certain amount of cleaning picking up trash or helping with the sewer system which I mostly have the elves do magically. it's just a snap of their fingers and they love to work. and I'm basically making money out the ass.
nobles wives come in for the spa treatments I have my shadows extra handsome with some vampire allure and they just pay for massages baths hair treatments and they love that the water makes them feel and look younger.
next up is the booze it's all pure profit the gate regens it so fast I could give it away and still make profit I made it so it's just a little bit more expensive than regular crap they usually drink. so they pretty much have to buy my stuff. it's just so much better.
As for the restaurant fancy people come here to eat anything from pasta to chicken tenders and I can charge anywhere from 10 to 30 gold dragons a meal the lannisters just blow money like they are pouring out water. after this plan was done the city started to look so much better I started putting out more money for renovations to buildings making more jobs I started fixing the streets I made sure everything was advertised by my shadows in every part of the town from the inns to the brothels.
Jon Arryn started talking with me daily and I started to work on the city guard with some of them being replaced by my shadows and more of them being simply put under imperius curse if I found you a disgusting individual. you were forced to basically do everything I wanted and keep the city safe. robbers and rapists started to dissapear. (Alucard form had taken to visiting the prison cells I stocked with the nasties for more minions in his realm.) all in all crime dropped like a rock. the sect of the seven dissapeared one night and the books in the maesters library just caught fire (I stole them and set the place ablaze with random crappy books I could buy in bulk from the system) I was even there helping to put out the fire with the help of my homeless compatriots. I'm such a helpful person.
Me and Tyrion became the best of buds often with chess games and he gets all the free alcohol he can drink. I let him read from some of my library nothing incriminating just books not known to this world about tactics and leadership all that also I got him some sherlock holmes books and murder mysteries he like a good puzzle.
Petyr baelish was found dead in an alley with his purse gone. Seems like a mugging gone bad such a tragic sight. I told Jon he should offer the position to Tyrion he was good at saving money as much as he was spending it it was a good idea I even told Tyrion if he did good enough I'd provide free meals. he'd seen how much my meals cost and was all for it they were the most delicious things he's ever had. he truly loved babyback ribs with Jack Daniels BBQ sauce and caramelized onions.
I had set up shops in dorne and highgarden and had them manned just like the rest with my shadows. they were quite popular. much cheaper than kings landing though. I can't just ruin my future wives kingdoms financially now can i?