Chapter 128 - 128. everybody love video games (1/2)
The process of ten thousand questions continued on even the next day there were so many like what he did at hogwarts how was classes with famous teachers what Harry and the gang where like. He was forced to give her some magic books from class. She was very interested In potions since she could do that without magic. He showed her a gnome and even fawkes which she freaked out about, as he flamed onto his shoulder. it was like a new and magical world opened up for her and she acted just like he did when he first discovered magic. They left school so she could drop him off and she suddenly left out of nowhere apparently Billy and Jacob had come to visit with Charlie.
I waited for them to get into the house, Jacob was already climbing out of the car, his wide grin visible even through the darkness. In the passenger seat was a much older man, a heavyset man with a memorable face - a face that overflowed, the cheeks resting against his shoulders, with creases running through the russet skin like an old leather jacket. And the surprisingly familiar eyes, black eyes that seemed at the same time both too young and too ancient for the broad face they were set in. Jacob's father, Billy Black. I knew him immediately, though in the more than five years since I'd seen him last I'd managed to forget his name when Charlie had spoken of him my first day here. He was staring at me, scrutinizing my face, so I smiled tentatively at him. His eyes were wide, as if in shock or fear, his nostrils flared. My smile faded. I'll have to smack some sense into this one later on.
Billy still stared at me with intense, anxious eyes. I groaned internally. Had Billy recognized Amanda so easily? Could he really believe the impossible legends his son had scoffed at?
The answer was clear in Billy's eyes. Yes. Yes, he could.
I turned toward the house, beckoning to Jacob as I ducked under the porch. I heard Charlie greeting them loudly behind me.
”I'm going to pretend I didn't see you behind the wheel, Jake,” he said disapprovingly.
”We get permits early on the rez,” Jacob said while I unlocked the door and flicked on the porch light.
”Sure you do,” Charlie laughed.
”I have to get around somehow.” I recognized Billy's resonant voice easily, despite the years. The sound of it made me feel suddenly younger, a child.
I went inside, leaving the door open behind me and turning on lights before I hung up my jacket. Then I stood in the door, watching as Charlie and Jacob helped Billy out of the car and into his wheelchair.
I backed out of the way as the three of them hurried in, shaking off the rain.
”This is a surprise,” Charlie was saying.
”It's been too long,” Billy answered. ”I hope it's not a bad time.” His dark eyes flashed up to me again, their expression unreadable.
”No, it's great. I hope you can stay for the game.”
Jacob grinned. ”I think that's the plan - our TV broke last week.”
Billy made a face at his son. ”And, of course, Jacob was eager to see Ryan again,” he added. The call of video games is like sweet music to the ears of almost any boy.
”Are you hungry?” I asked, turning toward the kitchen.
”Naw, we ate just before we came,” Jacob answered.
”How about you, Charlie?” I called over my shoulder.
”Sure,” he replied, his voice moving in the direction of the front room and the TV. I could hear Billy's chair follow.