Chapter 118 - 118. mind games can be played both ways. (1/1)

I made my way over to a nice bench far away from any needles and pulled out my phone to watch some sparc mac videos while I wait for class to end. Amanda had apparently followed me and looked on in interest at my phone it was a newer galaxy. I think it's 2005 right now they don't have these what are they using flip phones still?

”That's a nice phone where did you get it?” she asked

”ah this well you see I'm really a time traveling wizard and this phone is from the future from the far off year of 2020.”

she just pouted ”if you don't want to tell me you don't have to I was just asking.” I laughed they never believe the truth.

”anyway what are you doing skipping class.” I asked

”Same reason as you.” Ah fear of needles is even prominent in vampires I understand. I nod my head sagely. then she starts asking a whole bunch of questions like what I do for fun and about my life. ”well I mostly spend time doing martial arts and hanging out with my harem you know classical boy things.”

Her eyebrows shot up ”what do you mean harem?!?” i look at her and smirk ”well you see I've got some secrets too probably more interesting than your secrets like I mentioned last time but your being the wishy washy type so I'm not going to tell you anything til you go first.” at the point she seemed to be processing everything I said with looks of confusion then anger then more confusion then disbelief then more confusion. I just smirked. she suddenly asked ”do you know what I am?” in concern and alarm I just smiled and replied. ”very attractive?” then went back to my video without a second glance at her.

we spent the rest of the time watching sparc mac pk dharoks sets and she was just thinking until the bell rang for me to go to gym I stood up and told her to have fun pondering. then said. ”open your mouth.” she complied instantly with a confused look wondering why she had. I put my hand in my pocket and withdrew a bloodpop from my gate and unwrapped it popping it into her mouth. I was curious if they worked in this world on these type of vampires I heard that all food they ate tastes like dirt. she let out a small moan and said. ”shoo good.” now that was a bit of a turn on. I guess they do work. she looked at me excitedly and asked ”what is this?!?!” I just smirked and headed to gym.

Little girl its too early to try to play mind games with me. after some nice dodge ball and fun in gym with Mike asking if I was going with them to the beach which I agreed I want to see the prewolf werewolves and see if I can feel anything off about them. magical or otherwise. after that it was time to head home I was walking to my truck when all of the sudden I was intercepted by a tiny blonde vampire. ”come I'm taking you home today we can talk more Don't worry about your truck I'll have Alice drop it off for you later.” I smirked ”aren't these situations flipped aren't I supposed to drive you home?” she just giggled and dragged me to her car. she started playing around with the music and asking me all sorts of common questions like about my family and my favorite books, my favorite colors, my favorite foods, my hopes and dreams. all sorts of random stuff it was a kind of relaxing mindless babble she tried to sneak in a question about what the bloodpops were I just ignored it with a smug grin and pulled out a few more to give to her. who would believe I kept vampire related foods in my gate? we made it to my house in record time her lowest speed was like 90mph. she asked one final question. ”how old are you ryan?” ”hmm that's a tough one physically I'm 17 but mentally I'm 61 this year.” she looked even more curious and confused ”well thanks for the ride make sure my truck is here or I'll just skip school and watch movies all day tommorow.” before she could ask anymore questions I left a few more bloodpops and headed into my house amidst her shocked gaze.

I learned apparently I wouldn't be seeing her for tommorow or the rest of the weekend as they were going 'camping' ah well my truck made it so I had to go to school tommorow.

I spent the night watching some nice YouTube finishing up my homework and having dipsy make some dinner the little elf really was a godsend we had babyback ribs with potato wedges covered in BBQ sauce with some cold Butterbeer Charlie seemed to love it and it was basically enchanted water so no calories this is the greatest thing a wizard ever invented.